``deletes Burn The Witch``

``deletes Burn The Witch``

ahh, now it's perfect.

Attached: 81yzDHiewYL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 38K)

*deletes user*
ahh now 4channel is perfect

*deletes Kid A in it's entirety*
ahh, now their discography is perfect

>deletes King of Limbs
ahh, now THAT'S a discography

*deletes that shitty album*
Ahh, prefect discography.

oh wow the plebbiest opinion ive ever seen desu

Based retards.

"deletes the entire band"
Ahh, now our world is perfect.


>inserts Ill Wind and Spectre
ahh, now it's even better.


deletes Reddit posters*
ahh, much better

nice i don't use reddit i just like to say oof

>deleting the best song on the album
Why are Radiohead fans so obsessed with the meandering droney tracks?

AMSP is a poorly mixed phoned in dirge

Patrician's ranking of Radiohead albums
Kid A = OKC > TKoL >>> Amnesiac >> The Bends = HttT > IR >> AMSP >>>>>> PH

That's close enough to my ranking. I'd put Amnesiac over TKoL and honestly PH over IR and AMSP, but otherwise we could be friends.

that is extremely based

I don't know why exactly, but I'm really annoyed that the tracklist for AMSP is in alphabetical order. It really fucking annoys me.

I can see that, amnesiac constantly fluctuates in rank for me, the version of Morning Bell always drags it down for me, and i'm not too bothered about Dollars and Cents either. Glad you rate TKoL tho, that's their ultimate pleb filter imo
Also I hate to see HttT that low even in my own list cause it has some crackin tracks but it's just not as good as the others and its got bad sequencing

Those are literally my exact feelings on Amnesiac (although I love the Kid A version of Morning Bell). Pyramid Song, Like Spinning Plates and Knives Out alone are enough to keep it firmly in my top 3 though.
Pleb filter is fucking right regarding TKoL. It annoys me to no end that a band known for experimenting and changing their sound up did just that for the better, and then whiney fans couldn't handle it and forced them to go back to old habits for AMSP.

deletes every track
adds every track from TKOL
NOW it's perfect

Amnesiac is based because of Life in a Glasshouse. But the Morning Bell version is nowhere near as good. Plus what I consider throwaway songs like Pulk/Pul and Like Spinning Plates. Never really got into those.

Holy shit I didn't realise this.

>There are albums where the track lists arent in alphabetical order

Attached: 1563463711419.jpg (499x481, 28K)

*taps mic* AHEM

a moon shaped poo

we knoooow where you live

*deletes paranoid android*
now ok computer is perfect
not even being ironic that track sucks and is one of the worst radiohead songs