Music died in the 90s

Music died in the 90s.

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shut the fuck up zoomer

Why is music still being released then?

there's music for everyone nowadays
watch anthony fantano videos

good popular music basically died in the mid 90's, yeah

why do I feel like sex is a shameful, wrong thing Yea Forums?
I couldnt bring myself to pretend to be into a girl just to fuck her
It would feel really morally wrong and cruel

you probably grew up very shelterd and with limited social interaction, and your parents never gave you "the talk", which in turn made you think of sex as something distant and mysterious, something wrong and shameful. Or you are just a massive faggot.

you're cucked by america's nonsensical religious fear of sex

Music didn't die, it's just harder to find the good shit. Make an effort, niggy.

I'm not religious, I just see "the chase" as really disingenuous and I feel like putting on an act to attract a female would compromise my integrity. Maybe it's the SPD.
It could be this, I never had any sex talks with my parents but I kinda got the basics from the internet and media anyways

even if you aren't religious, puritan religious values bleed into western culture very heavily and influence anyone that engages in the most basic amount of media consumption

sex and nudity is still pretty taboo, not as much as it used to be, but still.

'Music,' in the general sense, has never died and will never die, but it undergoes lapses and changes, some of them better or worse than others. For example, 87-2012 was probably the worst period music has experienced in recent memory, generally, but I would say there's been a brief surge since then

what about aoty

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>i kinda got the basics from the internet and media

thats the problem my man, in my experience i can guarantee that internet and media give distorted and glorified images of sexuality. You would be surprised to see how different real life sexual interactions are from media portrayals. I think you should work in your perception of sex: women (or any living creature really) don't see sex as something cruel, especially on this day and age, they see it as just another part of life. You should stay away from internet discussions on sex, as the vast mayority is nothing but salty people hating on the opposite sex.

That's Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman's daughter. And she has very sexi bobs and my 1 ft long pinus is very happy ......

No wonder why she looked kinda familiar

Because it's not art nowadays, just a commodity.

because you know that pre-marital sex is wrong but also can't imagine anyone marrying you

Music was always just a commodity

Then you can say that for literally every art medium.




scared beta syndrome

>I kinda got the basics from pornhub

The 1890s, yes.

I think you mean the 1790s coincidentally the same time Mozart died

Sex isn't shameful. It's just a bit of fun.

she cant act worth shit. had one line in the new Tarantino and shit up every scene in Stranger Things



Pretentious af, whether you like it or not it’s art

We continue to defile its corpse

Hedonistic idiot right here
Only have sex with who you love, you'll only regret it otherwise, plus STDs and fuck those

Only virgins and people who have just recently started having sex in the past year or two think casual sex/pre-marital sex is a good thing.
The truth is it's not.
First, it A
>Builds a relationship based on the foundation of sex. This means when your looks and lust dwindle, which they will (typically lust dwindles early on into a fornication relationship) the relationship will fail
or B
>Gets you addicted to sex as a means of fulfillment, confusing your body into thinking you're accomplishing a primary instinct when in reality you're just masturbating with another human being. This can easily make you forget responsibilities, goals, ambitions, and make your entire existence revolve around you tricking your body into thinking you're procreating and making babies when you're not.
This is why sex before marriage has been frowned upon / forbidden for centuries.
Don't have sex, it's addictive and degrades the soul. You can have a fulfilling relationship with your girlfriend without fornicating with her. If you can't, she's not your girlfriend, she's your sex doll you're using to replace your masturbation addiction.

I feel like I'm degrading women by pursuing casual sex/dating, it's so animalistic and objectifying. I don't feel comfortable with it because it makes me feel like I'm reducing their value to looks and it doesn't fit with the moral values I was raised on. I'd prefer just organically developing from a friendship to a romantic companionship rather than playing some game.

VERY based

christfag pussies, kys to visit jebus and your 72 virgin nuns

Imagine thinking sexual abstinence is so tied with religion that you cannot have one without the other, fuck off back to r/atheism dickbrain

>I feel like I'm degrading women by pursuing casual sex/dating
You are.

He is waiting good little cuck, He is waiting for that cum filled abstinence cock to glaze His face with salvation

absolutely based and quite redpilled

>becoming Christian to cope with virginity

just /pol/ things

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Found the seething heathen

t. sinner

ive seen posts there of people unironically going to church just to meet "trad women" lmao

Well, if you were going to meet them, isn't that where you would go?

she's HAWT!

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>pretending to be christian for pussy
real trad bro soldier of le west

Presumably if you're seeking out a "trad" woman you're not expecting casual sex.

you'll find your idealist meme of what a woman should be doesn't exist and be stuck listening to a kid diddler rant about jewish fables while a shitty creed cover band plays worship songs

>t. someone who became a tranny to cope with being a virgin

Church is pretty gay desu, but fuck dating whores who like rap and Kardashians.

Music died in 1757, when Scarlatti died.

I got dragged to Hillsong once and wanted to kill myself

For most people that is how it is.

stop posting this shit

yes you stupid nigger. Most massively famous art was created for money and the artist didnt give two shits about it.

>It would feel really morally wrong and cruel
because it is

don’t be stupid.


its not music its random shit sounds made by a computer

two girls one cup does not count as music

Yeah in the 1890s

>This is why sex before marriage has been frowned upon / forbidden for centuries.
It really isn't.

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>being this big a hipster faggot

>why do I feel like sex is a shameful, wrong thing

Because it is, its also vile and disgusting.

That's the most cucked thing ever imho

Blowies don't count tho.

then it's dead since anglo-saxon created popular music

>tfw no virginal trad transgf

Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke's daughter looks great.

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You're thinking of babusic

Damn I want to lick those fat tits



What if you married her and saw that radiant smile every day? What a ridiculous thought haha

Why even fucking live UGH IM SO HORNY

I just miss inspirational music with soaring vocals. The 90s were the king of that. I also am getting tired of all the musical innovations coming from hip hop alone, well besides different forms of metal and noise rock which don't improve society and are just really obnoxious such a Goregoroth or Pornogrind.

I listen to music that has actual instruments and inspirations from jazz and I say goddamn why does this even need a rhyme scheme?

Also music is too myopic right now imo, it always needs to tell a story and beat you over the head with its packaged 'mood' so you know how to use it in your playlists for various household chores and when ya wanna par-tay.

This is normal. Most guys I know had a period in their mid/late teens (usually after their first relationship failed) where they were very despondent and withdrawn because of how disingenuous sex seemed. It's something you need to grow out of and learn to deal with.

It totally depends on the woman but remember: they put this on as an act more often than not.

Listen to Titanic Rising please.

These retards aren't even actual Christians, don't be fooled.