Darksouls 3 was the best dark souls game

Darksouls 3 was the best dark souls game.

-Best soundtrack
-Most consistent quality from start to end
-Best boss variety
-Best boss quality
-Most aesthetically appealing level design
-Tightest controls
-Very polished in comparison to 1 and 2
-Best enemy variety
-Best PVP

NOW WITH THAT SAID, there were two big problems

the lore felt kind of hodge podged together and a lot of the weapons felt weak but I don't think that's enough to outweigh all of its great qualities and improvements on DS1.

I'd also say that the "consistent quality" can't be emphasized enough.

The fall off in the second half of DS1 is so disappointing. DS3 is one of the only FROM games that actually feels like it's building up to something and actually delivers. (The second half and DLC clearly has the best content)

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Who cares, Bloodborne is better.

*blocks your path*

Attached: bloodborne-two-column-02-ps4-us-04jun14.jpg (767x1080, 233K)

I think technically you're right


I find the color spectrum to be so consistently oppressive that I get kind of tired of it after awhile.

I like the way DS3 hops around atmosphere and I prefer it more for that. BB is undeniably great though.

fuck man I dont have money for a PC and a console

Overall I agree OP although DS3 has some lame parts like Catacombs, Irythll Dungeon, and Archives. DS1 also has higher highs than DS3

>tfw still haven't played Demon's Souls
They should just make a remake for ps4 already

am I retarded for enjoying DS2 the most? Sorry I don't have an autism sperg powerpoint of why I feel that way, but it was just more fun to play.

No, Dark Souls 2 is unironically amazing, people hate on it for superfluous reasons. My only complaint might be the world design on some parts, like the connection of Harvest Valley and Iron Keep.

great game, definitely recommend.
I enjoyed ds2 quite a bit. Played it the most out of all the series, had about 600 hours played on my main. That being said, I agree with OP - DS3 was the best imo.

The edges were rounded off some things from DS1, and its a stunning looking game. But if they hadn't done the ringed city the ending wouldn't have been very interesting on its own.

I also felt like you were given a seemingly endless amount of choice to begin with, but its a facade. The amount of gems, build variances, weapon types seems ridiculous, but only a handful end up being of any use. Bonfire locations were also really weird (i.e. within seconds walking distance) and the difficult seemed to oscillate wildly depending on your level.

I'm still making my mind up about it. Nothing beats the feeling of relief I got, emerging from the Catacombs/Blightown and seeing the light again, or getting to the top of Sen's Fortress, icing the Golem and being stunned by the majesty and initial quietness of Anor Londo in DS1. But maybe its nostalgia. I like all 3 for different reasons. Could never get into Bloodbourne.

All have a good soundtrack, DS2 prob the weakest because of the stupid amount of bosses.

Ye true , i will always have a soft spot for DS2, but DS3 felt very compact, focused and cinematic.

Like youre on an actual journey tailored to give the best experience.

Dark Souls and Demon's Souls are the only souls games worth playing, the other two are pointless.

I liked Irythll Dungeon and the Catacombs. Classic shit eating Miyazaki levels where you're scared to look around the next corner, low on estus and desperate

This is now a video game soundtrack thread

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The music of the game was so boring i had to play some Summoning in the background to spice things up

This is the only factually accurate position to take

Not a music thread. So this is why this board is really shit now, because it has been invaded by Yea Forums?


Pontiff Sulyvahn theme joe rogan tho

Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Sekiro

Here's hoping Elden Ring isn't literal butts.

>best PVP
This is a troll post

This is Yea Forums.

No it's not.

DS is retarded glitch abuse for Chinamen
DS2 is hoping to get lucky with your retarded meme build
BB is blindly shooting at each other in hopes of getting an auto-win
DS3 isn’t great but it’s the only one that’s not total garbage.

DS1 pvp is the only good one because of the poise, seethe more dexfag.

I had about 1200 hours on ds2 probably half of which was at the iron keep bridge doing duels, i lived for that shit for years and listened to many albums while i did it.
Imo dark souls 1 was lacking in content and felt kinda unfinished
Dark souls 3 was good but i just love 2 much more, i still play it every couple of months out of habit

Hell no, you could make literally any build work in dark souls 2.

this is the best vidya song ever

I agree, Laurence might be my favorite boss in the whole souls series.

laurence really? you realize he is just the fucking cleric beast reskinned right?



I mean, of course there's similarities since Laurence was the first Cleric Beast, but the moveset is really different. But what I really love about the boss fight is the extraordinary synthesis of the soundtrack with the boss' agression. I personally had a really hard time on him so every fucking time that I reached the end of his second phase there was this cathartic feeling, I really don't know how to explain, I just absolutely love this boss fight in general.

who cares listen to the new king gizzard instead

not bloodborne or any souls game but bruh this is a great track

Whats the musical equivalent of a souls game?