Why do hipsters hate Linkin Park?

Why do hipsters hate Linkin Park?

Attached: linkin park.png (1213x645, 93K)

Do you know what a hipster is? If so, why are you shocked they hate a popular nu-metal band?

yeah what's next, people hating on nickelback

real ratings coming through

hybrid theory - 9/10
reanimation - 10/10
meteora - 7.5/10
minutes to midnight - 6.5/10
a thousand suns - 8/10
living things - 8.5/10
recharged - 3/10
the hunting party - 8/10
one more light - 5/10

you don't need to be a hipster to know linkin park sucks, op

A singular website isnt a good example to prove your point.

What’s with extremely homosexual normalfags and not hating linkin park?

Attached: 60C27648-CD87-45EA-9DD9-7CE2263C7623.gif (200x220, 1.09M)

But they don't, in fact their music is better than at least 95% of all "music" being released today.

thinking of a 6 letter word that starts with d





Attached: 2A30487E-1B06-4302-B861-C7C37480497D.jpg (700x466, 36K)

There's also Yea Forums


first 3, that's it.


They're not even as good as limp bizkit, who at least had an element of self mockery. Imagine making music and the end result is this fucking sludge of nerdy manlets screaming (and rapping lmao) over generic faux 'le epic metal riffs'. Glad the cunt killed himself, he should be ashamed of being a part of this cancerous, fake, generic, completely shit genre of music.

Somewhat related, does anyone remember Fred durst doing this dopey video with an 80s twee song as the soundtrack. He jumped out of a trash can if I remember correctly. Can't find it anywhere

because they're shit and they ruined the Who classic Behind Blue Eyes

>whines more in one post than Linkin Park did in their whole career

There's that angsty, edge post, was wondering when you'd show up.

ah yes, great counter arguments. do you wear those silly baseball caps when you're sucking each other off?