Only 10/10 album made in the last decade. Prove me wrong

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Twin Fantasy, The Money Store, and Bait Ones

I wouldn't say it's absolute perfection, but it's pretty damn close. I'd give it a 9/10, personally. I think it is definitely among one of the best albums of the decade.

Like Clockwork

The Money Store,Exmilitary and To Be Kind are the only 10/10 albums from this decade

Fuck off Fantano

Have One On Me.

among many others, listen to more music, silly

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The powers that b is better than the money store and exmilitary could ever be

But Viper has released multiple albums within this decade.

i love this one!!!!! also i think the money store, to pimp a butterfly, kids see ghosts, and the new Daughters record track i dont know if you guys heard it

Why does this album sound manufacturered? It's not raw at all.

What's up with the exclamation marks after "this" in the first line?

Money store is probably their weakest album conceptionally, but damn it's got some catchy tunes


fantano really did ruin a generation of """music fans""" huh

You're the only one using the F word.

but you’re the one droning the tastes of a guy who thinks billie eilish is 8/10 worthy lol

Based CSH, but wrong CSH album

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interesting tunes

Bring The Sun or A Little God In My Hands?

TBK is a sterile attempt at remaking the magic of The Seer

but the seer is better

you can smell it on people, and if you can't – you're on of them. also i know! here's another 10 for you

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unironically unlistenable garbage
and i enjoy harsh noise

no you don’t kek you just said that to qualify your shit taste

it is pretty mood dependent, but i do. i found the sissy spacek s/t on here in high school. anyway swans are a terrible attempt at being transgressive or edgy

just because swans are popular now doesn't mean you have to swing to the other extreme and be a monkey-brain contrarian. you have to now nothing about noise rock or swans to say that they are "a terrible attempt at being transgressive or edgy". not even saying you have to like them, just that your reasoning and weak credentials give you away as a fraud

both of you are wrong. Nervous Young Man is clearly the superior album, it was much more ambitious, and it felt more personal than Twin Fantasy imo.

yeah maybe if you spend all day jerking off to "influences" and "culture significance". or you can think for yourself and realize just because bands you like looked up to an artist or played with them doesn't mean you have to respect or like them.

swans suck

A lot of it is emulating krautrock, which rhythmically is quite machine-like


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The Seer > The Glowing Man > TBK

The only true 10/10 of this decade

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A Little God In My Hands

i wasn't trying to make a point about how significant they are, but rather how insanely edgy people in the noise rock crowd can be, and how tame swans (especially post-reunion) are in comparison.

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hey melon

the money store

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It's boring, listen to city of caterpillars instead


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Just listened to it again and it's amazing, annoyed I forgot about it. Her stuff after Worth listening?

*The Powers That B
Honestly TMS has a lot of forgettable/uninteresting tracks, especially once you've listened to their other albums, like NLDW or Exmilitary. It's relatively tame and (hate using this term) entry level for DG standards. Hacker is fucking good though.

Hey call me based too please

melon didn't like Bait Ones

Age of Adz
Everywhere at the End of Time
Luv(sic) Hexalogy
No Now
Ceres & Calypso in the Deep Time

shit, forgot Powers that B, pretend that's also on the list

Yes, but Is more messy.worth it tho

that's not the glowing man


Sonically, it's The Glowing man
Conceptually and thematically, it's The Seer
But the most tightly wrapped is To Be Kind

stupid retard

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Such a great album cover though

>only 10/10 album made in the last decade
>posts a 9.5/10
OP ur dum

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Glowing Man > Seer > TBK

Closest thing to a 10 I've heard this decade is probably Double Negative though.

the only albums i've listened to from this decade are clockwork, villains, and one king gizzard & the lizard wizard album that i didn't really like
is good music dead, anons?

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>Uncanny Valley

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for me, it's MBDTF.
The only albums that come close are Yeezus, Mista Thug Isolation, and Back from the Discomfort

>prove me wrong

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boi if you hear i appear missing and dismiss it as dadrock, i feel bad for you, genuinely

Not a good album
Best album of this decade by a very wide margin but still not a 10/10

Bowie said so


Deerhunter- Halcyon Digest and Mid Air Thief-Crumbling are 10's.

niggas on the moon, the seer, public strain, and have you in my wilderness are the only 10/10s

>niggas on the moon, the seer,
>public strain, and have you in my wilderness
never fucking mind I guess

Jesus fucking Christ this cannot be bait

none of these are 10/10s. in fact they are all shit


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post yours then cunt

>Prove me wrong
It's rock music

no. but yours are shit.

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That's not Kids See Ghosts

not even his best album