is this the most cringe concert ever?
Is this the most cringe concert ever?
>15 yo me
>Pink Floyd is the best prog rock band and prog rock is the objectively best genre(that's what they said in my local dad-rock radio station), therefore they are the pinnacle of music, why even try listening to something else?
>28 yo me
>124 PF playes on my out of 143k total scrobbles
What went wrong?
>dear blog, today I will inform you about my music listening habits again
Isn't this what this board is for? What about weekly, monthly, yearly charts and threads?
Today I will remind them
Hey this is actually pretty good, not cringe at all
>hey gais, let's judge a decision made 48 years ago by a band without considering the context
is this the most cringe thread ever?
no, end of the thread
Not at all.
It's actually based desu
>e-e-everyone else duz it guys leave me alone
It's pretty good quality and context wise, but i wouldn't expect someone like you to know anything about music at all.
That said, I think this version of Echoes is better than the one in the album.
That’s literally the point of this board faggot
>comfortably numb guitar solos in live performances
No this is
you dumb
>lighting guy in frame
much brutalist
Man I must have watched that recording like 100 times when I was a teen.
It's still good. Best version of Echoes I've heard.
I like how she instantly abandons her band.
Yikes niggie
Nah, it's cool.
Why is it a cringe concert, OP? Could you explain in a coherent way with actual evidence and no buzzwords why it is cringy?
provide a complete list of what words you consider to be buzzwords
>can’t do it
K then
That dude in the background with the spotlight is killing it.
A buzzword is any word that doesn't tell you anything at all and is just thrown around indiscriminately towards anything you dislike, as opposed to giving reasons why you dislike it. All OP did was post a picture of the concert and ask if it was the most cringe concert ever, without giving any reasons they thought that, which also makes it impossible to refute.
>irrefutable question
>some teacher put this shit in back in high school
unironically asked for a transfer that same day
can someone explain what's going on here?
Not him, but a buzzword is a word of which the meaning is less important as its popularity. Like when people used ''pleb'' to define if someone had good or bad taste. Pleb doesn't really mean anything, but it was popular to say it when you disagreed with someone tastes, as if it had meaning.
But this is not a concert. It is still a cringy performance.
I find this one to be more cringe.
Last fm is gay as hell. Millennials obsession with gamification is disgusting and opposes all forms of creativity and divinity. You’re repulsing and I’d recommend you delete your last fm and reclaim your dignity.
not cringe, audio quality sucks though
Pleb does mean something. It means that someone has a "lower class" or less well informed opinion than what a patrician or "upper class" or more informed opinion would have.
4channel good for divivinity
She was caught lip syncing because the audio played before she actually started pretending to sing, then she walks off, leaving her band to pretend like nothing happened.
Exactly, which you can't exactly define what is a lower class or upper class in taste. Obviously there are the easily identifiable cases where it's clear someone is pleb or a patrician. But tjere's a point where it is not exactly defined.
Literally could not even make it to 10 seconds
Nice comeback faggots methinks your brains are already mush, there is no hope for you
how is it a concert if no one is there to hear it?
What's cringy about it
And it was on whim too, one of the roadies left his wallet there so they went back to get it and realised that it had a nice natural reverb and decided to do a concert there
>Burning Bridges Guitar Solo
Not him, but if you're not gonna say anythig interesting then control your sperg impulse and don't post anything, shitposter. You're not trolling anyone.
How is this cringe? I kind of get why someone would find it cringy, but i just can't. The only weird thing is that they are old as fuck. Other than that, they are solid and the crowd fun.
looks like playback
This is pretty good actually. If they kept their band, by now they should have their own personality.
Now that you mention it, it's true.
crowd is singing along to an instrumental