Is there anything worse than pop culture slacktivism?

Is there anything worse than pop culture slacktivism?

Attached: thisisamerica.png (639x628, 380K)

At least he did it legally

Yeah, making off-topic threads about it because minorities make you seethe.
You're gonna reply to this post and imply I'm a minority, a transsexual, a homosexual, or a redditor.

always weirds me out when these kinds of people are like “THIS IS WHAT AMERICA LOOKS LIKE! LOOK AT THE COLOR OF MY SKIN. I AM AMERICA” relax abdul

I wholeheartedly welcome this new American citizen with open arms.

Dilate, nigger tranny redditor faggot

I saw a brown person today, YUROP IZ IN RUINS!!1!

Attached: EBF4xTsU0AAXefv.jpg (567x740, 105K)

>came to America to build better lives and take advantage of oppertunity

>wher muh free sheit at!

I saw a white guy wearing a MAGA hat today. FASCISM IS ON THE RISE

Attached: 2D57F9D6-9A75-404A-8BA8-1CA77B60805F.jpg (1168x1236, 164K)

epic satire xD

>imply I'm a minority, a transsexual, a homosexual, or a redditor.
You're probably just a self-hating white person like most white americans today

>Is there anything worse than pop culture slacktivism?
yeah, people who complain about slacktivists and "sjw"s

amerimutts and them thinking that their country actually matters to anyone else, posting their racist, white supremacist crap even though they are not white

Progressive identity politics is literally an american invention and spread by american media, and you're cucked beyond belief if you adhere to it.

I will not be voting for Donald J Trump in 2020

why would you want to become a US citizen?

Well you're 15 so you can't vote anyway

>epic satire xD
epic satire xD

I will not be voting for Donald J Trump in 2020

it would be cool if new immigrants actually made attempts at adopting anything about american culture besides gangsta rap and the trashiest MTV consumerism out there.
>i'm brown-skinned so i relate most to the descendants of slaves
i can't wrap my mind around it except that wearing a persecution complex and siding with an aggressive, macho culture has the lowest learning curve

Well you're 13 so you can't vote anyway

I will not be voting for Donald J Trump in 2020

>it would be cool if new immigrants actually made attempts at adopting anything about american culture
>american culture

2 day old yogurt has more culture than Americans, bahahahaha

yeah, american art, film, literature, and music ... this isn't /int/, we can accept that there's a lot of middle- and high-brow american culture that the world appreciates
>except for uneducated, arrogant refugees escaping death from medieval countries

Wow, infinitely more varied looks than Generic White Man With Sunglasses And Optional Cap. Maybe the right are the real NPCs?

>Generic White Man With Sunglasses And Optional Cap.
He capitalized everything like he saw on Twitter what a clever original human being

Didn't say I do amerimutt