There are people on this board who pretend to like music for street cred

There are people on this board who pretend to like music for street cred
There are people on this board who get their music from youtube-dl
There are people on this board who take fagtano seriously
There are people on this board who take scaruffi seriously
There are people on this board who use spotify
There are people on this board who listen to shoegaze

How does it feel to share this board with such filth, Yea Forums?

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what's wrong with spotify

Artists don't make much from it, ads are fucking annoying, crap audio quality.


adblock it retard

As software for playing music it's inferior to mpd and foobar and if you can't set those up you're a brainlet.

I like music. :)

Shitty tagging system, horrendous audio quality, and it was made by jews

>There are people on this board who get their music from youtube-dl
>There are people on this board who use spotify
Nothing wrong with that

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>there are people on this board that call certain music "challenging" or "difficult"

>Artists don't make much from it
So buy the music then if it's an artist you actually care about
>ads are fucking annoying
Pay for premium then, it's cheap already but it's half price if you have access to a student email, even if you aren't a student anymore
>crap audio quality.
This one is a total myth, even with the free version you can change audio quality in settings. Also it's been proven time and time again that audiophiles are basically deluded, the vast, vast majority of people cannot distinguish any difference in quality beyond 192kbps. It's all placebo.

>Artists don't make much from it
we all pirate everything anyways
>ads are fucking annoying
we all use adblock anyway
>crap audio quality
it is far, far, far better than any other streaming service in terms of audio quality.

most normies can't stand to listen to Yoko Ono for more than 10 seconds.

copy delete

Yeah because her music is trash

The android app is a buggy and slow piece of shit

yes it is difficult to listen to
thus it is challenging and difficult to sit through her music

Not gonna lie. I was offended that shoe-gaze was mentioned in the OP

shit taste

>mobile spotify
it is complete trash. desktop is fine.

Go organize your Radiohead flacs. Literally no point in torrenting music unless it’s not on streams.

>There are people on this board who listen to shoegaze
kys faggot. Shoegaze is the best genre

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Nice Im none of those.

You should only be paid to perform music live.

literally nothing. it's the easiest way to be introduced to new music along with youtube and soundcloud for non published songs

Forget it, Jake. It's the internet

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>there are faggots like OP who can stop crying for dicks

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based movie