Yea Forums's consensus on black fishing in the music industry

Why is it so much easier for a white person to blatantly blacken themselves in the music industry compared to film/TV?. Hell, Disney even made sure the voice cast of the live action lion king was primarily black, and it's not like black people haven't been complaining. see

is the music industry secretly based maybe?

Attached: ariana BLACKED before&after.jpg (1276x850, 745K)

I have no idea what you mean, perhaps if you could elaborate....

Seems more like she was trying to look more white when she was younger. what's her ethnicity?

right is better looking

wtf are you talking about, her skin colour is the same in both pics
stay in /pol/ you fucking subhuman garbage

No it's not

And she's Italian anyway, she's brown, just depends on if she is in the sun or goes tanning or wears makeup or doesn't, and who cares she sucks

White people get red when they are in sun, brown people get tan, black people get black

Attached: ariana-grande-wat-aah.jpg (615x615, 267K)

popstar wears blackface=good
actor wears blackface=bad

>muh pol


>black people haven't been complaining
when you have more than 50% of the total population in the USA people might listen
if anything niggas are over represented in media & music given their small population subset

>in the music industry

you do realize regular white women do this as well?

pale is considered unattractive and not hip, and in this political climate being white in general is not really "good". the white guilt makes them even date black men. yes, they fuck black guys because of that. that also fits with ariane grande

black fishing will not stop as long as the worshiping of black culture will continue. white people WANT to be black. it's easier for white women to do it, simply because of their gender and privilege.

go look at rachel dolezal. white people are fucked up. you can blame their white guilt for that.

Why are mutts so obsessed and schizophrenic about race?

100% white. Her parents are of Italian descent.

Attached: arianay100jingleballbs-26.jpg (5184x3456, 2.6M)


idi nahui dalbayob

Attached: mutt.png (741x649, 23K)

Black face? That’s just a spray tan tho?

Italiand are not white you illiterate ameridumb

Beisintas ir raudontabletintas

xujarink su savo tom tabletem narkomanas tu

Okej okej tik nepyk taip

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Strangely this is a horseshoe theory issue. In far left circles there’s been rising dislike of Ariana for appropriation/blackface

They need a distraction from all the school shootings.

Attached: EBF4xTsU0AAXefv.jpg (567x740, 105K)

>brown people get tan
so half of europe isn't white cause they don't burn like nordcucks? yeah fuck off

white is more pleasing to the eye where looking and sounding ethnic gives you more cache music wise i guess

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