

Attached: moo.png (1080x601, 93K)

Who even does that

>caring about sex
grow up, queer beer

fucking based

this board and /r/indieheads in a nut shell

Go back. Imagine sending music recs to a girl lmao

Pretty cool that they’ve studied Korean

Do over 166k people actually believe in this?

Jokes on you I don’t talk to women

Don't worry user I'm not a virgin so I've never done that

Everyone ITT has sent a girl a song link


Good bait

what if you're a girl sending recs to a guy....is this better or worse

Does this person exclusively crush on whores with no hobbies?

Sharing your hobbies and interests with others isnt cringe or bad, these losers just dont have friends.

I once made someone on tinder a spotify playlist

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Sharing hobbies in an attempt to get laid is what I was getting at. Sharing music with friends isn’t bad at all

It's okay user
As long as you never did anything that cringy again afterwards

Sex is just inconvenient masturbation.

i told her i was in love with her after she said she liked my bloody valentine - loveless, i put that song in the playlist. she ghosted me and never talked to me again. never tell a girl you love them it never ends well

You what lad

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small brain logic bro

its okay to say i love you. she wasn't ready for you and thats okay. love another girl.
another dumb twitter post
if you only sent that music in hopes she likes u more & wants to fuck you. then thats ur fault
send music because u love it & want them to experience the joy of good music

This is why I only go for girls who don't really use the internet.


same kek
I still follow one of my tinder dates on Spotify, and she still listens to some of the music I recced her

why are americans care so much sex ? & whos having sex with who?

Not the worst move depending on the girl, I did this a few weeks ago and we ended up talking about John Fahey

they're uptight faggots and don't fuck

>talk to a girl who loves music
>send some music
>never replied back
I don't get, how can you say like music but don't bother wanting to talk about it? do women actually like music, or is sex all they want?

women are feeling based. plus you're the 10th guy today to send them music.
mix it up & send them anime

>Sharing hobbies in an attempt to get laid

>implying the WHORE would still be my crush after sullying her temple
A true crush will save herself for you, will keep herself pure and true
Pic related is saving herself for me.

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Every time I see a post like this now I think of a school shooter in the making.

they're still a person i have a crush on though, is what i mean
i sent stuff to my friends all the time!

1. Chopping your penis off doesn't make you a girl
2. If not above, then larp.
3. If not any of above, then we all know you are ugly if you do shit like this. Stacy just sends "hi" to him on snap and he gets an instant boner.

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I don't know about you guys, but I'm a girl (biologically), and I find text recs/youtube links positively gentlemanly & charming

it's all about posturing, my fren

they'll always talk to people about how much they "love music", until you recommend them a late-era Webern piece or pic related

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I only send song recs to girls that I think they would like based on their musical tastes and always come out looking based and with good taste even though deep down knowing what I sent was complete garbage

they wanna cock suck
beach house and mitski all day

girls love sneed. i've feeded and seeded half a dozen chickens already