>mos def
>socially conscious hip hop
Mos def
>this is america
mos def is good on two words
>hip hop is for fags. I only listen to classical and metal.
>white in america
can you please go back to pol
Clones who probably drive the same fucking F150
Aren't these the guys who call people NPCs?
You should have closed your borders if you didnt want /pol/ to immigrate here
this doesn't even make sense
these people look like they listen to van halen and led zeppelin, maybe even jazz
your entire post is another example why the left can't meme because you can't even get things right
They want to be seen as rugged yet sophisticated, so they'll namedrop Mozart and Beethoven to "own the libs"
no they don't
specially not mozart
stop making shit up
>ben shapiro
Thank you for admitting you were wrong.
Thank you for admitting I was right
If that makes you feel better.
I only care about facts, not feelings.
Does Sharpio look like any of those people in your image in regards to how they dress, how old they are, how they're groomed, or even how they pose for photos? Fuck you're retarded.
Sharpio looks like every braindead pseud who's trying to lend some kind of credit to his views by looking like he imagines serious people look.
Doesn't change the fact that you're too retarded to stay consistent with your shitty memes, only proving
I'm not him, I'm another dude jumping in to explain why Benji elects to look like he does. Not that it matters.