Guitar-based music is on the decline. Keep crying boomers

Guitar-based music is on the decline. Keep crying boomers

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Hey at least we had great music to listen to when we were young, I feel sorry for you kiddies.

lol at you thinking that you are even capable of forming a worthwhile opinion about this

Laughing Out Loud

Every zoomer faggot plays it through ten reverbs and delays for a synth pad sound. It's not done yet but it's on the same level as those synthesizer toys now both in terms of skill required and respect.

yeah just do whatever condé nast and the television tell you
show those boomers who's boss

In industry or in actual culture?

In the industry, all instruments are declining period because talent is rarer and more expensive than a guy who can speak with enough rhythm and get close enough to the notes for the pitch corrected and edited version to sound okay.

In actual culture guitar sales declined a bit due to all the kids who would only try it for two years no longer wanting to be a rock stars but it remains the most played instrument and probably isn't going anywhere, since it's easier than a violin or viola, lower maintenance than any wind instrument (change strings once a month vs. clean after each use and address pad wear), and more portable than everything else while having decent range and being capable of true polyphony unlike everything that isn't an accordion or piano. Also, since the addition of electronic pickups it makes for more natural, expressive sounds when used as the front end of a signal chain of synthesizer and modulator nonsense. However, in another 30 years it's probably going to look something like this and people will be totally over this "strumming" thing as the primary mode of play.

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LAughing Out Loud

Old as fuck here.

Every generation since the 80's has said "guitar rock is dead!"

And then guitar rock taps them on the shoulder and says "Could you stand to the side, please? I have to get to the stage."

>actual culture

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It's alive, but you don't like it because it has progressively let more of the lower class in. High culture and low "culture" (poor people are animals, don't call it culture, call it behaviour!) are dated distinctions.

oh so you're saying the lower classes didn't have "actual culture" before they were ever so magnanimously "let in"

No, I mean they had their own culture but you didn't recognize it as culture. And now that they share culture with the upper class you don't think anyone has culture, because you don't recognize anything but high culture that excludes the poor and common as culture.

I can tell because you posted some wealthy fucks from damn near a hundred years ago and said "actual culture is dead".

You just don't get sarcasm and can't read between the lines because you're an autist.

>you didn't recognize it as culture
when was this?

um i dont think so sweaty

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but you can't tell it's rock anymore and there are no more gratuitous solos

>>actual culture

what is not actual culture is mass media

that's the distinction being made

if a PR guy pushed it, it's not authentic culture. it's a manufactured fad.

why can't you answer the question?

zoomer holocaust when?

it's not declining, it's just stagnating severely

Slipknot just topped the charts here in the UK, displacing Ed Sheeran who basically always uses an acoustic guitar when he performs.

>stagnation isn't decline
sure thing lyonya

what isn't fucking stagnating is declining by falling further away from being recognizable as music

due to the invention of writing we have wrung all creativity out of the human species. we're out of ideas and we have all our ideas on the books in case someone thinks they have a new one.

nice larp boomer

*blocks your path*

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incredibly based and redpilled