is the guitarist in Ceremony a tranny now?
Is the guitarist in Ceremony a tranny now?
trans rights are human rights.
Trans people are mentally ill.
trans rights are human rights
Did you select the wrong file or are you just really bad at this?
"trans" "people" are mentally ill crossdressers
grimes boyfriend, that dude from default genders or whatever, is transitioning
it's a common thing going on with white males now
>that boomer filename
can you post reTHUGlicans.jpg next
top left is cute though.
Holy fuck Jaime Brooks is transitioning?
I remember this dude from fucking hipinion. He's a fat white guy and probably in his late 30s. Oh god no dude this will not end up well.
what the fuck happened, how could they go from making god tier hardcore to limp nu male post punk revival shit that would embarrass Interpol?
trans rights are human rights
hardcore bands switching genres has been a thing forever dating back to Into Another
it's just that ceremony sucks really bad at it for some reason
whatever m8
repeating what you said doesn't make it true
It knows that, but it has no ability to see that after AIDS rotted its brain away.
someone's validation isn't based on how well they pass. trans rights are human rights.
This is what undiagnosed adult autism looks like
being mommypilled is both saner and healthier than being a tranny which involves both chemically and physically castrating yourself
second to last one on the top row isn't too bad
Trans rights are human rights, babe.
you're gay
No they're not.
Pedo rights are human rights
human rights don't exist
his old elite gymnastics shit was pretty decent, i can only imagine how terrible his music is now
Not one said Trump didn't have rights
>from whence
>using Trump and not Biden
NPC alert
jesus christ you're unfunny
yeah thats kind of the point
Hi Trumpy. How's the Putin/Jong cockholsting going?
"Trans rights" has been transitioning from the belief that we should try and help people with an incurable neurological disorder instead of deriding the and making their lives even more of a living hell (don't get it wrong - no matter what they will always suffer gender dysphoria), to the belief that we should try and create people who have it
For example, the vast majority of children who exhibit gender non-conforming behavior only go through a brief period of weak gender dysphoria and grow up to be gay. They may have a resurgence of "high cognitive" dysphoria but if they accept themselves as gay it disappears. The current trans rights push is that they should be chemically sterilized so that the 1% who does end up having lifelong untreatable dysphoria can be prettier. However, the sterilization method is highly flawed (GNRH antagonists retard brain development and reduce the recidivism rate to 0% by preventing the emergence of their actual gender identity, effectively turning people trans with the help of "gender affirmation" therapy) and catches far too many boys who would have just been garden variety fags and turns them into eternally neurotic pseudo-women who are less sexually and mentally functional than bruce jenner looking "ladies".
>trans rights is sterilizing gays to prevent the spread of the gay gene and making them pretty so nobody has to buttfuck a gross hairy man
he's always dressed faggy, I think he's just gay, not a tranny
This is what I dislike about the transgender hysteria, no one can cross dress or act androgynously flamboyant anymore without being labelled as being trans
>Yea Forums - tranny debates
so it has come to this
i thought being a tripfag circlejerk was bad
how are the 2 most active threads on Yea Forums debates about transsexuals 0.2% of the population....
rights don't exist
jénder is bourgeois
also idealism
transwomen are incels
this is funded and promoted by pharmaceutical companies and right wing elements
Trans Rights are transphobic
zionism is antisemitic
democrats are right wing
world peace is imperialist hegemony
smoke meth
read vedas
listen to music
How do these people sleep at night?
They're LARPing. It's all pretend play.
I hope you're right.
>The current trans rights push is that they should be chemically sterilized so that the 1% who does end up having lifelong untreatable dysphoria can be prettier
Can I get a source on this? Sincerely asking, I haven't heard of this. Also there have been studies which concluded that acceptance (or lack of thereof) has contributed to the suicide statistics.
flagboarders pls go