ITT: bands/musicians you like that are shit live

ITT: bands/musicians you like that are shit live

Attached: warpaint.jpg (652x408, 95K)


blink 182



Billie Eilish

the black keys.

Deftones, Slipknot

I saw warpaint live in 2012, shit was pretty cash tb h

uncle acid and the deadbeats

Every single rapper.

Damon Albarn

Smashing Pumpkins.

Huh? Billy is such a perfectionist though. Do you not like their live performance because they are too robotic?

All wrong

Grizzly Bear was really disappointing at Coachella 2013 but that might’ve been a sound issue

I don't get it. I love blink because of nostalgia and all that but man they suck live. To the point I'm like how the fuck did they think they were any good at music? (None of this applies to Travis)

Billy and his engineers put a lot of work into making the live versions of the songs, as everything past Siamese Dream began to use layering to create the wall of guitar sound. To be able to play it live as written originally would require way more guitarists.
Live versions of Smashing Pumpkins songs are stripped down to the utmost important parts, with a lot of effect magic happening to give a thicker sound.

Thanks for explaining. I knew they tour with 3 guitarists now, but I guess that isn't even enough.

>was in a ska band
>drummer friend and I did most of the writing
>ended up sounding a lot like Pain
>wrote a couple songs I really like
>horn section would never fucking practice and we sounded like boiled ass live
it's my old band
it still hurts

People don't talk about Holy Shit very much but they're an underrated band. I like their records but my god they are terrible live. I saw them last year opening for John Maus and they were drunk, constantly off time, the live mix was terrible, but somehow I was still into it. Either way to me they are *the* quintessential good-on-record-but-terrible-live band because of how bad they are live.

Their claim to fame is that their first album heavily features Ariel Pink as a band member and song writer.

Matt Fishbeck is the real Holy Shit "guy" and has released the rest of the Holy Shit music as a solo artist. I actually spoke to him once and he said that his has 5 entire finished albums recorded and ready to be released but can't get a record deal because of his obscurity.

Attached: holyshit-chrisowens-arielpink.jpg (500x375, 59K)

go to bed grandpa

interesting, these bands are pretty good live, or at least, sound the same/better than their studio recordings

slipknot and bands of that genre rely too much on pro tools editing so their tight sound is hard to replicate live, not to mention the vocal effects and different peaks and valleys a single song goes through, its sort of impressive that they do it well enough that they're a viable live band

deftones were not as reliant on heavy editing on pro tools so their live stuff is pretty good imo, chino's vocals are never the same but his effort and the bands energy is always great

rap vocals =/= sung vocals, so the acoustic difference between the voice you use when recording in a booth totally changes when you perform in a giant open space, it's nearly impossible to retain the same voice because that booth voice is generally going to be way softer than what you would use in an open space, which is why most rappers live are yelling and not in the same timbre or feel as the original recording, one of the flaws of rap/hiphop music live

including gorillaz, yes agreed.

thats sort of a cop out, even a symphonic piece can be arranged down to 4 voices so the smashing pumpkins' rock music isn't so layered that it can't be properly played live. i've always felt they sounded really good live, in most line ups. the last tour was as good as it gets to being prime 90s pumpkins, the only difference is billy doesn't go for the screams he used to do in the 90s, he's choosing to save is voice now so a lot of the 'bite' in his vocals is gone. even the last tour had a few screams in but halfway through the tour he stopped doing them, kind of lame but at least the band sounds good.

shut up retard

effortpost fag

fag retard, fag cunt

I wasn't the original user that posted Smashing Pumpkins, I was just explaining to the other user why someone may think that Smashing Pumpkins wouldn't be as good live. Billy did figure out pretty effective ways of stripping it down to around 3 or 4 guitar parts.
I saw them on the Shiny, Oh so Bright tour as well in KC, and while Billy most definitely doesn't have the voice he had in his younger years, I still felt they did a pretty amazing job.
Sadly I was born a tad late to hear them in their prime, so I have no reference for that personally.

sad really?