who gives a fuck if someones an industry plant? if their musics good their musics good. they just had an advantage in getting noticed, so what?
Who gives a fuck if someones an industry plant? if their musics good their musics good...
Good music only comes from hungry, ignored, creative people who have something to prove to the world...and usually they aren't rich. Usually they were poor, bullied, molested, etc etc.
Imagine being this autistic
pic unrelated, that shit will not age well
The issue with Clairo is that her music is fucking shit and that it is build on a foundation of lies.
She also can't sing for shit, just check out her live shows.
so making music as a happy person suddenly invalidates the musics quality? what?
Yea but Clairo makes bad music
Jim Morrison was literally the son of a naval commander and no one gives a shit
Her live voice is the same as her studio voice. the studio music is good. What's your problem? Faggot?
for someone who makes bad music she sure has a big following. a following that isnt possible by industry plantation as people make the conscious decision to follow what was advertised to them.
him and his father weren't on speaking terms and his father's influence on his musical career is virtually nonexistent, this is a failed analogy.
It's not about happy, it's about hungry. Comfortable people don't work to make good art because they don't need to, they are already self validated and comfortable, their life doesn't depend on whether their song is good or not, so they don't even try.
This is why artists like Clairo produce such mediocrity that lacks any fire or passion.
Bowie was rich kid trying to do gimmicks to get notice. The 60s equivalent to "Bitch, I'm a cow."
Because the music industry feeds you corrupting dogshit just like the movie and food industries? The process of massification literally wants you to consume the same professionally composed shit that will never elevate you to a higher state, your brain and your intestines will literally rot away slowly and you will all think the same.
Clairo's music isn't good
>who cares if they’re a plant, as long as their music is good
I agree, good music is what really matters
But Clairo’s music sucks so she’s still shit
clairo's not gonna fuck you, incel
>who gives a fuck if someones an industry plant?
i'd imagine real artists, also people who appreciate organic music
Hope she sees this bro!
clairo's too extreme for me, i prefer something more peaceful like cannibal corpse
>naval commander
ahh yes famously naval commanders have controlled the music industry and had massive studio sway, I'm sure his command of the navy had a massive effect on Morrison's studio career.
>who gives a fuck if someones an industry plant
I do. Fuck all industry plants and they all get exposed eventually
based retard
When are we going to get our next Kurt Cobain to BTFO all the phonies and bring back the concept of genuine to music?
>industry plants
>making good music
that's an extreme unlikelihood
post proof
They can't.
Based if unironic
Cringe if ironic
The music industry is bullshit, but who cares. I agree op. Why music fans give a fuck about what's being promoted is beyond me. It has no affect on you unless you can't find music on your own
hippy revolution and most popular music from that era is a CIA psyop
are u really this autistic?
As far as I'm concerned, the controversies over Clairo and Billie Eilish begin and end with transparency.
Both of these girls have an image which is supposed to convey a kind of counter-cultural, DIY ethic; in Billie's case, publications will go so far as to make all sorts of hyperbolic statements about how she's "subverting the dominant paradigm of pop music" and "giving the industry the proverbial middle finger". When, in reality, both of these girls blew up primarily thanks to the fact that their families have industry ties (again, in Billie's case she was literally born into and raise in the industry since nearly everyone in her family are actors/musicians).
It has almost nothing to do with their music and much more to do with the fact that the public feels deceived.
>She also can't sing for shit, just check out her live shows.
Neither can Billie. Watch any of her live performances from 2019 (NOT 2017 when her voice was still crisp) and you'll notice how she struggles to stay on-key and in many cases just lets the audience do the singing for her.
what you described is the media's fault, not the artist. try again faggot
she looks like she already hit the wall in recent interviews/pictures.
she will an hero by late 20s
Actual DIY artists have control over their images.
Artists have no obligation to consistently defend against praise given by articles lol
They have personal responsibility to set the record straight and not lie about their backgrounds.
So if you don't go and cry to the huffington post when they say your music sounds emo, you're a liar? do u realize how cucked your logic sounds?
Please learn how to argue
>eating shit up from the industry
no thanks, I prefer Bartok.
not an argument
I have nothing to argue against
not an argument
Did you read Billie's recent interview with Rolling Stone? She flat-out lied about her background, claiming her parents were "poor" and how they "barely got by" (despite having enough money to put their kids in professional music/dance lessons, turn their son's bedroom into a professional recording studio, and flip houses; not to mention all their Hollywood connections).
That's what I man by deception. I can't speak too much on Clairo but Billie has done everything she can to make herself seem like an underdog when she never was.
Great one, bro
but clairo it's not good
argument percentage: 0
Unfortunately, you have it backwards. For people who call Clairo and other artists "industry plants," the fact that they are industry plants is self-evident because they make bad music. They are attempting to create a narrative that validates their assessment of the quality of the music.
believe it or not but the entire worlds music tastes don't revolve around yours faggot
imagine thinking bartok isn't pop
You're shifting this argument into Billie Eilish. Billie eilishis 1 person. who gives a fuck about billie eilish? we're talking about the idea of being bought easily into frontpage advertising
Just keep listening to your boring npc pop
n o t
a n
a r g u m e n t
Your OP said "industry plants" so I was assuming you meant all plants, not just Clairo.
Lets talk about something else
What kind of music do you like?
schottis & ragtime
is that some kind of indie bookstore?
not an argument
Pretty based actually
not an argument either
n a n
Give at least ONE example of where a supposedly "legit" artist has done this
Protip - you cant
he just wishes he was a popular artist so he can "set the record straight" but he'll always be making campfire acoustic covers
>billie eilish makes shit mus-
People will undermine the musical value of billie eilish because they want to look cool and hip. "wahhhh i listen to qwweeeeen and dwyavidwyd booweeeee"
Sounds like something they play inside fast fashion joints.
Maybe they do play it inside fast fashion joints. Does that automatically make it shit? No.
Clair-o is objectively good. She has a relaxed lo-fi style and emotes well thru her singing
If she was an industry plant her stuff would be way more produced
The idea that her dad is in marketing and therefore somehow made her a success just goes to show what kind of children are in this board with no life experience. Her dad is probably just some douche trying to grind away some sort of career in desperation for some corporate marketing firm while you attribute magical powers to him to make his cute, adorable , talented daughter famous
You all care far more about marketing and appearance than anything , if she was pitched as some sort of autist daniel Johnston making lo fi tapes you eat it up, but cuz she is some sort of upper middle class thot you cant handle it
essentially, believing clairo is an industry plant makes you all fucking beta incels.
actually based opinion, user. i like you.
i'd plant my dick in her mouth, if you catch my cold
I believe in this with a passion. art is ultimately a form of expression so, there has to be something that is meant to be explained to an audience. if you have nothing to tell, chances are your art will lack depth (not necessarily quality) and this just be plain boring
clairos song messages dont have any less depth just because she has more money than u u fucking donkey
>muh poverty
Did Bowie actually play any instruments/write the actual music of his music or did he just write lyrics, sing okay and just generally be a kooky guy in a time when it was novel?
Classic Claire
No, it's because she's not a musician. She's just a frontwoman for her brother.
You're dense ain't you?
nirvana was never good
you should finish your greentext since you proved it to be correct
Explain yourselves clairo fags
Who was in the wrong here?
keep swallowing the anaesthesia
I never even said Pop is bad. Clairo is just trash and that's all.
pop is bad and so is bartok
The problem with industry plants is the fact that they get successful even if their music isn't good, which is bad because it creates an unfair landscape within the music industry and might introduce a slew of musicians who are influenced by shitty music. It's actively destructive for music.
If you're a good musician, you don't need to be an industry plant. People will find you on their own.
why is that and what do you listen to mate? I agree that some Pop can be really shitty and untasteful (like The Beatles) but a lot of it can be great music to listen to with company (like The Beach Boys, Queen, and Bart Bacharach)
>why is that
open the eyelid
it is everywhere, but it cannot be all
see the space
>what do you listen to
recordings are too easy to temper with and to hard to vet
it's better just to read sheet music
But Billie and Clairo make excellent music, from their bedrooms no less.
The quality of music is one thing, but the bigger issue here is deception and transparency. And I know the typical retort will be something along the lines of: "well yeah all of Hollywood is fake", but we're talking about specific marketing strategies here. Portraying Clairo and Billie as "she's just making music in her bedroom and happened to strike gold" leaves out the fact that both of them come from families with industry ties and couldn't have gone viral or gotten signed and promoted without said ties.
>But Billie and Clairo make excellent music
Billie makes run-of-the-mill stuff with some highlight tracks here and there.
Clairo makes shit. Fucking garbage.
>if their musics good
Which it isn't. Her music is bland washed out dream pop and only gets rotation because of nepotism. That's what people mean when they talk about her being an industry plant.
Not going to lie, I can at least give Clairo a few points for impressing me a little bit. Her album was a bit better than I expected it to be. Billie, on the other hand, disappointed me, since I was expecting her album to be a lot more edgy and experimental when half the songs on the album were pop.
Overall I think both of their albums are 5/10.
What value lol.
Clairo, for talking shit about the Snail.
any clairo fr*ends here?