/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

favela ni _ _ ers edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Real previous thread

>a mexican and his mexican made fender.

Sammy has a good hairline. He should shave that mustache and work on those toothpick arms though. Best of luck to you sammy.

I need a backup acoustic. Used is fine something I can for between 500-800. I have a Taylor 414ce. I love it. I don’t want another Taylor or Martin. I mainly play finger style. Recommendations? Thinking a dreadnought but can be swayed.

Eastman? Takamine? Yamaha?

I’m in major metro US location so used market is plentiful

>tfw you see yourself in the mirror with a genuine Gibson™ Les Paul Standard for the first time

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i still doubt this chick had a real gibson, i have the theory she bought a fernandez burny with a gibson sticker.

Uhh it was real

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It was a vintage model according to the cashier that handled the string change. Doubtful for 250000 yen though.

have you seen a burny ? these japanese guitars were perfect copies of gibson les paul model the chances are pretty high she didnt had a real gibson.

vintage means 30 years old. a guitar from 1988 is considered vintage now

Deal with it bucko

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Granted the exchange rate was pretty shit back then, but when I went to Japan 250000 yen was about £2500 (or ~$3200). Not exactly a small sum.

nothing wrong with not owning the real deal did you know G&R ´s Appetite for Destruction was recorded with a gibson copy ?

this isn't true actually

The girls were lucky that Mugi's father owned the store otherwise Yui would have played an all black rg421 like a spic

actually they did use a superstrat in some solo and the gibson copy.

>tfw playing with cheap guitars for years, I can play literally with everything and fingers are adamantium-like at this point
>meanwhile virgin boomer complains about everything all the time "muh frets" "muh action" "muh neck curvature" "muh strings" "muh wood" "muh tone" "muh bridge" and has to buy $6000 guitar to not cry like a bitch because his fingers hurt

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slash only used the appetite guitar for a few overdubs at the end of the recording session. he did tour with it for the appetite tour but almost none of the recording was done with the derrig copy

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>buys 6000 dollar guitar
>starts changing the nut, refrets, changes pickups
>hangs it on the wall with the other 11 identical models
>writes a cuckpost about his wife making him sell his shit

you are wrong they get him that guitar on hurry ´coz they have a few recording weeks left.

with the gibson endorsement secured, he lied throught his teeth to tell you otherwise

>don't care about the hairline mockery Sam!

The unnecessary suffering never ends, I want to jump off a bridge

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do you shut up your eyelid this hard when a tranny penetrate you ?

>you will never jam with sammy and go grab a rat burger down the street


Just catch a plane any day bro

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>you are wrong
i'm not, but you are. gnr management brought the guitar in for slash at the very end of the recording session and it was only used on a few overdubs
>“I was really broke and I hocked all my decent guitars before we went into the studio to make Appetite for Destruction,” Slash tells the website staff. “All I had left were a B.C. Rich Warlock and two Jackson guitars, a Firebird, and a prototype archtop Strat-style guitar. I brought them all into the recording studio for the Appetite session and they all sounded horrible. I was like, ‘F---, what do I do? I have to do the overdubs and I have no instrument.’ So Guns N’ Roses manager, Alan Niven, showed up the night before I went in to do the Appetite overdubs and brought me this Les Paul. I went in the next day and it was the most amazing sounding guitar.”

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Doesnt matter it all burned to the ground

That's right the Les Paul is the most amazing sounding guitar

Where’s jcum? Did he really rage quit?

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kakifly is still alive, he is the real yui creator.

Check out that tall as dome.

He's not even talking about the Appetite Les Paul there, he's talking about the Hunterburst Les Paul which was used to record the overdubs at the very end. It wasn't used to record the bulk of the album.
>Rist argues that the Hunterburst, although not played on Appetite for Destruction, deserves a significant place in rock ’n’ roll history...
Then Slash pawned the Hunterburst and Roman Rist says he got the Appetite Les Paul for him later right before the Appetite for destruction tour started.

Does he have a job to go to?

How many anons would honestly say their "low end" guitar from your favorite brand is good enough for recording or live use? Did you have to do any work to it to get it that way? Were the pickups trash or microphonic? Was the fret work terrible?

I'm asking because I see a lot of shit posting on these lower end guitars when there are actually a few jems out there for less than $600.

Pic related is a guitar I regularly use for recording and live use. No issues at all and I shit on Epiphone regularly. The classic vibe series is also a good set of guitars, though the quality has lowered over the past few years to not eat into the profits of the Mexican line of guitars.

Is there any guitar you think is a jem that offers something good for it's price point?

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yep, he is rich enough to stop working at any moment yet he is still working at k-on 2 drum bigalow

friday is the most busy wheelbarrow day of the week

I used a lower end pacifica live numerous times. The only thing that really matters is the amp at that point. I heard bullet squiers sound great in those settings. No one but fusion autists gives a shit anyway at that point when you can play and entertain.

What guitar did he mainly use to record Appetite Then?

>imagine knowing this info
Get a life loser. Cartoons arent real.

>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on craft IPA

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>craft IPA
indeed this shit is expensive

Aesthetic headstock.
It's also by far the worst style of beer.

Pic related. He's also on record saying he had a B.C. Rich Warlock, two other Jackson guitars, a Firebird, and a prototype archtop Strat-style guitar as well. He probably also had access to whatever Izzy Stradlin was using at the time and whatever Mike Clink had available in the studio. It doesn't really matter though, the Les Pauls he's famous for playing came after the record was written and almost completely recorded.

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This is true, but there are a few cheap guitars with pickups that cause feedback as soon as a little gain is added because the pickups are microphonic. No amp can save you there. I've seen a few new bands play their first show only to have it ruined by that.

There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophies: youtube.com/watch?v=9TS3dg9ckcM

>a B.C. Rich Warlock, two other Jackson guitars, a Firebird, and a prototype archtop Strat-style guitar as well
"You" just posted a quote saying he tried these guitars and they all sounded like shit

>So Guns N’ Roses manager, Alan Niven, showed up the night before I went in to do the Appetite overdubs
Do you not know what overdubs are? What do you think hes overdubbing over, silence?


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that's not me you idiot. i even gave you a link but you were obviously too stupid to read through the story
>When Guns N’ Roses entered the studio in late 1986 to record Appetite for Destruction, Slash was apparently playing an assortment of guitars that did not include a Les Paul, whether replica or Gibson.
>"There are too many accounts from Slash and other people that a lot of Appetite was recorded with a black Jackson and a red B.C. Rich,” Rist says. He claims that most of the record was recorded with these instruments and that the second legendary Les Paul replica did not enter the picture “until Slash did some overdub stuff later.”

What does senpai think of my recording from last weekend: vocaroo.com/i/s0CG03Qo33oD

I simply don't have the patience to play right now.

>Spends upwards of $5000 on cheap shit guitars
>Some poorfag with one cheap acoustic is a better player than you
>Picks up a telecaster
>Plays beautifully
>"this feels and sounds like garbage"
>smashes it on the ground and goes back to his cheap shit acoustic

Must suck.

tips on resources/exercises for chord progression? when I improvise I have no clue what key i am (and don't know the key of the song as well lmao) nor do i know what chords i'm playing.
after noodling to a song for a few minutes I know what notes I can play but it's a knowledge founded on practice and 0 theory

fuckin nice.
what are your main influences?

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hey fellow guitarists do you like my custom new mouse pad??

he did overdubs with the les paul. but what guitar was used for the guitar parts that were recorded before the last overdubs?

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can you rate me please

sorry for the flipped pic

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Noob here, how to pick individual strings? I always hit the wrong ones. I know about the pinky. Should I just grind it till I git gud?


>tips on resources/exercises for chord progression?
Practice jazz lines

where you get your lines is the tricky question.
Try to pirate olegario diaz books, he is a great jazz transcriber.

feels like I'm on the set of Roseanne.

on the what

it's an old people joke

They recovered the anime on the server

fuck that luthier

who is the red lespaul?

also sam looks great there!

6/8 loop pedal noisy jam and some trash drums. What are you all screwing around on today

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Okay so after getting out techniqued by a girl in Gears 4 I can no longer come here instead.

You will rue the day I took the creative and intelligent hobbies pill.


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overall it's pretty nice but I feel quite a bit of those bends specially in the beginning would sound better if you let go of them instead of sustaining them.
Also here and there seems like you lose a bit of the direction but I do that a lot too when I get excited.
godspeed & keep practicing

he gets off at 6:00pm pacific (9:00pm eastern), you can expect him to come here as soon as he clocks off

Looping as well with drums, just not as noisy.


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that F hole looks ridiculous

What does the PWE in input do on an amp?
Have a fender princeton 65 SS if that makes it clearer what im on about.

no it doesn't
I'd rather have that and the traditional tele routing

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just buy the real book why tf would you waste time thinking about it

Play With Emotion input. You use it when you play the blues

as opposed to to the fugly design of the thinline pickguard


It's in the wrong place

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Can't wait til me and my gf stay up late talking about all the interesting songs and stories I'll write.

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That makes sense, i couldnt make my bloos stanky enough

Nevermind guys i misread it and its PWR in, just a return for the effects loop.

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the thinline is ugly too.
only tele I like is the solid body with nice looking bindings like pictured

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Tell me how I did.

off to bed now demarco

I don't smoke

Where's his jaw? It's like they removed it. Or he sold it for guitar strings.

I will hire you on my japanese indie rock label

>tfw when you see the same spam post for the 21,345th time
>And it's still as dumb and boring as the first time

>didnt had

And you still reply. It's a pretty deep commentary when you think about how a gibson poster does the same garbage over and over again and people still give him yous just like the actual company that puts out the same trash every year and idiots still buy it.


when is it too late to learn how to play guitar?

when u ded

19 if you ever want to record a song, 14 if you ever want to play on stage

Later than 3 years

>started learning at 13
Wew, I'm safe then

Could you flap your neckbeard jaw in a different direction?

when ur 2 digits of age

Why ain't you selling ad space on that thing.

when you are 6 feet under

yeah, I guess it's never too late to try
thanks for the positive reinforcement

Do I look like Chris Cornell with this stache

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Maybe with a rope around your neck.

Does anyone have a classic vibe Squier? What do you like/dislike?

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i do. i have a jazzmaster, telecaster and p-bass. the tele and bass are pretty great. no issues with them at all. the jazzmaster had a low cut nut and i got replacement neck. on the replacement, the 2nd fret was a little tall. a little filing fixed that.

all in all, they are nice guitars. would buy again and are a great platform. it should be noted that the quality of these instruments are not the same as the pre 2015 stuff since they changed to different factories. the cv crafted in china were just as good, if not better than the mim fenders. another thing to note, the cv pickups are closer to spec with the originals than the mim. the mim pickups are hotter.

>21 frets
>glossy neck
If you don't care about either of those things you'll like it just fine.

They're good, fretwire is soft

nobody ever posts nice pics of acoustic guitars ;_;

I hardly use mine. But this is the one I have.

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Wes Montgomery started at 20, worked a day job and practiced at night. One of the most celebrated guitarists of all time.

Just be ready to sacrifice every other aspect of your life. You won't be able to spend time with friends (as if you had any to begin with lol) or find a gf (bigger lol). Spend three hours every night practicing. You'll catch up soon enough.

you havent asked

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>Spend three hours every night practicing
but practicing what?

nice forehead, ya dingus

How does this sound?

I tried listening to a bootleg earlier, but ever since that guy talked about Jerry Garcia not really wiping well (apparently it was in an issue of the Rolling Stone in a kaka expose), I can't stop picturing the amount of fecalized shart pellets that must stay tangled in his asshair.

I think it would make for a "stinky kaka asshair pie" if you were to take a look at Jerry Garcia bent over in front of you. It wrecked the Dead for me.

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> trying to learn jazz track
> sounds ok through my headphones
> record myself
> sounds really sloppy



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maybe u should change ur headphones

more like samuel hammett

im probably the best acoustic and electric gutiar ploayer in this thread. anyone wanna challenge me?

reddit suggested me to use more outside notes but i have no idea how to do it



r u suer vocaroo.com/i/s1zSaomBM6Tj

roast me
i'm sorry that you can hear the acoustic buzzing when i'm playing the chords in the beginning

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i have a les paul junior ive been using for 4 years but i need an upgrade,any suggestions?

based Alvarez friend

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Get an emerson premade harbess with upgraded components and swap out your pickups too.

why did you copy my vocaroo

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Why do you need an upgrade? What's wrong with your Les Paul?

I really get tired of people asking this. The whole god damn world is at your fingertips, you don't even have to try that hard to get reasonable at guitar if you put in literally any effort.

well fuck u

technique theory and reportoire

dude holy shit sorry
i meant to post this

its a junior, i switched out the pick up 3 years back but a friend was helping me move and he cracked the neck so when i plug it into a pedal and an amp it buzzs horribly, figured time to get a new one

good idea, thanks user

theres literally links all in the top of the thread dedicated to different aspects you should be practicing and sources that will help you, just follow that religiously until your decent and then go with whatever you like or feels natural

is anyone interested in listening to these takes

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No, but reaper is based.

yes u are, im uploading

I can tell that more than half of these are off time

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theyr not

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Lol the sound waves don’t lie. Play to a metronome before you try bragging to the Internet

beat me to it

here's one of the takes, loser vocaroo.com/i/s1zSaomBM6Tj

Yeah Sam those takes are all off time and all over the place. You speed up and slow down. You can physically see it in the waves you. Are you blind like your dad?


are 7 strings based or gay?


>they are not off time
these are few, but there are more. this triggered my autism

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lol retard it wasnt recorded to the daw's click.

lmao even if it wasn't, we can clearly see you started all tracks on the same bar. the wave forms still don't line up properly if tracked to an external click, which is stupid by the way and is way too complex for you.

Yeah no shit you didn’t use a metronome. Look at the timeline bar, the hits are all over the place. You and your dad are blind(and deaf) HAHAHAHAHA

I came into possession of a nylon string guitar in a satin vintage burst finish.

How do I care for this finish, particularly because it's satin? I've only ever owned gloss coat electrics before. I dig the guitar, I just don't want to ruin it with polish.

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i started them on the same bar because i was following the rhythm track that i tracked without the metronome. which is that first track.

try harder

pink suhr gave sam a compliment to piss off jcope and now he thinks he can spam the thread lol

>try harder
Because you can’t see well?

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haha u seen nothin

this is disgusting, but makes me think of all my favorite guitar players and the kaka that may have been hiding in their pants while I saw them play on-stage.

>Epiphone Les Paul Special 2, sold it
>MIM Fender Strat, sold it
>BC Rich Mockingbird, was destroyed in flood
>MIA Fender Telecoustic, sold it
>MIJ Fender Aerodyne Strat, still have it
>Godin Session, sold it
>EVH Wolfgang Special, sold it
>MIJ Fender FSR Strat, sold it
>Godin Multiac, still have it
>Ibanez S1070PBZ, still have it
>Charvel DK24, still have it

What guitars have you owned over the years?

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first guitar: inexpensive Stinger classical, still own it with a broken body
second guitar: condor hss strat, upgraded it and repainted it but sounded like shit so im now converting it into a compact headless
third guitar: condor les paul, gradually upgraded everything including frets, great guitar
fourth guitar: condor tele, came with gfs pickups and i upgraded bridge to 3 brass saddles
fifth one: pj bass of some unknown brazilian luthier

dude...that very 1st track isn't even aligned with the timeline based on those few initial wave forms. let's say that 1st track isn't the rhythm track, that leaves the track below it. that starts almost perfectly on the start of the bar. the remainier of that track is back and forth on the beats of the bar. the following tracks start almost perfectly on the same bar, that alone is pretty hard to do given the small amount of space you've given yourself without a pre-count which points to the project being tempo mapped.

so you're either lying about playing without a metronome, or you played with one and still fucked up

seriously, the triggers my autism

dude literally shut up and listen instead of looking at soundwaves like the autist you admit you are

lmao listen already and it sounded off time. the wave forms only confirm it.

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yeah looks totally mapped.

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who the fuck would buy this?

You guys like SRV?

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Where do you canucks buy your guitars from?

Lmao bye Sam!

you can't play guitar. just accept that and move on

I try to use Reverb because L&M sucks horse loads. Sometimes it can't be avoided, though. Look for smaller local shops.

I've been using L&M but the markups can be nuts. My local shops are even worse for marking shit up.

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Reverb is your best bet as you can actually haggle and a lot of times independent shops won't charge tax or will charge a reduced tax. A shop I frequent on Reverb charges 5% tax despite it being 13% in Ontario, for example.

Also try Kijiji or FB Marketplace. Sometimes you can find gems in the rough.

Do their guitars play as bad as they look?

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EVH fans

fuck off, you played with me yesterday, fuck off

lol loser

>hand-crafted in china

I just bought a squire affinity strat for $50. It's the HSS from that guitar and amp combo they had recently. I think it's like 2 years old or so not sure.

Anyways I want to buy a loaded pickguard to swap and I'm looking at these two. It's an 04' American and a GFS Vintage Wound loaded one that looks new.



My first question is shouldn't the American 04' have shielding on the pickguard? It might not be a real American correct? I'm leaning towards the GFS especially because I know what I'm getting and the electronics look good.

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my bass is made in brazil

I'm constantly scanning both of those and my area is almost nothing but chinese crap and people selling damaged guitars at nearly new prices.

Never used Reverb though, thanks for that.

>Squier acoustic, got destroyed
> BC Rich Virgin, sold
> MIM Strat, sold
> Ibanez RG550, sold
> Gibson SG special, sold
> Godin Kingpin, sold
> Seagull Parlour, sold
> another MIM Strat, sold
> G&L Tele, sold
> Harley Benton Tele, sold

> Jackson hardtail superstrat with EMGs
> another Jackson superstrat with a flatter radius and coil splittable humbuckers
> A good classical guitar with a common Spanish surname I can't remember
> Guild acoustic

I'd buy every other EVH model before that one though and i am a fan.

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I’m sorry I didn’t make you feel special Sam.

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buy a paula next

why did you do that pretend you were someone else

>$1000+ Epiphone with quality parts
>made in china

it's still shit, right?

keep playin an all mahogany made les paul upgrade to a 2003 all mahogany les paul studio faded.

to be honest the maple top les paul come with is unnecessary.

I didn’t, you were getting messed with by other anons. I only replied to you twice. I’m pretty sure they even told you it wasn’t me.

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because he wasn't pretending. you were replying to me.

I'm not

Lmao Sam is so fucking blind


I wanna get this

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you had the same tone as him. im not gonna bite the bait.

i dont like jackson v, i like their dinky models tho.

Not even close dude

I like them also but I already have a super strat shape and I want something pointy. would get a warrior if the finish options didnt blow outside of the custom shop.

>MIM Fender HH Strat, Dad made me sell for my 16th birthday so I could have money to spend on my birthday. Think I got like $100.
>Some chinese american flag strat, lost during moving or something, idc.
>ESP LTD EC-1000, lost in pawn shop because I was a stupid young adult that didn't have a job. Had this when I sold the Fender.
>Hofner Acoustic, lost in move or something. This acoustic played like a dream I wish I could find another like it. It was like $200 too.


I think this is it.

>Fender T-bucket 300ce, still have
>Epiphone Explorer Korina, sold when lost my job
Just bought

>Memphis EVH Superstrat
>Sysonics w/ built in speaker
>Aria Pro 2 Bass
>Yamaha Acoustic
>Framus Acoustic
>Dean MLXT
>Dean Cadillac Select
>Fernandez Vortex
>Fender MIM Strat
>Jackson King V
>Sekova J Bass
>Schecter 004
>Peavey T40
>LTD B-255
>Dean Cabby Bass (x2)
>Lark Upright Bass
>Fender Chris Shiflett Tele
>Godin LG P90
>Alvarez 12 string Acoustic
>Dean Colt

>Squier Tele Standard
>Fender Blacktop Tele
>Fender 70s Strat
>Dean Tracii Guns V
>Washburn Acoustic
>P-Bass copy

ok then

>find guitar I've been looking for online at a decent price
>$300 shipping

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>eko gg3

>eko gg 3 neck slaped into an ash tele body

How the fuck have you guys gone through so many guitars? I've been using the same MIA Strat for the last 10 years

people here just buy gear, not actually play it

I'm usually on the lookout for the discontinued Elitist Epiphones; they're MIJ, largely feature Gibson electronics, conventional headstock tilt angle (make of that what you will), and more often than not sound just as good as Gibsons of that era, all for under a grand

>tfw you got so much Blues that you cant even practice daily anymore

Find a used Cordoba D series guitar.
You'll know why when you get one.

I've just always bought and sold gear.

yeah the MIJ Epiphones are a cut above the rest. The only Epiphones worth buying are the signature models and the MIJ ones.

how about the korean samick ones and the czech ones ?

super based
>should I learn how to play?no,im gonna buy more expensive hardware
talk about playing,god dammit

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No chops.

the korean ones are much better than the chinese built ones for sure, but not as good as the MIJ ones. The indonesian ones are comparable to korea imo. the one in was made in indonesia in 2014.

You guys use voice leading to create a feeling of movement from chord to chord right?
You aren't some turbo pleb who plays in shapes rather than giving consideration to where voices could or should move right?


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>rent free

There will be bedbugs in the next guitar you buy unless you buy it brand new.

Gibson Tetanus

Thats why you cover it in kaka

>Yamaha 3/4ths classical - lost into the ether while moving
>Behringer strat copy (from a starter pack) - sold it
>Squier Jag-master - sold it
>Gibson Les Paul Studio - sold it
>Yamaha CG-101 - sold it

Still own and don't plan on letting go:

>Fender Mustang MIJ (MG69-MH CAR) a.k.a. Azusa model - had for ~4+ years

This thing killed my GAS. Every single guitar I tried out after I got this just didn't feel and sound as good. Very distinct style and color.

>Yamaha NTX-700C Classical - ~1 year

Got it last year to replace the CG-101 which had a crack at the neck joint. Also got it for the higher fret access which I don't use as much as I thought I would.

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GAs is a symptom of consciously preventing yourself from getting the guitar you actually want because advice from others and """rational conclusions""" tell you it's actually shit.

So if you have a beginner who wants a sick metal guitar like kirk hammet, and tell him he needs to start on a strat because it was good enough for the real greats back in the day, and to stay away from floyd roses (they're impossible to tune, kid) and EMGs (they sound sterile and bad. seymour duncan, now that's a pickup) you just created someone with GAS. If he never returns to his true self, that he wants a sick metal guitar like kirk hammet, and continues to believe the gearhead nonsense he's been fed and even come up with his own, he will continue buying guitars, amps, and pedals to try and fill the void he refuses to believe he has. But he will never buy that sick metal guitar, because

>Metal is dumb
>EMGs sound sterile
>Floyd roses are impossible to tune
>A fender is good enough

So he clicks "buy it now" on another fucking les paul or something because his internet "friends" will approve of that.

so if i just follow my heart and get a guitar that i just want, i'll be free from GAS?

if it has to be done...

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Haha post receipt

i don't have enough money...

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Dip* it in kaka

Never buy a signature model unless it’s the EJ strat.

Taco mondays?

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Dude wtf how did you find this

That looks and probably sounds like shit.

>buying anime guitars other than the sayo one

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That would be a really pretty guitar for a girl, especially with that rose in the center.

9/10 would buy for my sister if i was that rich.

I think you're right, but I think it's simply because people like buying things. Some people buy more clothes, shoes, etc. than they could possibly need but buy em anyway because it makes them feel good -- it's the same with guitar or any piece of gear for that matter. Some people like to collect gear, perhaps for the reasons above. Also, marketing plays a big role (fav guitarist uses guitar x, I have to have one!) so your reason goes out the window. I fell for this with the LP (big Jimmy Page fan) but after a few weeks for playing it, the goggles wore off and realized it was pretty crummy. The cycle then repeats until you find a guitar that you actually like on a personal level.

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That guy from Wintersun with the blue guitar > That boring chick from bang dream with the blue guitar


For me it's the HSH setup. Its versatility leaves no room for gas.

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For me it's just HH or SS because I'm not a tone nerd

these guys used blocked floyds because they like them more than hardtails.

>big jimmy page fan
Well then why didnt you get a tele?


Speaking of HSH guitars, what impression do you get from this finish? I wanna say its horror Silent Hill esque but part of me thinks people could just mistake it for animal stripes

i'd say it would look better in person but at that price point it's a veneer and will look just as bad as the photos

this one still has the wood grain coming through it, so it looks more scary. but unfortunately no single coil

it's just a flame maple veneer instead of a quilt maple veneer

please do yourself a favor and get a solid color or transparent finish over normal wood grain like this (shouldn't be veneered unless it's epiphone). if it doesn't cost over a thousand dollars when brand new it's a veneer and they look really bad in person, and you will be disappointed.

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I disagree, I've seen plenty of guitars that look awesome in person on the cheaper side
heres one for example, it makes me think of good vs evil

Notice it's not a figured maple veneer or fotoflame.

These veneer guitars look like crap, plain and simple. Boards suitable for caps that look good are 1: rare 2: about $200 in the raw so they don't show up on mass produced guitars under a certain price point. When sliced to make veneers, the 3d effect of actual figured maple is completely lost and the guitar just looks tacky.

To be fair, the nip Fenders are solid. They're usually much better guitars than the MIAs, but with cheaper hardware so they can price stratify.

t. Had the same experience with a Japanese Jaguar

I will never understand where you pull that Silent Hill comparison from

Gonna be going to guitar center and looking for a used

We can agree to disagree, I think they look awesome
Particularly silent hill 3, has these gorey rooms with blood on the walls that have those linear lines across them if you look closely. just brings it to memory

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yeah, don't go to guitar center


research what kind of pickups you want, and have them plug it into an amp and play it a bit for you

there can be bad guitars in any range. so if it feels and plays good, and it plays in tune its good. if you know someone who plays pretty good, maybe bring them along with to give some feedback. unless they're brand-fags. then dont bring them.

mike stern has some good advice

because MBMIA

american gutiars from smaller shops, and even smaller divisions (like fender custom shop) are amazing. it's just a shame that relative quality like that used to be the standard for the rest of them.

fuck it all and buy a kiesel.


>When sliced to make veneers, the 3d effect of actual figured maple is completely lost and the guitar just looks tacky.

my epiphone have the 3d effect and it is a veneer

gibson magic

I've now eaten and realised what this stands for, thanks.

wtf I love slim tapered necks now

Anyone feel like confirming if a guitar is real or not?
Japanese seller of an sg he. with a diamond block at the bridge and the tuners cover 2 of the first serial numbers

They hurt my thumb

5 guys

Kiesel really is god tier. For the money, you get so much. If you stick to a solid finish, they're like $1400 and will outclass literally anything

GAS is a byproduct of a consumerist society and an instrument perfectly tailored to it. So many different options and finishes for an electric guitar, so many different ways to sell to people who fall into the trap of continuously looking for that 'one' guitar that will somehow make them a better player or inspire them to practice more.

Reverb and ebay make it especially pernicious because you combine the above with the addictive rush of hunting for and getting good deals.

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2003 Les Paul Standard? Good or shit?

So much truth. One guitar and one amp; start practicing.

why it's ej strat?

It fucking hurts bros. I have way too many guitars and I constantly see new ones I want on a daily basis

Which is your favorite, and which is the most versatile?

Ill give you a hint
E_ _ _ J_ _ _ _ _ _

Gotta be my telecaster. The problem is I have 3 of them and an esquire

>which is your favorite?
>which is the most versatile?
You've provided one answer. Is it the same answer for both questions, and if you have three Telecasters, which one are you talking about?

You're like those stupid boomers on tdpri with 11 teles that only differ by nut material

The authentic tone of Brazilian made amps and Brazilian made pickups®™

isnt that a brazilia brand

Do a black metal song again

I guess my deluxe telecaster is the most versatile since it has 2 volume 2 tone. My regular tele is my favorite because it has the best neck in my hand that fits like a glove. The Twisted tele pickups give it way more output than any other single coils I've played and its in the best color ever, surf green

To be fair I keep each one in a different tuning and theyre all different colors. One is a HH and the other two are SS. The esquire on the other hand has a cool 3 way quick tone switch

Then you need to get rid of all of them except for the HH and the best SS.

I'd get rid of all of them and keep the esquire

Nice, full hardcore.

This almost sounds like a slide

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The esquire is really awesome. It also gives me a little nostalgia for when I was younger and got my first fender telecaster....i still regret trading it away. Ill probably never get rid of my guitars because of it

Its fine if you actually make use of what you buy. I see so many boomers who just fill a garage full of amps and only play them once in a while or not at all. Thats where it seems pointless IMO. Or the guys with 100 overdrive pedals with 75% of them just being a copy of a TS with slight tweaks.

I have a boss super overdrive. Is there any reason to get maybe a EHX east river drive or the soul food

Boss Super Overdrive and EHX East River Drive are both Tube Screamer clones.

The Soul Food is a Klon Centaur clone.

post your amps

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I thought TS was a boss overdrive clone?

the EQ is flat because there's no need o twist knobs for half an hour to get the amp to sound listenable.

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lol wtf is this

Once again.

Tube Screamer was 70s, SD-1 was 1981. It doesn't really matter, though; we're talking about not having more than one pedal with the same basic topology, regardless of which was released first.

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What's a good pair of headphones with a long cable to use on an amp?

I need to crunch some stuff out but don't want noise complaints.

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Nah, if you're buying anything EHX go for a Muff imo. Also the most god tier OD I've used yet is the OCD, fantastic pedal

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>AXL Strat copy, first guitar, beat the hell out of it but never learned to play it. Spray painted it without removing any hardware, threw it at the ground, basically did everything but learn to play it. Put in a dump three years ago.
>Epiphone LP Custom, sold it.
>Squier Jagmaster, sold it.
>Squier CV strat, sold it.
>Fender MIM strat, sold it.

Fender Player Series strat 2019. Convinced I'll really learn to play this time

Buy a good pair of headphones and then get an extension cable for $10.

OCD is an original design as well as sounding great.

Mdr7506s have extremely long cables. Also
>getting a tattoo on your throat

If I already have an amp with digital fx is it a waste to buy pedals?

Depends, most amp fx's are dogshit, muli-fx units can be meh to very good.

for sure, I think its one of the best to own along side any TS type. I wouldn't mind getting some Klone at some point, but the one I want is pretty expensive ($200ish)

Just build one.

>it takes Sammy half an hour to dial in an amp
I guess that explains why he owns a Hien, at least.

All the OCDs now are version 2 and all the earlier versions cost as much as an amp. I havent heard any demos of an OCD to make it sound better than my SD1

where do you see a H on the amp you are retarded

>I've never played an OCD but I like my SD-1 better
>also OCDs are too expensive
Nobody said that OCDs were "better" than SD-1s, but you're welcome to your preference, regardless of never having tried an OCD.

>Hien owner calling others retarded

Nothing wrong with V2 at all, its still fantastic and I have no idea why it even gets any hate. You really can't judge an OCD at bedroom volume (which a lot of players do) it sounds a lot better a moderate to high volumes. V2 is the first one I used where the single notes don't sound thin past the 12th fret, which is a huge plus for me. Also on 18V mode its very open and dynamic

Also YouTube demos in general are terrible ways to judge any pedal, you have to try them with your amp/guitar and with you playing it. I can tell you that owning a great TS and an OCD they're both completely different and both really good for different guitars/sounds

YouTube demos in general are terrible ways to judge anything.
You need to hear it in person.

In person.
True bypass.
Final destination.

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what amp and what pickups? malagoli?

Fuck off, Sammy.

Imagine creating an ad like this today.

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>tokai review
>reviewer pronounces it as "tock eye"

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all and all it's just a...nother monkey in the general

lol, Gibson used to have so many based ads

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It just rustles my jimmies when he's so obvious about samefagging.

it's all right


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Yeah, imagine anyone under 60 playing a gibson these days lmao

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Fuck off, Sammy.


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Thin tone, decent for the money

for an apartment?

It'll work for that. I would probably get a Yamaha THR though, IMO it has better tone and better portability

Alien Mars amp, Malagoli pickups. Cheap microphones made in China with a Brazilian logo (Arcano)

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Its better than the Katana since it comes with Cubase for free and works really well youtube.com/watch?v=vzKOzppQi6k

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