Listens to "everything" rather than finding a niche they fit into

>listens to "everything" rather than finding a niche they fit into

Attached: greg.png (338x360, 113K)

Adendum: You are not smart for trying to be like Melon, cut it out

This happens if you're abused as a child.

>pigeonholes themselves
Current year etc etc

what's wrong with listening to everything?

>music is a commodity for my status

It's a symptom of child abuse and insensitive to real abuse survivors

>Music is my bait
Back at ya

What the fuck are you talking about?

>no you

>looking for a music "niche" to compensate for his boring lack of identity

That's literally the point of music subculture you newfag, go be SO interesting somewhere else

If you don't have an identity that you feel like you belong to, i.e. music taste, it's likely you suffer from some form of underlying schizoid personality disorder, which is usually brought on by an awful childhood, but not always.

music is not a subculture you confused underage idiot, it's an art form, fuck off to the weirdo loser corner with your prog rock friends

>can't tell that I meant subcultures OF music, not that music itself is a subculture
>calls others idiots
Next time try to simmer down before posting so you don't embarrass yourself, kid

>A person with autism might:
>Have trouble understanding other people’s feelings or talking about their own feelings
>Have obsessive interests
Two can play at this game, shitposter

welp if this isnt projection

I don't see what's wrong with liking multiple genres of music.

or they're over 18 and understand that limiting your music taste does not make you unique nor does it give you an identity, it just makes you a pretentious normie who doesn't understand how to actually appreciate art
i know what you meant, I don't give a fuck about your meme subcultures, I care about what music really is and what it's for: an art form to be enjoyed with the mind and body, not something to talk about with your hipster friends. Fuck off to fantano's comment sections if you don't really like music

People like that do often have the worst fucking opinions on music. They'll listen to thousands of songs from a genre they don't really care about and trash it all except for the handful of tracks that are especially melodic and satisfying to them. They don't understand what makes a particular genre unique and great. They just want the poppiest tracks they can extract from it.

>i was merely pretending
Wow you really suck at this

never said i was pretending. Great argument and reading comprehension retard

>what's wrong with listening to everything?
Leads to Scaruffication.

You didn't comprehend my post and tried to make it seem like you did when you recanted

you're describing rymfags. It's true in general but not all of us are like that, and I think they're still having a better experience than those who limit themselves
>doesn't understand what I meant
>accuses me of not understanding what he meant
>clings to that fact when he loses the actual argument

Keep embarrassing yourself, it's amusing

>duz the ting wat I dundu

>no u

cant tell if sarcastic...

>copying replies about copying
You really lose

>I completely ignored the discussion by desperately trying to make you look dumb, i win xD
fucking retard

You made yourself look like a damage controlling child, now you think you deserve to be taken seriously?

>You made yourself look like a damage controlling child
only in your brainlet mind. Not wasting any more of my time with your autism and pretend maturity

What exactly does "listening to everything" mean? Do you mean literally anything or someone who likes a broad range of music? I like bleeps and rock, but I'm assuming by your definition my taste in music is too broad so it must mean I'm faking my interest in both forms of music.

One time there was a thread on /fa/ about the no poo challenge, when you only wash your hair with water, but I didn't fall for it tho

>browses /fa/
that explains a lot

Looks like I'm more mature than you thought!

Your average zoomer-millenial who when they say they listen to rock they mean Queen, ACDC, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkin Park and 1 or 2 mainstream songs of boomer bands

Most popular genre is braindead electronic pop

>Looks like I'm more mature than you thought!

Attached: 1565917257365.jpg (2448x3264, 1.96M)

>saving pictures of male ass to your hard drive

>he doesn't know how to post pics without saving with Yea Forums X
and he calls others newfag

>just wants excuse to look at male ass
Typical fag deflection

literally just copied the link of the image from the first post in /fa/, but you already knew that :) faggot

>still baiting
>almost masterfully

good thread

Some anons are just really good at pretend to be retarded
Almost too good

>only really likes one genre
Probably a socially dislocated youth who thinks their taste in music is some type of extension of their personality. This happens precisely because the music industry has evolved around hitting the right notes to mislead people into thinking the artists mean something personal to them. You're basically the plaything of impersonal economic forces.

>listens to all genres
Likely a reformed one-genrer who cringes when they think of their metal or hip hop phase. They probably haven't really evolved their mindset but merely aged out of being a "[music genre] guy". Music still = personality to them and they think that listening to a bunch of different stuff makes them interesting.

Problem is, this is an overcorrection. As you go deeper into a genre it becomes increasingly more difficult to penetrate the music if you're not someone who spends a lot of time with it. The more challenging layers in any genre is often a reaction, a commentary or sometimes even a caricature of the most popular, accessible stuff, and might evolve out of a collective pool of shared experiences that require acculturation.

Once people spend a lot of time listening to something and absorbing its aesthetic and culture, a lot of standards and trends become more tangible and you can now collectively move to a newer stage using those as building blocs in search for novelty and innovation. An all-genrer will lack this context and never really be able to appreciate the deeper levels. He sacrificed depth for breadth, and will essentially always be an outsider, someone looking from behind glass.

>really likes one or a few genres, but retains a shallow curiosity about the rest
The most creative choice. Every relevant musician from the past century was someone located within a tradition but with enough outside influences to take it to new directions. They appreciate the dynamic character of music and refuse to be dogmatic, seeing music like an art instead of a social circle.

Attached: yXMBAPf.png (600x900, 986K)

sure you did, faggot
then you posted it to share your fetish with the world

>I got nothin left

tldr lmao, stop being autistic

My musical identity has always been centered around stuff that fits into the aesthetic Famicon, CBoyardee, MIDI/FM demoscene, bitcrushed hardstyle and proto-Newgrounds bedroom techno. It's funny because everyone knows the kind of shit I'm talking about, but other than like, idunno, Wesley Willis, no musician worth their salt has this kind of aesthetic, so I have to listen to everything - ESPECIALLY SHIT - to find stuff that reminds me of being a kid and searching the newest results on's netlabel pages.

Fuck this thread. None of you guys will ever experience the pure JOY of searching the new releases on Bandcamp, sifting through everything from diversity-hire records to some 11 year old's mixtape, and randomly coming across your OWN personal AOTY that YOU and ONLY YOU are able to love.

Look up Shetland Blockhaus by Nisula on Spotify. I've been waxing poetic on him for years and nobody cares. Some random French fag with no plays but 2000+ songs

only listening to classic rock?

now you're samefagging, can you be more pathetic