Kpop general

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Other urls found in this thread:


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for me, its twice

we hate white people here

Attached: EBSFMjHUEAAm289.jpg (1365x2048, 264K)

for me, its twice

we love sakura here

for me, it's twice

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>Her face just gets worse as time goes on

based knetz

Attached: twice[1].jpg (540x810, 69K)

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we wanted a seulgi thread

for me, it's being rertarded

for me, it's twice

Attached: ui.webm (1920x856, 2.95M)

based everyone

Oh no this can't be happening, you guys told me only trannies listen to loona, this can't be real oh god oh fuck

recommend some good songs from 2nd gen groups

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Attached: UnevenWanCaterpillar.webm (350x532, 1.18M)

1 Yuri
2 Yena
3 Hitomi
4 Chimp
5 Minju

Attached: yuri cheeks2.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

for me, this is my third device

for me, its twice

Attached: DUzOgL7U8AAcXXg.jpg (1365x2048, 447K)

Attached: ECGi_vCUcAEy6Ip.jpg (1200x1800, 209K)

thats what getting dicked does to you

for me, it's feet

does haseul sound like arin to anyone else or is that how they all sound?

That vocal run that she does on the preview of "Ladies Night" is really good. I can't wait to hear the whole song.

for me it's Park "Go Won" Chaewon

i only come here now to post songs i'm listening to and i just wanna say that you're all literal cumbrains peace

Attached: heej3.webm (870x720, 2.94M)

how is that worse though, she looks good here

i'm talking 'bout chuu
i'm talking 'bout chuu

Attached: 1556497650560.jpg (1200x1920, 324K)

Post the songs


Im drunk as fuck and still euphoric. Post some lewd Nayeons and help a bro out.

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>i only come here now to post songs i'm listening
no one needs your shitty playlist

get me in a headlock
put me to fucking sleep

Attached: ECIdmW5U0AAV9wO.jpg (1364x2048, 281K)


it's just jealous kang shitters

>she looks good here
top kek

love bunny

Attached: 1564703782612.jpg (534x534, 23K)

looks aged

Attached: D__HLotUcAAQlNa.jpg (1200x1800, 185K)


Attached: nayeontoptier.jpg (1000x1500, 857K)

You forgot the song

Attached: 1565091917034.jpg (474x415, 37K)

No one needs your existence yet here we are

For me, it's Jo Yuri

Attached: 1556171174147.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

>"do you think we care about loona being the official tranny group? we don't give a fuck about those tranny fans, we only care about their music"
>"hey look at those loona fans! they aren't gay"
Choose your narrative better, friend
also great sample size

wonderful, more please

Realistically can any twice survive the approaching wall? Even Tzuyu has fallen...

it's hard to survive the wall when you're busted af to begin with

we love stellar stunning hot sexy loona lesbians and loona trannies with their nice dicks

Attached: EBi3wzRUYAAi9_C.jpg (2160x3840, 1.07M)

Rent free

Attached: IMG_20190816_222116.jpg (1242x1864, 323K)

high five fellow kara head

lookin at jihyo desu

Attached: qtjijo.jpg (915x968, 136K)

Realistically can any fromis survive the approaching wall? Even Naky has fallen...

Attached: nayeon mouth.webm (1920x1080, 489K)


tzuyu can go through 10 walls and still mog the rest of kpop

nice thicc lobes

Attached: D1E881C4-5096-46C6-AD9E-5F1B516CFAA2.jpg (1242x582, 188K)

>the search and seizure is part of the police’s investigation into the allegations of illegal gambling against YG Entertainment founder Yang Hyun Suk
>illegal gambling
Korea is truly the worst

for me it's oh my girl and no one else
twicecuck's, blinkmonkeys and loonatrannies can fuck off and die

for me its Yujin

Attached: D_cpl17VUAA9L8o.jpg (3276x2184, 1.63M)

1. Innocuously wave a Taiwanese flag igniting Taiwanese Nationalism

2. Spark Chinese animosity towards Taiwan, and other regions claimed by the Mainland

3. Allow China to absorb HK

4. Who's gonna stop China at this point? USA? Yeah, right.

5. Annex Tibet for good

6. Start preparing for a Vietnam invasion who'll be met with open arms

7. Swiftly take over Japan with tech supplied by cutting-edge Taiwanese companies

8. Take over South Korea aided by the North faster than Seolhyun ran into Zico's apartment

9. At this point, Chou Tzuyu aided by her prolific assassin Dahyun take out the entirety of the Communist Party of China solely using a bow and arrow.

10. Sit on the Dragon Throne and rule over half of Asia along with her consort (me)

I love my 99999999IQ waifu

for me it's pristin

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Can't wait for LA pics to pop up

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No I'm looking at Nayeon

Attached: nayunnie3.jpg (564x846, 84K)

based necrophilebro

Way to late evidence is long gone

stupid ass post. waste of dubs. for shame!

Jesus how did JYP let this thing be an idol

why is everyone hitting walls now?

Such a god damn classic.

Bonus Nayeon from me

Attached: nayunnie.jpg (768x1152, 99K)

Attached: 1535589743217.jpg (2048x1536, 368K)

>Allow China to absorb HK
literally this

right is cuter

no one hit the wall harder than hana

Yuri proving she's best girl again

Attached: bd2366a58e34641249b5a9ec1b83d317.jpg (1000x1333, 116K)

after this, i feel dublessed

Attached: Dahyun-1.jpg (480x600, 34K)

we love gugudan here

Yuqiboys ww@ on this fine Friday evening?

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Damn, Loona's English is pretty great, most of them seem like they would be able to hold a conversation except for maybe OEC + Maknaes kek

It’s over for BLACKEDpink

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is this your boyfriend?

very true

Talking about wall...
(and she's the maknae)

Attached: ry.jpg (200x570, 17K)

I'm sorry but Oogie is cancelled after she came out to be a CCP shill


nice though i wish the violins were abit louder and in the foreground

i've asked this before but forgot - who is the visual on the right

not really yejibro

truly exquisite

i totally know what "the wall" is haha, but would you mind explain it in case someone here doesn't know?

olivia you lazy bitch

You know it was such a surreal experience getting into a taxi in Jeju from Seogwipo to Jeju-ssi and only hear the taxi driver play K-pop songs like First Love by After School.

Also when I was in the bus in the Jeju they were playing Me Gustas Tu by Gfriend and I had to contain myself from singing along and not looking like a retard, still was fun.

china? i'm sorry, never heard about them

very true

Attached: D9mCaDZU4AATaHO.jpg (1365x2048, 319K)

right is minju, she's from the latest project101 group

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Based as fuck, peaheads like you can't understand the superbness


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its fine
they never heard about you too


my dick as the seat


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I'm afraid you're mistaken, sir, my wife is never cancelled.

Attached: Skipqi.webm (480x632, 2.11M)

she looks ancient


if the wall is true then explain to me how IU mogs your shitty waifu

For me, it's all seven.

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who is this uggo at the left?

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im in a good mood today

Attached: Hyujin.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

sejeong feet


Attached: mjk.webm (600x900, 1.15M)

How could they make her do this those fucking chinks

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gugucucks. first mina, now sejeong, who's next

why is sian posing in front of yujin poster

no, that's my lovely gf

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okay, she looks fine sometimes

where tf are the pics of fromis in LA

Attached: iiuyt.jpg (1080x1350, 116K)

it was a body double faggot

where are the pics of gowon in LA


Attached: pretty cute 2.webm (1280x720, 761K)

iu fawns over my waifu so much that she gives her gifts

Attached: chewy_engaged.webm (480x480, 2.23M)

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This but solar
>mogs your shitty, boring and untalented nugu waifu

Attached: _225015.jpg (1001x1500, 209K)

how about HK absorbs the mainland

keeping her face from melting


Damn, she's looking great. Keep doing you Uji bro.

Attached: IMG_20190816_221215.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Attached: ytryyu.jpg (1080x1350, 154K)

That's a man

you win

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haggy feet

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don't know about her, but you definitely isn't

cheers mate, shes making a comeback this month, so im doing my own lil bit for her.

Someone slugblasted at the RV concert

Attached: D54D6lHX4AIQ5g8.jpg (800x1200, 92K)

(You)r country and mine would become poverty-tier if all of China was like HK
We'd be their slaves

what's she gonna do after the imminent disbandment

this girl is really cute, lots of nice photos... what's her name?


sup guys

Attached: JUSTFCUKMYLIPUP946507_.jpg (636x848, 52K)


No fucking way lmaoooo
I know it was one of you guys, speak up now

>lmaooo stupid as bitch I'm not even an incel, never was. I'm only incel because fat women like you think they are entitled to maLe models who they think exist on dating apps and sites.

a literal god

which one of the boyz is this?

Attached: 1559019356845.webm (270x800, 2.88M)

isn't that more of a german thing?

that's seola

Attached: dfk.jpg (960x720, 104K)


Attached: nayunnie2.jpg (800x1200, 94K)

those pics LMAOOO

based twicebros

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i lover her so much, her happiness brings me happiness

Attached: Chuu2.webm (490x580, 219K)

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whipping it out at gyuri


chuu? more like poo lol

absolute fucking chad, i bet hes a joyboy

twitter roasties are all the same
they'll take any chance to shit on another group
t. actual once

yeah look, that's all sorts of fucked up, but i have to ask. was it in a standing area or sitting area?

jiheon bros wwa

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Attached: ertiu.jpg (1080x1080, 124K)

It's time to just... Obliterate all men at this point. I'm going to throw up if I even try to picture myself in place of that poor girl. Hats off to her for being brave like that.

sack of std's/10

is chuu... you know


Attached: nayunnie4.jpg (800x1200, 95K)

once are so civilized and full of dignity

cold? yes

Attached: derftyui.jpg (1080x1080, 1.3M)

clapped? very much so

you need to go back

> but oppa can blast all over me

Attached: dftyui.jpg (960x960, 167K)

i’d cum on her during a concert

>gay lingo

Attached: 37rvxyi29ug31.jpg (1216x1703, 153K)

omo noona

>7. Spermㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ "Annyeonghaseyo, we are Sperm, Hello We are Sperm!"

Attached: 72F35B2F-B49F-41E0-8844-C596BC7DD3ED.jpg (896x896, 139K)

hell yeah

I'd not, but backstage I would definitely

oh shit

Attached: 66666398_2450691748545669_8949545233626171293_n.jpg (852x852, 53K)

yep, this is just too much. to hell with our species. just end it. maybe the next species to develop sapience won't be so disgusting as to permit one of it's men to ejaculate on an innocent girl

what is she dancing to?

Attached: 1565857367122.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Hello, I'm Lucas from China

idk if i could control myself at a RV concert either

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I love Nayeon, she makes me happy

rv concert brings the sperm to the yard

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based bunnybro. she makes me happy too


me too friendo

Attached: naydance.jpg (750x750, 50K)

Two groups already live blasted. Twice is next...

it was from the thread


Attached: 67072154_503528787066617_538537096670610489_n.jpg (1080x1080, 170K)

Irene's feature is much better with a visual

Please tell me this girl isn't one of the trainees for the next gg, though

1. promote k-pop in china
2. CCP force chinese k-pop stars to issue pro-government statements
3. chinese get VPN to watch their idols on youtube
4. realize their country is a militaristic s--thole and everyone who gets the opportunity tries to emigrate
5. milk-truck cheng claiming that HK is an internal affair but everyone knows their patriotism is made out of toilet-paper
6. PRC collapses because government is encircled by USA, Europe, India, MAlaysia, Singapre, Korea, JApan, etc. and can't win an arms race against the whole world
7. fast forward to 2100, China looks exactly like Japan / Taiwan / Korea
8. no one will ever try to highjack K-pop for politics again

our girls will be performing soon

what kind of fucking threat is this. you guys need to stop!! This type of behaviour was OK at sixth grade sleepovers not at a fucking kpop concert !!

So LOONA got their visas okay? why the fuck didn't Chungha

>k-world festa
i doubt it

i'm sure our kl once bros won't permit someone to fap at a twicelights concert.

Attached: yukdyfd.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

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>implying i wasn't stroking my dick during twicelights in chicago

Attached: 42909.png (305x384, 163K)

poor man's tiffany young

take a container full of cum and throw it on jihyo, that's what she wants anyway

chungha probably had diarrhea again and used that as an excuse


>GOT7 Delays Upcoming Concert In Hong Kong Due To Safety Concerns

Attached: DYVLdRVVMAAgWxN.jpg (800x1200, 150K)

word, nobody would care at bp tho

dubased duboroni dublaster

Slugchad here. I disavow this it's very disrespectful to /ourgirls/

Attached: 1564467880413.jpg (1080x1325, 169K)

yeah but did you blast tho?

stfu roastie



this just made me want to slugblast again


obviously not. i'm not a fucking degenerate.

Attached: 1550198729923.jpg (1044x722, 145K)

dont samefag

>that guy saying there are no SEAs here
how delusional? every poster that has ever doxxed themselves is a SEAmonkey

Attached: qwerftfkiuytrert.jpg (1079x1029, 91K)

>against the whole world

They couldn't even do it if it was just America. America wonders to itself if it should keep bombing other countries while bombing other countries. China has to spend 10 years carefully probing Vietnam's exclusive economic zone lest they piss off the rest of the region, or America, by fishing there too much.

Have any kpop idols spoken out in favor of the Hong Kong protests yet?

anyone know the original video of this kpop song?

Attached: datfibertho.png (1920x1080, 3.27M)
Someone was masturbating during this. Can anyone pinpoint the guy in the audience?

what was it like seeing that beyonce stage live
did you have good seats?

what's wrong with doing THAT at a show? its my way of showing support

>The 18-year-old idol broke the highly controversial news to her fans in late December "I’m sure this comes as a big surprise to many of you! I think that some of you will no longer be interested in me, but I have no intention of stopping my career, and from now on, I’ll be doing my best with my baby inside my stomach,”

i don't slugfap how dare you porn-addict

Attached: seulgi kpg 2.jpg (767x1200, 137K)

>떨려요 (Vibrato)

did you even try googling
its stellar and the title is in the video

Hoo Hahaha
Are you ready for this?




i'm thinking probably slug, or maybe joy?

delicious slugtush

who is the natty goddess in the current gen?

Attached: file.png (2067x2067, 1.85M)

>seulgi is the best looking
not what i expected dbh
any fancams?

korea doesn't need any more k-pops they needed childbirths

that young woman is a true patriot

Attached: yulhee family.jpg (1000x500, 141K)

Current gen is so plastic that no matter how you feel about her it's basically Slug by default


vivi is on the barricades as we speak,(the one at kcon is the droid)... tiffany has posted an irish flag in solidarity.

Lol don’t be delusional. Seulgi is ugly as fuck, the only non-busted member these days is Joy

Attached: file.png (500x500, 328K)

Attached: EBNj1apVAAMFMmu.jpg (2968x4096, 2M)


i can't fap to shitty outfits

all of busters

oh yeah, that's what i'm talking about. turn that up

Looks like Fancy is SOTY

Attached: EB5wf-pXUAYF_dl.jpg (2328x1641, 579K)

he said “current gen” you dumb samefagging roastie

if i catch one of you faggots jerking your little wiener in front of my virgin wife, you're dead.

Attached: DmhH5jgW4AAyHvm.jpg (620x980, 169K)

forgot your plastic generation

I'm ready to get a good song next comeback.

I've been posting cute idols and listening to 50cent for the past hour

j-idol, 2 years worth of "manager" blasts apparently

nigger, I talk about 4th gen and people jump on me saying it's still 3rd and now I accept that and you wanna say it's 4th. Fuck off

>implying anyone wants to fap to that uggo

thank you for posting my wife

song good ngl

Yikes. You can have her, slugroastie.


Joy is dressed way more conservative than normal.

Attached: D_Hs5ybVAAAp7pJ.jpg (2000x3000, 1.2M)

>having time to listen to 'murica-tunes
>he doesn't listen to girl-group 20 hours a day

fucking casual

Attached: the perfect face.webm (1920x1080, 1.92M)


very true

Attached: 1562572102863.jpg (1500x1000, 1.27M)

didn't like it because i don't like beyonce at all, but at least sana did some sexy moves after the music ended
the taemin cover with momo and jihyo was kino
also horrible "seats"

Attached: 51751.jpg (768x1024, 99K)

had to have been in a standing area, and probably very close to get a better look at the girls. long shot at one of the screens being the stimulus.

How the fuck do you jerk off to completion at a concert and the only way someone realizes is after you cum on them?

cringe samefagging

we want a seulgi thread

so that's how you enjoy zzb


but no one is attracted to this uggo

we want a sluggie/yeji thread

2 pump maximum

we demand a seulgi thread


More songs

that's OK japan needs more young families too

just think what an abomination it is that 40-year-old virgins are fapping to AKB and on

men at their peak earning potential and women at their peak fertility are making a good-for-nothing onanistic goatfuck

meanwhile in Africa and the Muslim world the birth-rate is like 4 per mother

k-pop is part of the problem too except that the koreans can still legitimatly claim financial hardship for not having children

but is she sweaty? its not a good joy show if she hasnt doused the first 3 rows!
