To all of my brothers and sisters who made it this far without listening to any of the three new songs:

To all of my brothers and sisters who made it this far without listening to any of the three new songs:

This post will get downvoted into oblivion but what I say is true. I've repeatedly seen people get mocked or pressured for not listening to the new single or the two new
live songs. But those songs represent 35 minutes of the new 85 minute album. Everyone else has already heard almost half of the new album, and a chunk of the stuff they haven't heard is ambient interludes.

Mark my words. These will be the people who complain that there isn't enough music on the album and too much atmospheric stuff. They are the same people who complained that Wings for Marie and Lipan Conjuring and Viginti Tres are a waste of space. (Actually they are right about viginti tres).

But us purists are going to have an enhanced listening experience on the 30th. It will all be worth it. Stay strong and keep that ear blockade going just a few more days.

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lol who gives a shit about Tool? Do you only socialize with 40 year old computer programmers?

>downvoted into oblivion

Also the officially released song was so damn boring, even though I enjoyed their first three releases.

reminder that obama was shit president

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You say that, but then you post a pic that clearly indicates the opposite.

>talks about "atmospheric stuff" as if it isn't music
>considers Wings For Marie (one of their best tracks) to be in the same ballpark as fucking Lipan Conjuring
>thinks hearing tracks in advance somehow cheapens the album as a whole
This is so obviously a troll, I don't know why I even bothered replying.

Recently I've been thinking (due to listening to Fear Inoculum so many times) if the song will ever get stale for me. Currently it's been getting better with each listening - noticing something new each time. I'm probably somewhere between 40 and 70 listens now. What are your experiences with 'overlistening'? Do songs/albums ever get stale for you because you had them on repeat too much? I'd like to hear what your experiences with other music and not just Tool also.

All pieces get stale when I listen to them too much, that's why I treat some music like little rewards

I just got my 14 year old stepdaughter hooked on Tool!

Is there anybody willing to drop their go-to Tool playlist for newbs? I’ve contrived my own in my head, but my taste in music is the exact polar opposite of my daughter. My many thanks in advance, and know that I respect and appreciate all of my fellow Tool fans!

was that copied and pasted from reddit

To anyone on the fence about Fear Inoculum (single)

You’re not listening to it correctly. Fire it up on a big setup or a solid set of earphones. This tune takes you places and you are hearing new shit with every spin.

If you’re paying attention to the process behind recording a Tool disc it’s an immense amount of attention to detail. Nothing is lost, this is the Magnum Opus.

Glad I made it. Cheers to the 30th

(Hot take, I know, but there’s a lot of “meh” being thrown around. Try it again!)

>mfw finding out Tool won a grammy for Schism and not Lateralus
>mfw finding out the band that won best rock song in 2002 was some pop rock shit for little girls
>mfw finding out lateralus wasn't even nominated for album of the year
i'm a straight retard because I always assumed grammys was like oscars for music, but they clearly only hand out awards to shit that's popular.

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>40 to 70 listens

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>40 to 70
>a lot
user, i've quite literally listened to invincible at least(not even kidding) 2000+ since it was first posted.

my FI numbers are lower than his, but only because it hasn't really caught me just yet.

Tool bad
Me cultured
Me sex

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you are a straight retard but not for the reasons you posited lol

better to be a retard instead of a nigger

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I believe that music comes and goes in cycles, and some of us are lucky enough to ride the crests. The men in my family are perfect examples of this. Initially, I thought that perfect music appeared every 16 years, which is also the number of years between Fubert generations. My dad was born in 1971. In that year, landmark albums were released. They were Nursery Crime by Genesis (the first with Phil Collins), Yes Album by Yes, Aqualung by Jethro Tull, and In the Land of Grey and Pink by Caravan.

My grandfather skipped out on Vietnam-- because Jimi Hendrix himself told him to-- and he moved to Canterbury, which is in the United England. There, he got married to my grandmother, who used to sell baked goods to people at concerts, and they had my dad. After the war, they moved back with a box of awesome records like the ones I mentioned. I think it was cosmic or fate or something that my dad was born the same exact day Chrysalis released Aqualung, in March of 1971.

Jump ahead 16 years later and my dad got this girl pregnant, who turned out to be my mom. It was 1987 and a whole bunch of lame dance music was ruling the world, like Hitler or Jesus or something. But all of the sudden, albums like Metallica's ...And Justice for All, Celtic Frost's Into the Pandemonium, Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime, and Slayer's South of Heaven came out. That's when I was born.

All those records were sitting around the house we all live in, and I grew up listening to them in the basement. So I couldn't wait until I was 16, because fate says that would be when 1) more kickass records would come out, and 2) I'd get sex. Both were due, because girls are dumb and listen to stuff like N'S(t)ync and BBSuk. But after this summer of 2001, I've had to rethink my entire cycle theory, like maybe the cycles of music are speeding as time goes forward, since two amazing things happened: Tool put out Lateralus and I saw Tool in concert.

the grammys are owned/bought out by the industry, retard.

is this just copypasta straight from reddit?

I feel like this record was made just for me by super-smart aliens or something, because it's just like a cross of 1971 and 1987. Imagine, like, Peter Gabriel with batwings or a flower on his head singing while Lars Ulrich and Rick Wakeman just hammer it down. It's the best Tool record because it's the longest. All summer I worked at Gadzooks, folding novelty t-shirts, and on each break, I would listen to Lateralus because the store just plays hip-hop and dance. My manager would always get on me for taking my breaks 20 minutes too long, but that's how long the album is and it just sucks you in. It's like this big desert world with mountains of riffs, and drum thunderstorms just roll across the sky. The packaging is also cool, since it has this clear book with a skinless guy, and as you turn the pages, it rips off his muscles and stuff. Tool's music does the same thing. It can just rip the muscles and skin off you. I think that's what they meant. So my manager would be like, "Hey, there's a new box of 'Blunt Simpson' shirts I need you to put out and the 'Original Jackass' shelf is getting low." He's a vegan and I would buy him Orange Julius because he didn't know there's egg powder in there.

>the grammys are owned/bought out by the industry, retard.
thanks for clearing that up

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The first song is called "The Grudge," and it's about astrology and how people control stuff. Maynard sings like a robot or clone at the opening, spitting, "Wear the crutch like a crown/ Calculate what we will/ Will not tolerate/ Desperate to control/ All and everything." Tool know about space and math, and it's pretty complex. "Saturn ascends/ Not one but ten," he sings. No Doubt and R.E.M. sang out that, too, but those songs were wimpy and short. Maynard shows his intelligence with raw stats. I think there's meaning behind those numbers, like calculus. He also mentions "prison cell" and "tear it down" and "controlling" and "sinking deeper," which all symbolize how he feels. Seven minutes into the song, he does this awesome scream for 24 seconds straight, which is like the longest scream I've ever heard. Then at the end there's this part where Danny Carey hits every drum he has. This wall of drums just pounds you. Then the next song starts and it's quiet and trippy. Tool are the best metal band, since they can get trippy (almost pretty, but in a dark way) then just really loud. Most bands just do loud, so Tool is more prog.

Danny Carey is the best drummer in rock, dispute that and I know you are a dunce. I made a list of all of his gear (from the June issue of Modern Drummer):

Drums, Sonor Designer Series (bubinga wood): 8x14 snare (bronze), 8x8 tom, 10x10 tom, 16x14 tom, 18x16 floor tom, two 18x24 bass drums.

Cymbals, Paiste: 14" Sound Edge Dry Crisp hi-hats, 6" signature bell over 8" signature bell, 10" signature splash, 24" 2002 China, 18" signature full crash, #3 cup chime over #1 cup chime, 18" signature power crash, 12" signature Micro-Hat, 22" signature Dry Heavy ride, 22" signature Thin China, 20" signature Power crash.

Electronics: Simmons SDX pads, Korg Wave Drum, Roland MC-505, Oberheim TVS.

t.11th grader who listens to frankie ocean nikes on repeat

user, how is that even possible.

sdjjjj jjjj hahahahah

Hardware: Sonor stands, Sonor, Axis or Pro-Mark hi-hat stand, Axis or Pearl bass drum petals with Sonor or Pearl beaters (loose string tension, but with long throw).

Heads: Evans Power Center on snare batter (medium high tuning, no muffling), G2s on tom batters with G1s underneath (medium tuning with bottom head higher than batter), EQ3 bass drum batter with EQ3 resonant on front (medium tuning, with EQ pad touching front and back heads).

Sticks: Trueline Danny Carey model (wood tip).

He has his own sticks, even. In "Schism," the double basses just go nuts at the end. They also do in "Eon Blue Apocalypse." And in "The Grudge." And in "Ticks & Leeches." And nobody uses more toms in metal. You can really hear the 8x8 and 10x10 toms in the opening for "Ticks & Leeches." Over the summer, I counted the number of tom hits in that song, and it's 1,023!! Amazing. That's my favorite song, since it's the one that starts with Maynard screaming, "Suck it!" Then he says, "Little parasite." Later he shouts, "This is what you wanted... I hope you choke on it!" Every time I watched my boss suck down those Orange Juliuses I had that stuck in my head.

i'm unemployed and play PC games all day.

There is simply no way you could just dismiss the music (which is excellent). The bass playing is just really creepy and slow and sometimes it has this watery effect. Tool even follow in the footsteps of Caravan with Middle Eastern or Asian or something sounds. "Disposition" features bongos, and then on the next song, "Reflection," Carey's toms sound like bongos or tablas or whatever is in those Fruitopia commercials. Close your eyes and imagine if Asia had a space program. This is like the music they'd play. The song is called "Reflection" since it's quieter and slower and sounds like it's from India, where people go to reflect. Maynard's voice sounds like that little bleached midget girl flying around inside the walls in Polterghost. It's messed up.

In conclusion, there is more emotion on that album than would be on 30 Weezer albums. At the very least, there's 2.5 times as much. Like I said, it's messed up, like the world, which makes it very real. I don't think I'm going to have a kid this year, but that's also a good thing. Just imagine the Tool record that will come out in three years, according to my theory. It will be the future, and albums can be like longer with better compression and technology. Even as amazing as Lateralus is, I feel like there's a monster coming in three years. Music comes in cycles, and works on math, and my life and Tool are proof of that for sure.

viginti tres is meant to be played as the same time as 10000 days

Thank god WE purist have the opportunity to listen the real thing and comprehend the true meaning of music, of tool, of space, of God itself, and of life in general.
I'm so purist that when the album drops, I will never listen to it, to avoid spoilers and to avoid contamination, but I've got in mind to buy 7 copies (since 7 is the holy number this year) and just look at them in the evenings.

A real purist demand real commitment, the rest of the Unworthy pleb, can go on vacation in a nice working camp; I've got a good place in Europe to recommend

Somebody redpill me on tool. Dont like 90% of heavy rock music I've heard (and 100% of its cringe metalhead culture...), but I keep hearing it's something special.

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Listen to their last few albums and maybe intoxicate yourself with something

As a big Tool fan, I can say with 100% certainty that unless you're a casual music listener aged 14-20, it's not worth your time.

>tfw my 50 year old aunt listens to tool and smokes weed


Tool is ok.

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Even Nirvana hated the grammys dude.

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Bush > Clinton > Obama > Trump

>i'm a straight retard because I always assumed grammys was like oscars for music, but they clearly only hand out awards to shit that's popular.
But that's what the Oscars is, lol.

First two albums are good.
The rest is tantric gobbledigook.

You should check out the band "Karnivool" though.
Ignore the cringe name.

Clinton > Obama > Bush >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Harpo

this is honestly extremely true

i heard it a couple times, it kinda grew on me, but at this point i'd rather hear it in the context of an album, it just feels odd because the only thing to compare it to at this time is their other albums

The new album sucks. Tool peaked at Lateralus.

same. ive been listening to tool a long time but i dont think theyre as mindblowing as some of these toolfags do, but i also imagine we're in for quite a treat as the opening track is clearly just building up for what's next.

>without listening to any of the three new songs:


All of them suck.

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I was ranking their Tool eras, not the dudes themselves



no tool is best, but if i had to pick, opiate and ænima are best.

Obama > Clinton > Bush > Tool > Trump

president (peter o')tool(e)?

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wait i'm an idiot, opiate was 92

>But that's what the Oscars is, lol.
funny because people always say oscar winners are literal who films.

that's only in the last few years. it's also not exactly a popularity contest, there are other factors. but the main problem is that most of the academy is going to vote for shit they've seen, and few people watch every single screener that comes to their house, so they go with whatever they think has the most buzz around it based on their mostly-old-people perception of what's cool + word of mouth among friends.

source: parents in the academy/generally growing up around this by virtue of living in LA

thanks for doing it though

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>I've repeatedly seen people get mocked or pressured for not listening to the new single or the two new live songs
Do Americans really do this?

that's nothing, anyone who really loves music spins albums again and again and that every day a week

Apparently Tool have been getting death threats to release the album.
I think Tool are clever marketers.

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i was introduced to them through a workmate, and 2 months after that was at a concert in vienna - and since then i really have their albums on repeat.

technical side, song meaning and acoustics are just pornographic.

Fear Inoculum is the weakest of the three.

Invincible and especially Descending sounded amazing when I saw them at the Download Festival. Cannot wait. Fuck zoomers.

someone mentioned a leak earlier, a reviewer emailed the album, need to find a link. can anyone find the gdrive it was on?

does maynard still stay back in the shadows on stage?

people who haven't sold their soul > Clinton = Bush = Obama = Trump

Yeah, although when they came on it was still broad daylight so I could see him clearly.

Why wouldn't you listen to the title track? The band officially released a high quality version of the track..... they WANT you to hear it. But yeah, I listened to all of about 2 minutes of one of the songs they debuted live and didn't bother with the rest, it was poor quality to say the least. We have one 10 minute track already. That's plenty to hold us over for the next two weeks.

Unironically - youtube their 2001 hammerstein ballroom performance - they play the grudge and stinkfist and ... 46&2, I think. I think everyone likes it.

Tool's good albums are Aenima and Lateralus. The rest is medium. They're creatively done at this point.

>The rest is medium

10,000 Days has maybe their most standout tracks. Undertow is a little dated but there's still enough on there to be a good quality album.

in case this isn't copypasta, there is literally a tool4noobs playlist on spotify


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listeen to aenima a few times in the night.

tool are a pretty technical prog metal band, but they arent just showing off. their music is mostly driven by raw emotion. they build and release energy and tension like no other band, songs reach boiling points and will give you goosebumps and freak you out. the most unique prog metal band on earth

what do you mean EVEN nirvana?
nirvana is PUNK ROCK, dude....
of course they hate the gramies

kys zoom-zoom

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its obviously a repost from plebbit


I went to go seem them at Madison Square Garden on the 1st of October 2001, just after 9/11 and what does Justin do during and after the show?

He was throwing paper airplanes into the fucking crowd!

Disgusting, FUCK TOOL.

pucking zoomers man >:3

ps im a zoomer 0w0 rawr xd???

Pop music: highly accessible but boring, imitates emotion for emotionless people
Yea Forumscore: totally inaccessible, too much emotion and/or bad ideas thrown at the wall and every once in a while something sticks
Tool: accessible, emotional and full of intricate details for the refined listener who wants to enjoy the music too

don't push your luck fuckface