Is Graduation his best album?
Is Graduation his best album?
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Watch The Throne
His best doesn’t get very good
Yeah? You really think so? That's something.
kanye is fucking trash mate
>I hate these niggas more than the nazi
I like this line a lot. It's so fucking stupid and it screeeaaams kanye west.
No, Yeezus is, and it’s not really even close
That would be Yeezus, 808s, or Dark Fantasy.
it never was. College Dropout is and always will be his best.
>dark fantasy
That's actually a secret dog-whistle showing that Kanye doesn't believe the nazis are as bad as everyone says, hinting at his based and redpilled reveal in the future.
Have sex.
But I dont want to
it's probs like top 3 or so with college dropout and mbdtf
idk how some ppl think its yeezus thats def his worst album lmao
shut up massi
based volcel
MBDTF is just Graduation 2.
Graduation is a more fun album that doesn't take itself as seriously. Graduation is a great time capsule into the American optimism and positivity of 2007.
Late Registration>Kids See Ghosts>808s>Yeezus>Graduation>College Dropout>My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy>Life of Pablo>Ye>Good Music Cruel Summer
If you disagree with that order you're wrong.
those are literally his 3 worst
Refer to for proper order
Graduation>Ye>Late Registration>College Dropout> LoP>KSG>808>Dark Fantasy>Yeezus
I'd recommend you revisit Yeezus, it's aged very well. It was way ahead of its time. To me Yeezus is an angry and experimental Graduation. Listen to I'm In It and Guilt Trip.
I think you'll find you like it a lot more now.
It's true that I haven't listened to it in a while. I remember liking Black Skinhead but the rest was pretty miss. Ill give it one more go and update if the thread is still alive
me too
My man
Sounds good. The first time I listened to it I kind of hated it, and Black Skinhead was the only one I liked.
Now it sounds like a completely different album.
Guilt Trip is the perfect example that Yeezus is an angry Graduation.
Hold My Liquor I thought the first time that it was one of his worst songs ever, and now somehow its one of my favorites on the album. It's like a completely different song somhow.
Long story short, this album is like a bottle of fine wine. You can't just drink it right away, it needs a little time to open first and aerate.
alright Im almost done with it and you were right, Id probably put it in the top half at least now
it's his most accessible, and far from his worst
Drunk and Hot girls is considered the worst song on there, but it basically is an old Can song
Glad you revisited it. I'd put it in the top half too. Which ones do you like better?
Pretty weird how much better it sounds,
the Hold My Liquor to Guilt Trip stretch was nice.
I dont listen to Kanye often but Ill revisit Dark Fantasy sometime in the near future
Personally I think MBDTF is pretty overrated. That one's aged the worst.