What are the best pop-punk covers of 80s/90s songs?

What are the best pop-punk covers of 80s/90s songs?

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>that image
I feel personally attacked

it's a non zoomer thing, you wouldn't understand

early 2000s to me was some chad dude named drew banging all the pop punk girls and those stupid star tattoo tramp stamps


>that AOL chat
what went wrong with the internet? I.... I just want to go back

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AOL happened.

>tfw still friends with all my AIMer scene buddies and we migrated to Skype and Discord when AIM officially shut down a few years ago

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NOFX has an interesting jazz version of minor threats straight edge

Neck deep covers torn by natalie imbruglia

NOFX has an interesting jazz version of minor threats straight edge

Sum 41 played master of puppets good

It was pretty surprising to me during the "MTV Icon" thing for Metallica which was mostly nu-metal bands, that they had the most faithful renditions of Metallica, they gained my respect after that and I was surprised to find their second album actually is pretty metal at parts, at least as far as pop punk goes.

>NOFX has an interesting jazz version of minor threats straight edge
Yeah I've heard that NOFX has an interesting jazz version of minor threats straight edge


Sorry my internet fucking spiked and I didn’t realized it sent

Didn’t have to be a dick fag

But how interesting is that NOFX jazz version of minor threats straight edge?can you give it a rating out of 10 for me?

I mean, I don’t really like pop punk but it’s oretty interesting dawg like 6/10

I don't really know what I'd call CKY, but it wouldn't be pop punk...I guess I'd just lump them in with alternative rock or alternative metal.

I don’t know nigger go listen to it I’m no longer under age so I can’t listen to that shit

I like this one by The Get Up Kids


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Hey, I heard NOFX has a jazz version of Minor Threat's "straight edge". Can anyone confirm that?

I'm 30 years old and this describes my middle school to a T.

Ow, the flashbacks. Can I sue you?

Dickies will never go out of style. I've been wearing them since 99.

nigger has an interesting way of asking people to force feed him music, can you confirm?

Not the oversized shorts ones that go down to your ankles I hope.

he means In east La