Outgrow metal

>outgrow metal

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>getting in to metal at all

Metal is the best music regardless of your preference

It is the music, it is power, it is fire, it is thunder, it is lightning, it is excitement, it is danger, it is light, it is dark, it is amazing.

When did you finally grow out of metal Yea Forums?

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>outgrow certain types of music

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No wonder people want to grow out of metal with posts like these.

I had a reddit posting friend who said he outgrew metal and looked down on my for still liking it. He was a sociopath though and had no sincere thoughts about anything but got all his talking points from reddit and crafted his outward identity based on what seemed socially superior.

>he doesn't like Sabbath and Manowar
beta FUCKING male

>not outgrowing metal

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>heh i outgrew metal

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I have never a metal fan who wasn't a beta soiboi.

why does thjs shitty board have such a hateboner for metal, serious question

Hipsters don't like metal because it represents everything they "stand against"

what do "hipsters" even stand for anyways?

I'm going to make a new genre and call it "carbon fiber"

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what elements does this genre have?

Well first it's got to have carbon in it, you know? Because you can set carbon on fire, but you can't set metal on fire, right? Then it's got to be all stringy like. Like spaghetti. Yeah.

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I agree if your idea of metal is slipknot, machine head, trivium and so on.
I disagree if your idea of metal il the black ravens of megiddo, astronauts of landscape, inverted cross on a pale, suffocation of the waters, and so on.

chugging soi and sucking cock, with the new fantano approved memerap flavor of the month playing in the background of course


Good job OP
Few people are THAT based namebro (fag)
Sadly Yea Forums won't but ideally during or right after highschool
Because its boring. Hardcore punk, electronic, jazz, zeuhl and funk are all more interesting styles of music.

I didn't outgrow metal but I did outgrow some of the bands I used to listen to.
If you unironically listen to entry-level shit without any fusion genres you need to slit wrists.

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Hey nice glasses, whoops, I just broke them in half
Hey nice mustache, whoops I just pissed in it with my dick in your face

Now what?

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I'll admit, punk metal fusion is the bomb. Best of both worlds.

metal is for white people who use internet a lot, thats why

>If you unironically listen to entry-level shit without any fusion genres you need to slit wrists.
This depends entirely on what you're referring to...these days, fucking Coal Chamber is "obscure" and anything "core" or modern is "entry level"

Mostly metal fans
Metal fans are the most obnoxious music subgroup
Nothing wrong with the music though

Growing out of something when you realize it's juvenile is not the same as hating something.

No it doesn't hate metal at all
Its just the hardcore punk fags or (wigger) hip hop fans who bash on that genre
Kpop and rap is more hated on this board

>Metal fans are the most obnoxious music subgroup
Black metal fans are, hipsters are, and alternative rockers are. I don't think we need to mention mainstream hip hop fans or "poptimists", but them too. Regular metalheads are the most based.

I like the intersection between prog and mathcore personally

No offense, but if you consider this normie uber polished stuff not "entry level" but hate on trad metal bands people actively have to seek out of a pure interest in metal to even know about anymore, you're kinda nuts.

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the only djent i ever actually liked was corelia and vola