Frances the Mute

I still can’t stop listening to it

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The first 3 songs are perfect then it trails off.
My god do those first 3 in particular go off.

You don’t like Miranda and Cassandra??

But Cassandra Gemini is the best song on the album user

I'm not saying they are bad, but really, compared to those first 3, they are nothing, imo.

Here's a redpill: amputechture is the superior album.

Man this album is awesome. Can't blame you.
Somewhat agree... although the first two TMV albums has this more tight concept, or at least it feels like that.

absolute brainlet

woah there bucko deloused is the best album by a mile

I’d argue it’s Francis desu, shit is wild

It's the best prog album since the golden age of prog. Cassandra Gemini is one of the best songs of all time.

Amputechture is great overall but contains vermicide, the Volta's first bad song (el ciervo vulnerado is good, fight me). Day of the baphomets is amazing though.


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Love listening to it when reading manga, but I prefer deloused and bedlam

Literally an album for virgins
t. Frances the Mute is my favourite album and I'm a virgin


Attached: amputechture.jpg (500x500, 28K)

> he hasn't taken the octahedronpill yet

>there are people in this thread right now who don't think With Twilight As My Guide is the best mars volta song

For me it's Deloused

Youre using the meme wrong

Literally has one good song although it's their best song

Anyone who says Deloused is their best is retarded

Cassandra > Cygnus > title track (not included) > L'Via > Miranda > The Widow