how is this acceptable in the #MeToo age?
How is this acceptable in the #MeToo age?
because she's hot
check my digits
looks like nicki minaj lol
literally wearing blackface
overtanning is white culture
I always found this kind of strange. Grande seems to get away with a lot for seemingly no reason. If there was another popstar doing this, they'd be attacked and deemed a "racist".Why does the mainstream pop audience make exceptions for her?
Is it safe to say Italians are filthy culture thieves?
No, but amerimutts claiming they are Italians are.
Works for me
Hey Timmy, it’s been awhile, same old post though
she's objectively ugly and horrible
Maybe she was whitewashed at teenagehood and now just assumed her real skin color
Same thing with Cardi B raping someone. How was she not cancelled
>muh outrage
because they are women and they can do no wrong
Because they make money. LOTS of it.
Damn, she's gonna get cancer eventually.
Because no one owns skin color.
We should just get past this shit. Imagine if we were saying the same shit about someone dying their hair.
Maybe she likes having dark skin why should it matter? Maybe a black person likes to have light skin, why should that matter either? It's so dumb and in my opinion is the real racism "oh you can't like this skin color because MY race owns it". It's not black face because it holds none of the ill intent that black face had.
This shit is childish, same as "cultural appropriation" that's some more childish shit that only separates people more
>italianoids calling anyone mutt
Left: Wholesome (except the dyed hair and makeup)
Right: Xenomorph skull and disgusting zombie skin tone
>Because no one owns skin color.
Yes, I own my skin color. It's in my DNA. If I choose to have a child with a woman with similar alleles, they will be gifted to my offspring.
Telling people they don't own their skin color is like telling a natural red head that anyone can be a natural red head. Sure, you can dye you hair, but you will never be a natural red head. Understand?
>We should just get past this shit. Imagine if we were saying the same shit about someone dying their hair.
People should stop dying their hair. That's not their fucking natural color. I hate seeing japanese insectoids with brown european hair. It's so fucking gross.
>Maybe she likes having dark skin why should it matter?
You aren't born that way, so you are trying to run away from who you were born to be by artificially shapeshifting into something you're not suppose to be.
These people are shapeshifters, and she made her skin color brown to appeal to shitskins. It's not rocket science.
> It's so dumb and in my opinion is the real racism "oh you can't like this skin color because MY race owns it". It's not black face because it holds none of the ill intent that black face had.
It's not that you can't like it. It's that you AREN'T SUPPOSE TO HAVE IT BY NATURE. Why don't you fucking understand this?!
>This shit is childish, same as "cultural appropriation" that's some more childish shit that only separates people more
Look you collectivist cunt, cultural appropriation is a huge issue. We need a stable culture or it might as well should not exist. An amorphous culture is not a healthy culture for our people. Celebrities appropriate other people's culture to get attention
I think the question that is being is asked is
>Why aren’t the people who attack people for this kind of retarded shit not attacking her
And not
>How is she getting away with this cultural appropriation
calm down it's just 4channel
Read this comment
>italianoids calling anyone mutt
The very fact that we have globalism means that anyone can reproduce with anyone else without so much as a care in the world. The literal face of the country changes in a matter of generations, and people grow frustrated with their lost heritage.
There is a perfect balance between being a whore and turning your skin brown so you can make money off the backs of negroes with music addiction, and then there's reminding yourself that you will always be white. And that is okay.
People who pretend to be another race and don't do it for a greater purpose (like securing and preserving your people) are mentally ill. If you don't agree with this, you are just another communist.
u gay, senpai
>The very fact that we have globalism
i'm also a fan of facts
this picture is fake you dumb faggots, this is old stale b8 and you just ate it
How is it fake, the left is a number of years ago when she was on Disney Channel, the right is how she looks now. Are you retarded or just really good at pretending?
>Disney Channel
she does more than dark skin. her hair extensions, all of her performance, big parts of her music, it's all derived from black culture.
Sorry, Nickelodeon. Is that a big enough difference to make my point moot? No.
>Disney Channel
absolute fags
the right is shooped, she isn't reverse micheal jacksoning
it's not shooped you idiot
it's literally her spotify profile picture, shill.
Shooped within the restrictions of an advertising picture but the point still remains that her skin is significantly darker now
Rape is bad.
Censorship is also bad.
I'm sure many anti-rape people are pro-censorship, and that many rapists are against censorship. But I think healthy, intelligent people are anti-rape and anti-censorship. It's also very interesting how many prominent evangelicals and Republicans are pro-censorship and rapists.
#MeToo is an anti-rape movement. I support it. I am sure many of the people who support it are radical feminists who support censorship, but those people are dumb and I can agree with them on one point and not another.
censorship is good when you have a conservative society wanting to stop degeneracy and delinquency
then when once you remove it censorship becomes a liberal trap to end heterosexuality
so India should keep their censorship but reintroducing it in America would be bad
her music is fucking garbage even though I’m pretty sure she has little to no involvement in the writing process. Would be a good riddance desu.
This. I found that situation pretty outrageous. If she were a man, her career would have been absolutely destroyed. I think recognizing and having an open public conversation about sex crimes is an important thing. That being said, sex crimes against males should be taken just as seriously we do for females. Just because male on female crimes are more common does not mean we should neglect acknowledging males who are victimized.
They should go back to dads balls honestly and just vanish
>people should do everything how nature does it we're not allowed to have thoughts or feelings or any sort of consciousness
How about fuck you, I'll do what I want
White people are dead, sweaty :)
just seeing her picture makes me angry
Jigaboo monkey face, go back where you came from.
Why do you derive any meaning from something being "natural", it's weird
There's literally nothing wrong with being trans-racial. The only people who disagree are women and trannies who think their mental illness is more reasonable than the mental illness of some uber wigger.
>tfw nobody got the "incorrect" joke in "politically incorrect"
I love the beat for successful so much it sounds like Pharrell samples and chopped up a late SNES/early PSX jrpg menu theme. The beat for “I gotcha” by Lupe has a similar thing going on
whitepeople.jpg indeed
We reward stupidity with wealth and admiration, while those who truly deserve those things are ignored and shamed.
What language is this?
european american vernacular english
idk but right looks like she’d suck dick better so right > left
are you retarded?
what this has nothing to do with MeToo
She's just using her mexican-sounding last name (she's Italian) to get darker and appropriate black/latino culture/musical motifs
>putting your dick in the same place a nigger did
haha screenshotted for my epic /pol/ compilation bro
kys, libcuck
You're going to at some point in your life. Might as well get it out of the way early. You grow the fuck up faster.
quite, but she still ugly
she ain't got no alibi she ugly
It’s called fashion you retard.
I don’t think you understand what MeToo is really about - or what rape actually is -and how ugly it is in comparison with someone just going along with something because at they thought it was right/easy to do at the time.
Tldr, don’t be a mark
White woman tears are the most powerful currency on earth OP. Just remember that all you non-white boys on here. In any situation, any situation, if a white woman starts crying you will be seen as the enemy, always.
Look at how they treated that little black girl over licking that ice cream they went after and talked about that bitch more than those mass shooters. Meanwhile you get white girl youtubers throwing shit off balconies and not getting shit done to them. Look at that football player that got arrested for cocaine possession when it turned out to be bird shit on his car. Racism is alive and well, except all the white girls get to be as black as they want now too and get celebrated for it. Call them out on that shit - out come the white girl tears.
rather be a mark than a phoneposter
issa Gungan
it was not rape
I'd also add that she robbed the poor guy. I'd honestly be pretty pissed about that too
The president's literally orange, and y'all are concerned about this? LOLOLOL
>Implying big Sean isn't objectively better than grande