Fitter, happier

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Not drinking too much
Regular exercise at the gym, three days a week
Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries

Attached: Radiohead.okcomputer.albumart.jpg (300x300, 88K)

underrated song desu

I would skip this shit every time, if this shitty album actually offered a little replay value for me to listen to it again.


i always feel scared when i hear this song

The only skippable track is electioneering

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normie zoomer no taste faggot

Worst song. Sorry boys.

Wow such an original and devastating opinion. Please stop dude, your honesty is so brutal.


Pretty much. Elitist music opinions....meanwhile they think buckethead is good...fug

More like Oh Gay Cum Pooter.

more productive
not shitposting too much
regular sharethread attendance (3 times a week)
getting on better with your associate anonymous contemporaries
at ease
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a patient better poster
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keep in contact with old internet friends (post on Something Awful now and then)
will frequently check ban status at Yea Forums(nel) (use proxy)
favours for favours
has a waifu but not in love
charity standing orders
on sundays Yea Forums baneposting
(no posting cunny or loli in discussion threads)
dubs thread (also on sundays)
no longer afraid of the banhammer
or midpost warnings
nothing so ridiculously underageb& and desperate
nothing so newfaggy
at a better pace
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no chance of escape
now here forever
concerned (but powerless)
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browser that runs VPN (shot of janny with gun to his head)
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still cries at ITAOTS
still waiting for gf
no longer empty and frantic
like a lolcat
posted to a thread
that's saged onto
page 10 of Yea Forums (the ability to ghostpost)
fitter, healthier and more productive
an user
in a basement
on mountain dew

pleb detected. the track encapsulates a lot of the major themes on the record and handles them in a really sharp way.


the NPC anthem

Literally being an adult.


way too blunt imo. themes wouldve still been present but thom yorke felt the need to spoon feed his audience. just feels like they were trying way too hard with that

tha fuck you mean

thanks for the long awaited (You)

Yea you deserve a (you)

This isn't a song you fucking morons. It's an interlude/intro hence why in Electioneering he says something about a "fitter life." It's not even listed on the tracklist on the CD for christ sake. Why does this have to be told to you guys? It's common sense. People saying this is the best "song" on the album are just contrarion hipsters. It's not Kid A, or Pulk/Pull, it's a fucking interlude.

Electioneering was my least favourite track too at first, but honestly it's grown on me. It's probably the most underrated song on the album.

Attached: 0A5B915B-27EE-43C1-9ADE-30EB71B5C156-2116-000004B27CEA8ACF.jpg (640x640, 43K)

I think the point is being an adult is giving in and forgoing youthful rebellion, which is the premise of most music.

Even more terrifying and depressing than the original

pretty much, it just enforces the running theme through the album