What was the exact moment that Yea Forums started to hate him?
What was the exact moment that Yea Forums started to hate him?
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Kill yourself Anthony. I know it's you making these threads.
For me, the last straw was making pure comedy aoty
When he cucked out and deleted his meme channel
Lmao sick bass that’s how you know he’s legit! Reminder, all critics are failed artists and are not to be trusted!
I do not and I am ok with his stuff.
Why does he look like a fatter version of Logic with """"""""""facial hair""""""""""""
>not When
kill yourself you worthless ESL piece of shit
After the article made him act all bluepilled
Well I'm not the entire organization known as Yea Forums but I think he just picks albums based off of his own shitty political opinions and then plays shitty bass licks and unfunny memes targeted towards high schoolers
When he threw Sam Hyde under the bus and became a shabbos goy.
This, I never watched his music channels but his meme channel was kinda fun
sometime in 2017 the tides started changing
and the complete transition happened in 2018 with You Wont Get What You Want
me personally? 2013, when I realized he had no taste for electronic music and that his reviews rely on vague adjectives and buzzwords
handsome af
When he became a fat, ugly piece of shit.
Dude, it's been like 10 years of Fantanospam om Yea Forums.
I'm tired.
He raped his black nephew in law
Let's keep it to handsome
>reviews rely on vague adjectives and buzzwords
this, except for all music critics. who cares what an absolute stranger thinks about art?
I've literally never seen a video or movie of his or whatever he does
I hate him because he apparently is a grown man who listens to zoomer music and that disgusts me to my core. He also looks like an unfortunate mix of ethnicities, like how a lot of times mixed people can be really attractive, he is the result you pray against.
2015, when he went from being an earnest dork to a cringey meme machine who took himself way too seriously
Most will say when he made the cringe decision of deleting his side channel, but in reality it was giving TMS a 10.
When I first discovered his channel and realized his taste in music is shit and that he gives(c)rap albums high rating
I don't hate him, I hate his stans.
I give it a weak 2.
Would listen to it if it were the only music offered to me after a couple months in solitary.
When he gave Liturgy anything above a 0.
>Yet ANOTHER user is attempting to perform the magic ritual that consists of posting a screenshot from forever ago of some review they disagree with because they believe if it's done exactly 746264 times then the critic will put out a different review with an updated rating
Sorry to dissapoint you but it won't work and just makes you look like a dweeb.
around the time he started marketing his channel towards 12 year olds with the long, goofy intros and choosing the most meme-y (...onions...) possible thumbnails
Imagine listening to a bald faggot on the internet's opinion of music in order to form your own instead of listening to whatever music you enjoy and not caring what others think of it.
People who listen to music reviewers are sad as fuck. They just want confirmation that their musical opinions good in someone else's eyes because they're too insecure to have their own.
If you can easily recall 2+ Fantano ratings from memory then your parents failed and Yea Forums would be better off if you were banned from using the internet.
Well that was kinda expected with good goy fantano
literally the musical equivalent of cuckoldry
I don’t hate him I hate that he’s one guy and he’s the tastemaker now. If there was a more vibrant music appreciation community I’d probably be fine with him. But in the mainstream he’s the only guy.
And no p4k doesn’t count even normies know p4k is trash now.
For me it was his meme channel
He's literally just italian
when he started appealing to the masses with mostly rap/hip-hop reviews
I hated him when i created this board
9 months before Zomby called him a melon.
No that's the reason he was liked in the beginning
ok melon
Same Hyde threw himself under the bus
Then why does he look like a chink slav
>then the critic will put out a different review with an updated rating
Huh? Why would I want that when I never seen another review of his after that? The only time I've seen his fucking face since that is on Yea Forums
whe MBDTF because le Yea Forumscore drones but keknye is a hack anyways so whatever
Not long after Mr. Ott made shallow rewards 1
stopped giving a fuck around tree era
also trying to jump on the bred-tübe reddit wagon to prove he isn't l'gnotsey and didn't laugh at sam hyde is kind of transparent and pathetic
he calls his wife racial slurs in the cal voice and thinks it's really funny
>he calls his wife racial slurs on the cal voice and think's it's really funny
god I want to believe
Salem 2/10
Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit
When he gave AM a 4/10 when that album is objectively a 8+/10 (I rate it as a 9+/10).
It was obvious that he disliked the album for the sake of disliking it.
The last straw was him having a different opinion than you?
LMAO, you faggot. AM is a strong 5, it's definitely the worse Arctic monkeys album.
he gave red light a bad review, what a nigger
Yea Forums hates everyone, i dont know what you expected
For every album that has ever been created and ever will be created, there is at least one person on Earth who thinks (or would think) that the album is just average or worse. There's no such thing as an album that can appeal to absolutely everyone, no matter how dickrided/groundbreaking/perfect/etc it is. Even if such an album somehow did exist, there's no way Arctic Monkeys made it. Take the world's top chefs and have them make a meal consisting of ingredients you don't enjoy. It may be objectively "good" but the meal won't really satisfy your taste because even though the person making it is skilled, the raw components don't appeal to you. You must be underage to not realise this.
>metalfags pretend to like elitism
>also extremely threatened by elitism
How is he so fat? I thought he was a vegan health freak. He looks worse with every video.
LOL ok
I honestly liked him until he started trashing Mastodon, then I realized he was a gigantic faggot.
If something is objectively good and I dont like it then something is wrong with me.
AM is an objectively good album
I think 2015 was the biggest sellout year. Also once my taste developed I started to hate him naturally because he doesn’t review the genres I like.
>Lo-Fi Psych-Pop
>Artists he hasn’t reviewed or YUNOREVIEW that disappoint me
Connan Mockasin
Chris Cohen
Amen Dunes
Dirty Beaches
Cate le Bon
Voices From the Lake/Donato Dozzy
Lorenzo Senni
If you already know what is and isn't objectively good then why watch reviews? To hear someone say "1 + 1 = 2" in case you forget?
Gaythany Fagtano
Who the fuck are any of these artists?
yes bro haha flood the replies for meme
way too late
this retarded hipster shithole board made that faggot famous, I used to get a million (You)s telling me to kill myself if I disagreed with his gospel
I don't dislike him.
You need to be 18 years old or older to legally post on Yea Forums
I enjoy hearing his opinion, I don't base my musical taste off him though.
for example, he hates The Wonder Years. I love them, doesn't make me hesitate when I play them. He at the very least, is good at describing what the music sounds like, especially when hes into it.
and I like trap and metal, he tends to like trap and metal. he wouldn't review pic related though. he is just a youtube channel.
yeah he's a music reviewer, people get so testy about his reviews but it's literally just one dude's opinion, and it's interesting to get someone's well formed opinion, even if you disagree with it
shut the fuck up Antoid Cucktano
Him buckling to F*der
Bandthony Fanthony
when his wife wouldn't let him review the latest peste noire album because the album art offended her
>I enjoy hearing his opinion
Why do talentless hacks always invariably play the bass?
Unsubscribed the moment he gave Sleigh Bells' Treats a 2.
For the sake of any lurkers I want to shed light on what this faggot actually "likes" on a personal level...He rated this album greatest album of its year
Notice you can skip to any part of the album and not find a single melody. Yeah, it sounds alright but seriously man. To rank this heap of crap over music with actual melodies is a clear indication you don't like music at all. And that becomes especially apparent when you get past the illusion of his whole rating system, as if God himself descended from the heavens and gave Anthony fucking Fantano a number to regretfully provide his viewers, who really only clicked on his shitty video because they like the album. Fucking christ when I think about him giving a 2 it's just fucking sad in my opinion... how on a consistent basis with no empathy he puts a video out just to lure in the people who liked it and make them upset...Anyone with any respect for art would not waste their time pointing out the flaws of a sub-par work but would focus their energy on the countless masterpieces there are out there to admire..I'll give him credit as a businessman, he has made an entire business out of turning his face into a meme
look at this mastodon listening mega autist and laugh
Somewhere around the time he started doing nothing but appealing to his reddit fans and rating every popular trap release at least a 7/10
>its just 48 minutes of ambient sound
>greatest album of its year
>To rank this heap of crap over music with actual melodies is a clear indication you don't like music at all
perfectly put
At least he didn't pick Yeezus
>metalfags are one person
Dude, his music, if you can even call it that, sucks cock.
The fact that fagtony fagtano talks about it like it has any sort of musical merit just outs him as a hipster cunt with no taste or he didn't even listen to The Shart Work (I can't blame him).
I want him to sit on my face
mixed people are ugly as shit with only a few exceptions (who always end up becoming models)
When he went full SJW after the Fader articke
The Deathspell Omega debacle sealed the deal for me, he's just another hack that follows trends.
He talks a lot of shit about white people for not being white. Also I agree on the music thing. Another thing that makes me mad is I was the one that got him to review Errorzone by Vein and he completely acted like he knew about them before I told him who they were. I'm usually cool with people listening to whatever music they like, but at our age group, soundcloud rap should not be one of those genres.
>I think he just picks albums based off of his own shitty political opinions
Nigger what
>meme machine
>takes himself too seriously
Pick one faggot
Have you considered that he might have started reviewing a lot of hip hop because hip hop has a shit-ton of music being made all the time?
>he doesn't review obscure artists only i listen to
grow up
he wishes he was biracial, so he can sing along fully to his hubandfu kendrick's songs fully
Good taste user
ranking Pablo Honey and Hail to the Thief above TKOL and Amnesiac was very cringepilled
faggy genres
People here just watch the train wreck
He can't keep his edge while being a vegan married to a black woman and working for complex Inc
His Slipknot review is so obviously click bait it's not even funny. He wants those views. It's the worst Slipknot album ever
moving on to drone someone else doesn’t make you better than fantano fanboys retard
when he said being a vegan makes you healthier
He also rated it higher than Ravedeath 1972 which is by pretty much every measure superior
after I saw him live
he is such a cunt you cannot imagine
remember when he complained about his ratings being removed from albums' wikipedia pages - like he thinks he's robert christgau
after the whole fader debacle, i lost interest in him because he really started pushing how woke he is. it even seems like his taste has gotten worse since then. pre-fader anthony would not have given billie eilish an 8.
when he gave Beyonce's Lemonade a glowing review I knew exactly where his head was
Jordan Peterson said it best
wow that sucks way harder than my already low expectations
When I found out he was married to a nigger
But he is woke.
he's a way better bass player than me that's for sure.
>caring about some fat retard's opinions.
Just listen to what you want and don't be a cuck
Tbh I used to hate post fader fagtano but I'm starting to understand why he's more "poptimistic" these days. Let's be honest, as much as i trusted his opinion on music, he was kind of a musical snob then and I think he knew that and is now trying to compensate for it by giving artists a more fair review based on their abilities. So for me I don't give a fuck that he enjoyed a billie eilish album but it's only the politics thats getting annoying. If he enjoys idles, that's fine too but I just wish he wasn't such a fucking Diva about his politics in public. If he's a libcuck, cool idc, but his attempts to be a some kind of political commentator even if its just his opinion is cringe
Wait this happened?
he was 100% better as a snob
this is something I don't understand about how neo/mu/ reacts to critics, it's like you don't understand what they're there for
they aren't meant to be liked or disliked as a whole, and you're sure as hell not meant to compile their favourite albums into some kind of definitive chart, that's just fucking stupid
like the scaruffi drones put more emphasis on Scaruffi's opinions on certain records than they do their own, how little do you value your own opinion on a subject?
Music critics were always snobs, and it was fucking awesome, because their constant one-upmanship of each other critic forced out a certain degree of complicity - a factor of critical complacency which is absolutely fucking rampant today and leaves the task of trying to find the most interesting or obscure thing out there nowhere to be found.
and why exactly isn't he a snob anymore? Because he gave billie a high score?
your stance rests on the assumption that a pop album couldn't possibly be good just because it's a pop album. That's not true. Have sex
I'm not good at discovering new music and keeping up with releases, so I use his channel as an resource for potential albums and tracks to listen to. Don't really give a fuck about his opinion of them.
He’s so hilariously mediocre at bass. It’s no wonder he became a critic.
the moment he completely switched to the pitchfork style of rating albums, i.e. rating them based on politics. I mean shit, he literally deleted a review because he forgot to take into account that one of the band mates was a nationalist
>leaves the task of trying to find the most interesting or obscure thing out there nowhere to be found.
the reason it's become rampant is because of the monopoly advertising has on the internet nowadays. it's not about diversifying content, but being as cliche as possible with minimal effort to generate the most clicks/likes/upvotes/etc. this applies to artists and critics alike.
I enjoy his reviews but my god this guy has an ego. If you ever follow his Instagram he posts political posts which I'm fine with but the guy thinks he's 100% right about everything. If you go against what he thinks he'll call you out on his instagram and will proceed to explain why your wrong and why he's right. Honestly makes him look like a massive douche.
Hm. Around mid-2009. Back when he used to put some green square on a magnet for the album cover and used a green background.
so he should pick albums based of Yea Forums's opinion? fuck that
time machine modulus
I never liked the fag, but that was certainly a turning point
Somehow he has the nu-male look but isn't a nu-male
this pretty much
you can see why he became a critic
all critics are hacks
when I listened to some of the jazz records he rated highly and realised he has absolutely no idea what he's talking about
when i couldnt listen to any song by an artist that he's reviewed without seeing a million comments about him.
You can't get used to the fact that you ain't a kid
You like to think that you speak for them all
You'd cut off your nose if you thought it would make you hip
It drives you crazy you can't be a star (Oh ain't that tough)
You don't believe what you write
(You're an imposter) you don't believe what you write
(You're an imposter) you don't believe what you write
(You're an imposter) you don't, don't, don't believe what you write
You take the credit while others do all the work
You like to think you discovered them first
But we all know you moved in after it was safe
That way you know you could never get hurt
(You like to play god!!)
I didn't say anything about Billie
You did.
I didn't say anything about pop music
You did.
the case doesn't rest upon what genre he gives higher scores to whatsoever, the issue is that his ears immediately perk up when there is a mainstream, certain to be talked about release - this does not reflect an organic methodology in terms of finding music and bringing it to the attention of a greater audience. It should leave a sour taste in your mouth whenever you think he has taken an album with no true consensus yet, and removes it from this temporary suspension in order to slap a numerical label on it, for the purpose of appeasing or offending the audience for increased viewership. It appears to me that this is nothing but feedback in the form of verifying or denying what you already think about a project.
It's fucking shit and he needs to stop because at this point the reviewer has become more famous than the albums being reviewed which is utterly ridiculous and anybody even slightly concerned about the artform itself should realise this is an imbalance that should be immediately rectified.
which is something I don't think Fantano played into consciously to begin with but to deny it now I think would give Fantano credit for being unaware of this fact, but he certainly is not
When he said that TMR produced by yours truly was unlistenable or some shit like that. Also, FUCK CRITICS NIGGA
>Om is just boring man. These bass riffs are sophomore. 5/10 for Advaitic Songs.
desu he's always been shit but this is the most standout case of retardation for me.
after reading this i think you must be a fag with no confidence.
what do you guys think?
I never cared much about him but i'd come back and see a review every now and then. when he gave kendrick a 10, then daughters a 10, those were two big nails in the coffin
he likes niggers a little too much
and? it's a good album
Since day one. You newfags didn't know he used to spam himself? That all his content was just ripped straight off pitchfork, making it completely pointless?
based, that was a fun album
basically this
2/10 is just stupid low