prog music is absolute wankery. if you want to feel enlightened while listening to music, at least listen to jazz or classical.
Prog music is absolute wankery. if you want to feel enlightened while listening to music...
this but unironically
But I don’t want to feel enlightened, I want to listen to wanky rock
this. prog is so stupid. king crimson sucks. yes sucks. prog is shit.
Unironically true, but there’s a place for prog like for user related
Define wankery plox
ignorance is bliss after all
Prog, jazz and classical are all valid options. If you're comparing the three and making a war out of it, you are a pleb. The three serve different purposes, and if you listen to any of them to feel ''enlightened'' instead of enjoying the piece, you are even more of a pleb.
Prog is for people who are too smart for pop-writing, but still too stupid for classical. Hence why Prog is the ultimate white suburban middle-class music.
Prog is classical that isn't afraid of new instruments like Luddites.
complex music or skillful musicianship for the sake of it, which is apparently a bad thing because critics decided punk counted as music
There's plenty of good prog rock
My biggest complaint is when they do wanky shit without care for what the music actually sounds like thematically
Chaotic atonal stuff is fine if you want that vibe, but it often comes across as sounding bad
Jazz Fusion>>>>>Prog
Why do pretentious snobs and hipsters hate prog so much? It's music for people who enjoy fun and ambitious music and don't treat music like fashion accessory because it is uncool to like and too "white".
Pretentious snobs and hipsters love prog.
it's really boring my man
doesn't inspire the spirit like classical does
isn't as complex and soulful as jazz
not really that ambitious
it just seems like middle of the road, jack of all trades master of none
You mean like pitchfork and christgau?
this, prog is rock for people who think a flute harmonic duet is a cool idea and want more like that
I instantly discard opinion of anyone who says prog is soulless wank, it's as retarded as saying metal is just noise
Lmao jazz is literally scale/chords masturbation for musicians, it's literally useless if you've never picked up an instrument or learned about music theory. And not to mention the fact that jazz has no guts or character whatsoever.
On the other hand song like 21st century shizoid man or 2112 are actually exciting to listen to and have guts and character.
Technical music isn't always equal to wank, you dummy.
I instantly discard opinion of anyone who says prog isn't soulless wank.
because i don't think it's fun at all. ambitious sure i guess, but that doesn't make it good. not sure why you brought race into this as well.
I instantly discard opinion of anyone who posts on Yea Forums.
Prog can sometimes sound amazing. There are some 10/10 prog songs but no 10/10 prog albums because everyone has at least one song that is just wankery. Prog is generally shit but it can be great.
well you just discarded yourself, was that part of your plan?
Post your prog favorites. I'm genuinelly interested
So you can call me a tourist and say I'm wrong?
>no 10/10 prog albums
Close to the Edge, Moving Pictures, Songs from the Wood
>ur wrong
At least say which tracks you think are subpar
King Crimson is probably the least wanky prog band there is.
Don't bother with him user, he's just another Yea Forumstard who hasn't developed a musical brain or any kind of logical thinking for that matter. Anyone who doesn't like masterpieces like Moving Pictures or close to the edge it's probably deaf or your average Yea Forumstard.
KC, Jethro Tull and Yes.
>the entirety of discipline
>Trio (which is top tier don't get me wrong but is literally just a wankstrumental)
>the entirety of Poseidon
Crimson is one of the wankiest, only Yes beat them with Tales from Topographic Oceans (which I actually love but holy christ it's a two hour masturbation session)
>no wanky
Rush is the least wanky prog band because they alone proved capable of making radio-prog without giving up on being a prog band.
No, because I know jack shit about prog and it seems like I can get some good entry level (not in a bad sense) recs from you.
well then I'll help, frend, I have a progpaste in my notepad
I'll post an entry level yet 10/10 album from each of my favourite prog bands plus one bonus album, hopefully useful to newfag lurkers
>Curved Air
>King Crimson
>Bonus Album
Just google it, basically Midwest Yes
Also search Gentle Giant, Hawkwind, and Caravan if you liked the above recs
Van der Graaf Generator.
Listen to them.
Or GTFO, pleb.
Based. Mealheads get it
This, plebs just call anything they don't like "filler"
Imagine not liking Providence or The Sheltering Sky
Thanks mate. The only prog band I really listen to is King Crimson so I'll give the other ones a shot. I've heard Rush and Yes as well, but not nearly as thoroughly.
King Crimson is actually good though.
you can both recognize it as something most people would consider pure wank and also enjoy it
Providence is great but if you put it on at a party you're a retard
Remember when a prog band preceded the Sex Pistol's TV debut?
Yeah it turns out wankery is fun to listen to and can actually sound great when done tastefully. I don't want to feel enlightened I just enjoy the music. You're the pretentious one here, faggot.
Ambient interludes are wankery now?
>music is wank because I can't put it on at a party
The absolute state of Yea Forums
>hey if you can't dance to it it's basically not human!
In what way does either genre require intelligence to be enjoyed?
>inb4 muh music theory
Any brainlet can learn music theory
are you actually retarded
Hey buddy I think you need to cool down a little.
I don't like any prog song. Close to the Edge really sucks btw.
Here's the thing with prog.
Most prog does kind of suck on a casual listening level (Controversial opinion here: Rush's big prog songs pre 2112 are generally not very good)
If you aren't concentrating then it usually sounds like noise.
But a lot of it is that the music gets lost in itself, so you have to be in a very specific mood to enjoy it. Prog is something you commit to listening.
But some prog albums are genuinely great. Yes's Fragile, Rush's 2112 and Clockwork Angels, Jethro Tull's Thick as a Brick.
I would say King Crimson is a pretty bad example, since outside of Court of the Crimson King, their prog follows the template almost to the tee.
I could never get into Dream Theatre for instance. I feel like if any prog band gets stuck in "the formula" its them.
>people acting like it takes actual effort to enjoy prog
How are you cucks this dumbfounded by odd time signatures?
>only prog has time signatures that aren't 4/4
Who are you quoting?
>Songs from the Wood
my nigga
Can you show me where I said prog is the only genre with odd meter?
I have to agree Jethro Tull had a real good batch of albums that ended with Heavy Horses. And out of that Minstrel in the Gallery and Songs from the woods are really nice "walking" albums.
Like when you go on a long walk and want to absorb the atmosphere as you pass some trees and road.
You implied it in your post. Why did you bring up odd time signatures in the first place? That's not the main reason people dislike prog.
>You implied it in your post
No I didn't
I don't have time for your buffoonery
Also Hunting Girl is literally medieval bdsm prog so there's that
Work on your reading comprehension
>king crimson
god damn god bless the dark web and thanks for the kek
Name a genre more souless than jazz
darknet refers to websites that are not indexed by search engines, many of which are not accessible with a regular browser
pornhub is the first result on google for "I shagged me mum"
pornhub is as dark web as I go
but it's not dark net, that's like saying "the further I go into Germany is Paris"
I'm joking, friendo.
>I shagged me mum
>First result and all images are anime
Without the quotes still doesn't give pornhub but what it does give is worth posting
top banter m8
>full of blacked porn
>NOT dark web
user, I....
It's like Grange Hill if it was good
can someone actually explain what specifically wank is supposed to mean and why it's supposed to be bad in a way that is earnest and convincing? i don't think i've ever seen a post use it that amounted to more than 'stop liking what i don't like'
I think it means instrumental/compositional excess that doesn't effectively take the music to interesting harmonic places.
For instance, a classical composition has instrumental virtuosity and a lot of key changes, but it gives the composition a sense of change and development. Prog has virtuosity and key changes but it doesn't necessarily make the composition harmonically interesting. In this case, the extra work seems to be an end in itself, and ultimately not necessary for the skill the composition required in the first place.
Wankery is pseudism... like a college freshman proudly using his newly learned big-boy words but doing nothing distinctly productive with them.
Prog is full of cunts who are rarely able to justify their cuntery.
>he unironically thinks music should be "justified"
This is an accurate explanation but as you already said, most people just use it to describe anything they don't like so it's become pretty much a meaningless buzzword
Wank means pretentious basically
Prog is very wank
>proudly spills his musical seed for pleasure and not to bear fruit
See what i mean? Literal wankery.
I think its like this:
Its musical pieces in a song that seem to be there to appeal on a technical level, or convery a very abstract feeling or idea but don't really contribute to the overall feel of the musical story, causing fatigue to the listener who's expecting to move onto the next segment of the musical sequence.
Its like when a writer has a particularly long chapter in their book focusing on one small scene or exchange for a long time in great minute detail. To the point it interrupts the flow.
>convoluted application of christian moralism to music
this is why people listen to prog instead of classical
>king crimson, yes, or rush being anywhere near as interesting, emotionally satisfying or technically demanding as the God-worshipping works of J.S. Bach
this is why society is going to shit
God is dead. Basing your morality off a Jewish fable from 2000 years ago is mindless belief. Nobody truly intelligent can strongly believe jn a Judeo-Christian God.
this but ironically
You don't sound enlightened, you sound really frustrated with your own grasp of music.
>he doesn't listen to prog, jazz, and classical
Who listens to music to feel "enlightened?"
I listen to music because it sounds good, and makes me feel happy when I hear it.
Only art hoes hate prog
I tried but i can't
Care to give an example?
Jazz fusion and jazzy prog supplement each other well. Imagine not liking both.
Most wise dubs in a sea of queers
Based Tull posters
You would have a point but groups like Hatfield and the North, Eskaton, UK, Present or Pekka Pohjola are the iceberg tip of prog bands who actually make harmonically (and rhythmatically) enjoyable compositions with their various 'excesses'.
Ignore the retards who shill the babbys first prog albums as narccistic intellectual statements, prog is still foremost rock music for people who seek more than just popular conventions to enjoy. No serious prog listener actually thinks prog is the peak of culture; so if prog harmonics dont impress any art music elitism you may have, take that head out of the ass. Prog incorporates art music to free rock music, but not to masquerade as art music.
You're no fun.
if you ever feel enlightened by what you listen to in the first place then you probably are pretty dumb
>Prog rock, eww i don't listen to that shit, is for pretentious snobs who don't know nothing about music
>Now let me listen to my experimental avant garde noise punk new wave music with a little bit if rap influenced by kanye west thrown into the mix, now that's what i call music
>*drinks his daily soilent bottle
The amount of soi in this thread is unreal, when did this board became full of effeminate zoomers with who listen to shitty music
thanks for proving user's point
Canterbury scene is great, perfect blend of jazz and free spirited moods
God 'avant garde' music that pretentiously attempts to be experimental to attain commercial success with a superificial hipster crowd is the fucking worst.
Too bad the majority of people who purport to have listened to prog have not even explored prog that far. This is why we get all these shitty opinions on prog music; from both the supported fans and the haters.
Is Chicago prog?
Good question.
I see them as the jazz rock equivalent of Styx so... sort of?
John Wetton had such a beautiful voice, he didn’t even sing on key half the time and still sold it
Art pop of the late 70s but definitely fits the bill, alongside ELO, Supertramp, Alan Parsons Project
>no mention of henry cow itt
just goes to show that Yea Forums has absolutely shit taste in prog. it's loosely labeled neo-classical for a reason. yes fucking blows
Hey I've mentioned Present. There arent many on Yea Forums but some of us do know their avant prog.
Yes is still good, no need to be a contrarian. Though I will agree that symphonic prog doesnt actually incorporate classical styles well; avant prog does. (Why say Henry Cow is loosely neo classical when other Rio groups are much more directly influenced by classical though?)
>(Why say Henry Cow is loosely neo classical when other Rio groups are much more directly influenced by classical
I just had the urge to post about them that's all
and I really haven't ever liked yes, they were one of the first prog acts I heard and i just can't get into them. I've only listened to edge and fragile. roundabout is a gimmick
>jazz has no guts or character whatsoever
Bro what? That is so retardedly untrue. I agree that OP is retarded to just disregard prog as technical wankery, but it's equally retarded for you to spitefully turn around and say the same about jazz
Univers Zero are unironically far more abrasive and unnerving than Lingua Ignota or any other trendy death industrial trooncore.
prog rock is quintessentially incel music
Different user, but dude work on your reading comprehension he never implied that wtf
You're just a brainlet sorry
Death in the Sea! Death in the Sea!
I want to scream whenever someone recommends Rush to somebody asking for prog. They're a decent '70s hard rock/80's new wave band with chops, not experimental in the slightest.
Listen to The Yes Album (especially Starship Trooper) and the first half of Relayer before you write them off
Thats cool user, I just love how far Henry Cow takes the canterbury style with wacky improv. Yet we still have people on this board having their minds blown by Tmr, its hilarious.
>only Ctte and Fragile.
That might be the problem, especially Fragile; the most overrated Yes album. Relayer introduces atonality to Yes' music, TfTO is easily Yes playing at their peak and their best arrangements too while Going for the One takes everything thing that makes TfTO good but makes them into concise and accessible songs. These albums are all better than Ctte and Fragile for many who have actually bothered to listen to them.
Based. I love every single one of their releases. Exactly what I had in mind for Rio with proper classical influences.
if you want to feel enlightened, learn to enjoy every style of music for what it is
I agree, Rush and other more known but ill representive of prog as a whole bands have had an inordinate influence on more accessible modern prog, leading to a butterfly effect of misconceptions on prog. A whole generation of people think prog is all about (often metal patterned) wankery (including OP), needs to fufil some meme checklist of ill fitting and convoluted songwriting techniques, needs to have dominant vocals for some reason (no doubt neo prog is the culprit) and pay endless homages to Pink floyd/Genesis rather than doing anything fresh like progs experimental aspect is supposed to. Brilliant modern prog exists a plenty but notably, the most popular ones seem to all be of the heavy/metal prog variety; their fans appear to view prog as a form of 'intellectual metal music'.
One proper look at zeuhl and canterbury would make people realise that heavy prog is the pedestrian in terms of how experimental prog can be; and how any good prog band incorporates technical expertise into well thought out arrangements so that its never wank. Of course people barely get as far as Gentle Giant or Scherzoo so they never realise this.
>if you want to feel enlightened
lmao who said that i want to have fun, prog rock is fun
Based. There arent many genres that are so willing to apply a full array of sexy electric keyboards to non popular music styles and arrangements but prog is consistently a genre that revels in this. That every prog drummer seems to have some form of understanding of jazz drumming is just cherry on top.
I'm sorry but jazz is too much polite sounding compared to the genres mentioned. Even some classical music pieces are more meanier than jazz.
Feel free to change my mind by posting some jazz tracks/albums that contradict my previous statement tho.
Imagine being on a music website and casually listening to music in the background instead of focusing on it, jeez.
Post some unpretentious prog. Pic related.
>too "white"
Why are you Amerimutts so schizophrenic and obsessed with race and bring it into every debate even though nobody mentioned it before?
>*Blows saxophone*
The best VDGG song is Pilgrims I've always thought.
No it all makes sense to each person, prog has soul, or teaches how to create it or a reaching for the creative to break bad or any patterns to make new, while still inspiring and leading, it's a book I can read that sends me beyond the book
to write own? Jazz and classical no words, you must like your 3d box? Words are traps and spells of the mind, it's a tool, Who wants to be intelligent if you aren't free? Come to the 5d it's freeing XD XD Xd dd!
Prog fans are the most pathetic butthurt losers on this entire site and that's saying something.
The truths hurts, doesn't it?
Based Camelposter
I consider most prog unpretentious so Im not sure how to contribute aside from name dropping.
Maneige - lots of pleasant soft piano sections
Most Qubecois prog is like this honestly
Eskaton - literally rap in one of their songs
Prasky vyber - im pretty sure the lyrics to one of their songs is 'i like disco'
Magma - had a funking soul/boogie album
Hatfield and the North
>big jobs (poo poo extract)
And any other canterbury band with fuckweird track names such as nans true hole
>hard and horny
>Hamburger Concerto
Clearly prog bands didnt take themselves as seriously as critics like to think they did.
>not experimental in the slightest
>made the suite that literally defined the progressive rock genre (2112)
>incorporated massively the use of synths and keyboard
>constantly changed their style during their career, literally there aren't two albums that sounds the same.
>they mixed the classic prog rock formula with a more accessible pop song structure making them complex but easy to listen to at the same time.
Nigga, wtf you are on about, Rush is one of the most experimental band ever. Idk what other band you are referring to, but everyone just used the classic prog formula for all their albums.
Im sure other anons can enlighten you on the trad jazz pill but have you tried out ELECTRIC JAZZ? Brand X, Billy Cobham, Leb I Sol, Greg Howe, Allan Holdsworth, Secret Oyster, Pekka Pohjola, Edition Special, Zao, Mahavishnu Orchaestra, the Blue Efekt, Fermata, Jean Luc Ponty, Mar De Robles, Collosseum II etc. Jazz fusion is electrifying as fuck; anything but polite, more intense than any tryhard metal band ever could be.
In conclusion
Prog is for faggots. Learn theory and listen to jazz.
Anyone into these guys? My metal phase is over since I mostly listen to classical or pop music, but I still regularly return back to black metal and more experimental/progressive stuff like this.
>this thread
This is what happens when you never grow out of dadrock and guitar music. You become a mental boomer well before your 40s. Listen, kids. Don't be like this.
Oh yes absolutely, I love jazz fusion as much as I love prog, but I think that's a completely different thing. It's basically jazz meets electric guitar and that's why I love it so much. But when I said that jazz was gutless I was mainly referring to traditional jazz as you say, I'll wait for another user to enlighten me.
>Brand X, Alan Holdsworth
Based, have you tried checking out Tribal Tech as well? Gary Willis is a monster on fretless bass.
I just like the riffs, the catchy melodies, and the solos. I don't feel "enlightened" listening to prog. I don't think anyone does.
>I just like the riffs
grow up
>the catchy melodies
grow up
>the solos
listen to jazz
Dumbest post on Yea Forums. You are the one who should grow up mentally if you can't enjoy music anymore.
lmao look at this retard
but i'm right?
>listens to prog but somehow I'M the retard
hmm.....ok. lol
>but i'm right?
No, you aren't. riffs and melody are the fucking foundation of music, literally every song on earth has those, so I bet you are probably listening to some avantgarde/experimental shit just to feel intellectually superior to others.
Eh, Prog metal is a completely different thing than classic prog. Even tho I'm a massive prog fan I can't stand most of progressive metal. It's really just wankery for the sake of it without any purpose. Dream Theater is the literal definition of this. Maudlin of the well on the other hand is a cool band that his own sound, I should probably re-listen to them. If you have some similar reccs instead of the typical prog metal wankery feel free to post them.
>My metal phase is over since I mostly listen to classical or pop music
How one does go from metal to pop?
>not experimental in the slightest.
Yes, they were mostly hard rock and later new wave
>Defining suite
>Not saying CTTE, Thick as a Brick, Suppers Ready, Larks Tongue, Nine Feet Underground or De Futura instead.
>synth and keyboards
Like what Tangerine Dream (electronic I know), Kaipa, Placebo, Supersister and most other 70s bands did at the very beginning of the prog movement? As opposed to near the late 70s like Rush? Even digital synth wise Rush was not alone; Yes Drama and Brufords One of a Kind are both extremely early adopters of them.
>changed their style, no two albums are the same
Camel, King Crimson, Blue Efekt and Gong all reinvented themselves just as much and no, fly by night and caress are within the same era as is signals and power windows or moving pictures and permanent waves.
>accessible prog thats good
Thats literally the opposite of most experimental but Genesis is the literal gold standard of accessible but complex prog, not Rush.
Prog isnt typical dadrock nor guitar music by any means.
I dabble in avant garde bm sometimes but more because it tends to sound like post punk. In spirit avant bm is far more progressive than anything DT has shat out.
I will try out that album.
No, I need to try them out. Thanks, I always enjoy it when 80s synth production is applied to hot fusion.
Not that user of course but I also prefer pop (boogie, italo disco and city pop) to metal. Pop at least has catchy ditties and proper production unlike most metal. It fufils an easy listening role whilst metal cant fit a niche for heavy nor fast music; avant prog and jazz fusion respectively have me covered there.
unironically kys if this is you, you're cancer to society, at least Hitler liked Wagner but you're just a fashionless beta bitch who hates Prog cause Bill Bruford shoved his drum sticks up your mom's ass. Thank you and goodnight.
Listen to both jazz and prog you absolute mong, the two dont mutually exclude each other. In fact proggy jazz such Dfa nicely compliments jazz fusion.
So are you going to dismiss jazz fusion too just to keep hating on prog? I hope you arent That retarded.
On the contrary, I love prog music because of how implicitly white it is.
What black prog bands are there?
Whenever I think ive thought of one, it just turns out to be Jazz Fusion.
>Yes, I love eating filet mignon and dog food. So what? Both taste good. Get over it.
>steak and dog food
>the latter tastes good
You suck and cant even write a good analogy. Cope retard. Listening to jazz certainly didnt make you smart.
>Yes, they were mostly hard rock and later new wave
Lmao, cmon man don't make me laugh, you know there isn't a hard rock or a new wave band that sounds like Rush, they trademarked their own style.
>defining suite
Maybe you didn't get this, but again name another band that has basically done a concept album in just one song, besides from maybe Thick as a Brick but even that isn't story telling engaging like 2112. That's what I meant when I said defining suite. Prog has lots of suites of course but the real innovation of 2112 was to tell an unique story from start to finish (Discovery is a pure genius idea) and at the same time displaying their technical abilities. Most prog suite don't tell a story, they are just good suites and that's it.
>Like what Tangerine Dream (electronic I know), Kaipa, Placebo, Supersister and most other 70s bands did at the very beginning of the prog movement?
Dude, that's a completely different genre. Tangerine dream and many others pioneered the progressive electronic genre, we are talking about prog rock here and yes, other band used keyboard before like you mentioned but no one incorporated them massively into their sound. Wakeman, for example, adds a little contribution to the sound of the band with his occasional licks and short solos. As opposed to geddy did with signals or moving pictures, keyboards become one of the main cores of their sound and not just a complement. Name another record that has done this as Signals did or name a better keyboard driven song that subdivision. Also, name more iconic keyboard solo in prog than the one in Tom sawyer.
>Camel, King Crimson, Blue Efekt and Gong all reinvented themselves just as much
I absolutely disagree. King Crimson went from heavy prog to just a basic classic rock formula. Rush literally went from Progressive Rock to Hard Rock to New Wave to a mixture of both. As far as I'm aware no progressive rock band become new wave.
>boogie, italo disco and city pop
Oh yeah, that makes sense, I tought you were referring to normie tier pop.
But yeah I have to agree, metal has lots of cons, and bad productions is one of those. Even when I mainly used to listen to metal (and beware I was heavily into it) prog rock was still my favourite genre even tho I didn't listened to it as much as I do know.
Holy shit typical Rushtard who clearly knows nothing about prog. All the examples i mentioned already countered all your rebuttals but you know too little about prog to even realise.
>Rush is unique
many prog bands had a distinct style barr imitators inspired by said bands.
>unique story
Genesis defines this, not Rush you mong
>Rush keyboards
Rush has less keyboard playing than any of those bands. Just because you dont know them doesnt mean youre right. How can you think Wakeman plays less keyboards than Rush? Is your ear so untrained you cant even tell guitar apart from synth?
King Crimson became a new wave band and then a heavy metal prog band but of course you didnt know that brainlet.
>Also what is Stormy Six and Prazsky Vyber
This is why we hate Rushtards like you. All you guys do is spread misinformation about prog.
>and no, fly by night and caress are within the same era as is signals and power windows or moving pictures and permanent waves.
Excuse me, what? Are you really saying that records like Moving Pictures and signals sounds alike?
While some albums may sound similar to each other (fly by night and Caress of steel) you can still see that Rush constantly tried to improve and evolve their sound and always explore different alternatives. They never sticked to one sound for too long for that matter.
>Genesis is the literal gold standard of accessible but complex prog, not Rush.
Oh no plus don't tell me that you are a Genesis fag.
Rush proved to the critics and the fans that songs don't need to be +20 minute longs in order to be considered good, with Moving Pictures they prooved you can still make complex and technical songs while being catchy at the same time.
Genesis after Peter Gabriel prooved that you can easily sold your ass out and disregard everything you did before it.
Also another thing I forgot to mention in the original post is Neil Peart's unparalled lyrics. Most prog is about random fantasy shit while Rush lyrics vary from classic English literature, obscure sci-fi novels and social themes.
>How one does go from metal to pop?
By growing up. Seriously though, I'm still a bit of a metalhead, I only expanded my tastes and enjoy a variety of genres.
oh and
>If you have some similar reccs instead of the typical prog metal wankery feel free to post them.
Kayo Dot obviously which is just a continuation of maudlin under a different name. But a lot of people will still say maudlin and KD are wankery even though I would disagree because I think there's a lot of interesting and unique craftsmanship and substance in there.
user, I was listening to prog before you were even alive, there is no reason to feel butthurt about it. Also, I didn't insult you in way in my post so I don't see why you are being so mad about it. This just proves how you are intellectualy inferior because you can't hold a discussion without coming to insult.
>many prog bands had a distinct style barr imitators inspired by said bands.
Again, name an album like Moving Pictures or signals, I'll wait here.
>many prog bands had a distinct style barr imitators inspired by said bands.
So you are telling me bands like camel, yes, genle giant, jethro tull have completely different sounds and they are not similar to each other in any way? Lmao.
>Genesis defines this, not Rush you monG
LMFAO, ok I'll stop responding to you right here. Imagine being such a contrarian fags to hate on Rush because they are more popular and loved than most of the prog bands.
See you, (hopefully never again).
>While some albums may sound similar to each other
Thanks for admitting it. Once again, all the bands I listed reinvented themselves greatly but you didnt even know about King Crimson.
>Screeches about how 2112 is the greatest suite
>now says you dont need 20 minute songs to be good
Aside from contradicting yourself, Genesis has shorter songs too. How are you this braindead?
And Phil Collins Brand X and Gabriels pop albums are hands down more enjoyable than Rushes output.
Hes one of the better prog lyricists which really isnt a hard standard to top since lyrics arent the focus of prog. It really isnt; aside from second rate neo prog, that pretty much tells us all.
>user, I was listening to prog before you were even alive
Highly doubt that when you clearly havent even listened to all of KCs discography. I doubt you are even 18.
Youd be at peak pretentious retard phase in pic related.
You are probably the most autistic person I've encountered in this website. You reading comprehension is less than a monkey stuffed with drugs, you only responded partially to some of my points while completely missing lots of other ones on purpose, most of your rebuttals were just Tu quoque paired with a latent inferiority complex and now you've posted this autistic chart which only a Genesis fag could do. I highly recommend going out and hanging with real people once in a while.
The closest you'll get is Funkadelic. Which is a fantastic band.
Oh dear I made the all knowing 'prog expert' mad! Haha thats the most triggered Ive seen anyone here be in a long time. You should humbly accept there are things you dont know and you definitely need to be over 18 to post on 4 chan.
True but i am shocked that there really isnt a single black musician in a 70s prog band.
>le triggered xdddd
Guess who's the one under 18 now.
Not him, but I listen to some bad music sometimes and good music at other times. Sometimes I want to close my eyes and watch what Chinese guqin feels like, and sometimes I want to just listen to some eurobeat.
What's even the point of this analogy. Dog are considered food in a different culture, it's just another type of food, like some Asian people eats bugs and such. If you wanted to make a proper analogy you should've compared to something that isn't edible, like shit for example. As the other user said, jazz surely didn't make you smart.
Eurobeats a far smaller genre than I would of ever guessed; I enjoy it too but I don't really consider anything I like a guilty pleasure.
Aside from my ironic love for meme raps such as the Piraka rap or Moonman.
You know dog food isn't food made out of dogs, right?
that's because it's an actual talking point that prog critics bring up, especially christgau
Steely Dan > music mentioned in this thread
That sounds extremely stupid but most big name prog critics tend to be.
Wait how is run of the mill pop rock superior to progressive rock?
Just joking, steel Dan is good but I always tought of them of background music, something you listen while doing other stuff.
Prog fans like Steely Dan too since its jazz rock; a style that ranges from straddling prog (which is the case for Dan) to outright being prog.
Its music of the same breed user.
I don't consider anything I like a guilty pleasure, either, because I am incapable of feeling guilt. If I like something it's for a good reason, even if I think that eurobeat is immeasurably worse than vivaldi.
Absolutely CHADUBS.
jesus fucknig cringe
Nice samefag retard
I don't give a shit about pop music critics
Or maybe we just wanna cry when we get to the end of Starless nigger. Not everyone needs to feel ‘enlightened’ to enjoy music, they just........ enjoy the music
Fripp predicted soiboys
A true innovator
are there people here trying to say that all musicians arent wanking?
I like prog because it is good. Fuck you, kys yourself faggot
Wishbone Ash
but pretentious prog tends to be better
thanks breh I was seriously looking for ITCOTCK