Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's real.
Dang, this black person happens to be uninformed on world history. Let's use this to twist a narrative that all black people are stupid! It will be megakekzorz!
>tfw this guys is known as one of the "smart rappers"
Let's not.
>he uses CNN
Sure, but it's true. Can someone link the tweets? He never even took them down
>blacks are ignorant
where's the lie though
>his media impressed programming kicks in
Try harder kiddo
White people have said shit way more off-base than this, though. Just look at the "flat earth" theory.
Based and redpilled
>[Post a Reply]
there is no false narrative to twist though. thats just the way it is. nigggers r dum
Why does any care that it's true? If you want to read people saying factually incorrect, stupid shit you don't have to try very hard. The only thing different here is it's a musician saying it. Big. Fucking. Deal.
that mostly black celebs propagate lol. black people are more stupid than whites but they’re good at sports and music so it levels out
>black celebs propagate flat earth
Delusional lol
There's BOB and that's literally it
Literally no one said that all black people are stupid. I think the implication is that most of them are, which is objective fact. See this guy for an example.
>it may have actually happened but only Breitbart reported it so nah
The mind of a child
ok racist
>"flat earth" theory
Jewish false flag. white people are statistically smarter than blacks.
All people that read Breitbart are stupid. Prove me wrong.
These are the people ruining your music board, Yea Forums.
>These are the people ruining your music board, Yea Forums.
>He never even took them down
Seems like he did, unless I'm retarded:
Wow great music thread OP! I'm so glad this board isn't flooded with underage /pol/tards desperately trying to make the most thinnly veiled political shitposts possible!
seething redditor. take your low effort 'epic wojak edits' and go back to /r/t_D
No, it's still the K-Pop posters.
where's the lie?
It's actually true though, he was just ahead of his time to see through the lies and propaganda of the current Nazi state in america, stay woke.
K-Pop is music, racism isn't, and politics isn't either. Keep seething.
nice projection, but if you really don't like it here /r/indieheads might be better for you
Wow, sounds like you know a lot about reddit!
>n-no u
Go home redditor.
Nice dubs you nazi fuck
>black people
>rap music
fuck off, now.
The redditor cries out in pain as he strikes you.
>f-fuck off!!!
roll btw
I can hear this picture
>no! i'm not a redditor! you're a redditor! go back to /pol/!!!
>the redditor posts another wojak edit from his 2.5 gb folder
Why are so many seething so hard that other people notice that a dumb black rapper is a literal retard? It’s pretty common, get over it
nice strawman
schizo tier image btw
I’m sure a lot of retards read Breitbart. You can seethe as hard as you want, but this really happened even if CNN isn’t talking about. He’s not less of a retard cause some other retard reads some site that makes you shit your pants with anger, don’t know what else to tell you
stop replying to me. i'm not wasting anymore time arguing with a literal reddit tranny.
>S-stop picking apart my strawmans and exposing my faggotry!!!
lmao cope more
what an embarrassing individual you are
you people need to fucking relax with the constant aggressive political shit on every board all damn day
85-90 really is their national average IQ.
50% fall below that number.
An inability to parse sarcasm is a symptom of autism, user. You might wanna get yourself checked.
Why would CNN care about some random rapper's twitter? BAHAHAHA, just walk away from the screen, dude.
>le quirky reddit humor xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lol i am so smart
>woke rapper is a retard
What's new? Activist celebrities are dumb and so are rappers, how could the intersection be different?
They're better informed than 90% of congress and the POTUS tho. The literal state of 'Fats.
Seethe more
>an attempt at sarcasm can't be embarrassing
what an embarrassing individual you are
you only think its embarrassing because i disagree with your low iq politic views ;)
>seethe more
gay fag, face the wrath of my friend twilight sparkle cane face!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *blast blast blast*
u ded alalalaa
seethe more
it was from breitbart thus this is fake news. #nazipropaganda
dilate kiddie
nice dubs you nazi fuck
they can't
this is all they have in their lives
>Why would CNN care about some random rapper's twitter like just walk away dude you’re embarrassing yourself LMMMAAOOOO
>CNN search for “Kanye West twitter” returns 225 results
I can’t imagine BTFOing myself this hard
>has to cherrypick from the entertainment section
what an embarrassing individual you are
>this is all they have in their lives
Said the dude who made it his life purpose to fight us lol
seethe more
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Be careful with your tacit admissions there user
>18 months ago
that was my first post ITT
Man, that’s rough Talib.
Black Star was still the best underground album ever fuck you Yea Forums
Yes, most of the hundreds of articles CNN writes about rappers are indeed located in the entertainment section, but I did search the whole site which you would already know if you weren’t retarded
Yeah, you searched the whole site and then went to an article in the entertainment section.
>entertainment section shouldnt have articles on huge rapper producers
Lmao, what should they write about? Jordan Peterson uploads?
I'm checking your post history right now and you're right actually. My bad.
>lol CNN doesn’t care about some random rapper’s twitter retard hahahahahah LMAO just get out bro like just stop
>hahahahaha of course CNN writes tons of articles about the twitters of random rappers lol what are you retarded? Hehehehe wowowowow like seriously man just stop you’ve been BTFO man LOOOOLLLL
Im not the same guy. Assuming that's you in the pic?
So this is the power of conscious hip hop.