My best friend did a cop suicide yesterday

>my best friend did a cop suicide yesterday
Music for that feel.

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He was depressed.
He had a strikeball gun.
He pretended to attack police patrol with this gun.
He got shot.

Jesus, dude. I'm sorry. Maybe listen to some of this.

the sound of a therapist

But really, I'm sorry. Radiohead - Moon Shaped Pool.

haha that's gay

Gorillaz - Kids with Guns

I'm sorry, dude.

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that's song that's like "kill people burn shit fuck school"


being a pussy ass coward is one thing but forcing someone to kill you and potentially ruining their life and psychology is another level of pussy ass cowardice.

>implooin' cops have empathy

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That's funny as fuck.
You're a faggot, OP.

You're kidding right??????

Cops can't wait to use their weapons. Plus that cop now has experience with drawing his weapon, aiming, and killing and can now do his job more effectively.

>not actually killing the cop
what a faggot

cops arent people

It's hard to kill with a strike ball toy, you know.

I can only hope that when you faggots need saving, that the cops are someplace having empathy training

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Fuck dude that's terrible. Sorry man

But they do love to shoot.
They really do.

Cop here. We love to shoot. But not people.
Are you fucking mentally ill?

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Imagine being so pathetic that you make up bullshit sad stories to get attention on a music forum

Gonna need some salsa on this event bud

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>Are you fucking mentally ill?
i recommend doing a quick check up where you are officer, this is 4channel, yes this individual is probably fucking mentally ill


>wahhh wahhhh wont some one think of office kyle with multiple domestic abuse charges waaaahhhh
fuck off liberal
