How does it feel that you spent days, hours, months and maybe years, searching for FLACs and wasting money on storage when you literally can't hear the difference between 320 and FLAC?
How does it feel that you spent days, hours, months and maybe years...
Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC.
Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.
192kbps all the way man.
I like living on the edge.
I'm dangerous that way.
I've been downloading mp3s for 12 years. Mp3 degredation is a myth faggots.
320 Is good enough for me. FLAC needs a lot of space storage
I 320 and I don’t keep FLAC but I do download FLAC with logs to transcode to 320 to make sure that I am not listening to a shitty lossy to lossy transcode
How autistic am I?
FLAC is for archiving you dingus. Storage, not listening. The CPU utilization for on the fly decompression alone makes it impractical for that.
I do the same, so i say youre based
Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is "lossy". What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.
I started collecting MP3s in about 2011, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange is well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place.
Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.
its the same with HD tv. apparently our eyes cant even notice the diff between HDultra & 4K and now they want to sucker us in 8k
but muh 70mm
192kbps is industry standard for digitial radio. if its good enough for that im ok with it
Are you saying that every mp3 file will lose 12kbs per year, or that if I have 10 mp3 files, all of them will lose 120kbs each per year? And what happens when they reach 0 by the way? Do they vanish? SWOOSH?
Nevermind, I suck cocks
much love for my man Rick Beato
stay strong stay strong
The dude's like 60 or something and doesn't even have perfect pitch. Funniest thing is that he's still lusting after that Nahre Sol gook pussy in every single comment section of hers.
ah, classic
idk but it's easier to find vinyl rips in flac
That's fine with me. I'll be able to get a 4k for insanely cheap in 2 years.
the only album I've ever felt like I've heard a difference is Pet Sounds. but honestly, I could have just downloaded two different masters or something
why would you even want vinyl rips?
cause many CDs have shit mastering
This is how I feel about almost all new technology
googled it l, and I guess you're right. actually when I think about it I think the Pet Sounds FLAC I was referring to there was a vinyl rip and the 320 one was a recent remaster.
guess I'll now start downloading vinyl rips and converting them to mp3s now
That's exactly what you're supposed to do
Don't bother converting to MP3, it's a relic of the past.
I'm assuming you're listening on a smartphone, but even if you're using a dedicated music device you should switch to using .opus or AAC for encoding.
Higher res, smaller file size. MP3 is a legacy format and there's no reason to use it in 2019
i exclusively listen to just WAV files. i have a seperate phone for every song i like
>1080p and up
>muh 60fps
Can't you see the emperors new clothes?
Can't you hear his tunes?
You aren't stupid are you?
I for one haven't fallen for any of these scams yet and I never will. And I'm damn proud of it.
Compressing music to make it lossy and loud actually improves the user experience.
Who else is from 256 kbit AAC Master Race gang here?
>And I'm damn proud of it.
You should.
I mostly listen on HD660s with a JDS Element dac+amp.
I've got about 600GBs of music in mp3s and I can't imagine how large it would be with lossless.
is aac or opus really that much better than mp3s and which one is better?
>not having a seperate DAC + AMP + headphone combo for each album in your library
never gonna make it
There actually is a noticeable difference between 30 and 60 fps
Human eye can't see anything beyond 24 fps.
if you can't see a difference between 30 and 60 fps there's something wrong with your eyes.
either that or you're like a friend of mine who confidently stated there's no difference between 30 and 60 fps but later found out his screen was only 30 Hz
>test subject sample size is 1 (one) person
every fucking time
based and objectively true
Enjoy your rotational velocidensity eating away at your bit rates over time you fucking plebs
then why not archive mp3s you dumb nigger?
put together 4 4k tvs and you get 8k. to say there is no benefit to it is retarded.
saving this copypasta
mp3 is lossy.
who are you quoting
>who are you quoting
>that 1 (one) person has perfect pitch, can hear sine wave up to 18.1 kHz and have a music degree from Berkley
You're also free to take the test yourself.
>you literally can't hear the difference between 320 and FLAC
Maybe you can't on your shitty iphone plugs but plug in some studio monitors with a high frequency range and the difference is night and day.
Why are there so many retards on this baord?
How about you watch the video you stupid fucking audio fool bastard?
This could be argued from a number of different angles, but I'm just going to give you one insurmountable fact:
- Mp3 is based on a *psychological* model of how we perceive sound.
- Sounds above 16kHz are degraded significantly and quiet signals that will be "masked" out by loud ones (not physically but in our hearing) are removed.
Any fucking dumbass can see that this won't work as well for all music, and it won't work as well on all people. These differences become even more pronounced when playing at loud volumes. It's exactly like telling me I can just save all of my photos in jpeg. You people should try thinking about this for 5 seconds instead of just believing bullshit some sperg said on youtube.
I did. So what.
If you can't hear the difference on quality speakers you're deaf'as fuck. MP3 format sounds more compressed.
That copypasta is more of a joke about how an mp3 you downloaded off Limewire in 2000 sounds like shit compared to virtually any modern .mp3 file due to improvements in encoding tech over the years.
Much truth in this post
It's been about 5 years since I've seen this pasta
>'rotational velocidensity'
Every time
rick beato is an out of touch boomer retard who just likes to show off how his autistic son has perfect pitch, fuck that guy
A reminder that this fag made excuses just so he wouldn't have to encode to flac for his shitty album.
He also doesn't understand that it isn't about frequency and is about hearing the audio differences between different instruments and not having them blend into each other and sound like pure shit