Did you guys see the news?

i can't fucking believe it bros.. omg... oh my fucking god.. no.. god why...

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I read the news today oh boy


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fucking hell why isnt there a sticky?

Can someone change "shot dead" to "shidded" please?

omg i cant believe xxxtentacion is dead baka this world nowadays

John Lennon beat his wife

he a true nigga

Wow a super international typewriter from Petite for only £13.25

>you will never be a manipulative hippy guro in the 70's beating the crap out of minority women you brainwashed with love songs

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About a lucky man who made the grade

The best beatle was Sad Paul.

its 2019 idiot that happened in the early 80s
fuck you zoomers are so fucking stupid I swear

john is kill

Was literally the other way around. Lennon was a dickhead all on his own but Yoko got in his head. Julian said that his relationship with his father was actually at its best during the "Lost Weekend" period where he was spending time with May Pang instead of Yoko.


>drops smegma butter sandwich

i have 10 of those liverpool echos, not worth shit

Y'know, John Lennon was a clout martyr if you really think about it...
