My mum died and I got her piano

How much does it cost to tune a piano?

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shouldn't you be grieving instead of worrying about some boomer relic?

well I'm going to learn to play it and become the next Beethoven, I have the motivation now


you scared? answer the question

kys, death is a part of life. All grieving does is prevent people from moving on from someone that is never coming back

Between $100-120 in the US.

do your own internet search, motherless faggot

thanks for your input, you creepy sociopath

this is peak projection, nobody is going to miss you when you die thus nobody can feel loss

get it together, though there might be no chance for you left

I'm not a sociopath, I guarantee I'll have an extremely hard time when my parents or any of my siblings pass away. But to force someone to grieve? That's fucking retarded, people deal with loss in their own way, you have no idea what OP is going through just because he posted a picture of his dead mom's piano.

I'm sorry about that. I hope you will enjoy playing it

just play it out of tune

Not OP I am OP

learning piano as an adult is a fool's errand

I never really liked her to be honest
Not me but I do have intentions to learn
Thanks for being the only helpful person
I tried but they aren’t out of tune with each other, and it’s bad. Some keys are a tone flatter whereas some only a semitone and others are correct, and anything in between

Proof of identity

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post feet

Not a feet guy, I'm a cock person and look forward to getting dominated on the piano, does this interest you?

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literally a lie. you might not become a top concert pianist, but who cares. You can learn to play anything you want well enough that you'll enjoy it a lot

bad music playing is an affront to the Lord

doesn't have to be bad by any stretch

the Lord has ears more sensitive th

I only play for the devil he has shown himself to be much more based

Exi ergo, transgressor. Exi, seductor, plene omni dolo et fallacia, virtutis inimici, innocentium persecutor. Da locum, dirissime, da locum, impiisssime, da locum Christo, in quo nihil invenisti de operibus tuis: qui te spoliavit, qui regnum tuum destruxit, qui te victum ligavit, et vasa tua diripuit.

Less than tuna fish!

sorry for your loss OP
but basically pianos aren't worth jack shit anymore and you should be looking into doing all the work it needs by yourself if you want to make it

wanting someone to setup your instrument is a tell tale sign of not gonna make it

also why haven't you been playing it since you were a kid?

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Thanks now I can’t play the piano

>doing it for making it and not for pleasure
For what purpose? Music should be about the enjoyment of the performer first and foremost, if you don't enjoy or at least get some satisfaction, then why are you even seeking music?

Nice image flip
I did have lessons for a while but got bored, also there’s no way I’m gonna be able to tune a piano on my own, it’s not like a guitar

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>tfw my mom died and my wife bought me a Nintendo Switch

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sell it and get a hammond organ instead

who are you quoting

Wtf im op why are people in this thread trolling

post feet