Thrash edition
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more like trash edition ah ha ha
Best metal album of the 2010s by one of the best metal bands of all time
Why does metal-archives allow NSBM bands?
Hey metal, how does it feel that a non-metal group just made the best metal album of the past decade
that's another band name edition
Unironically the best metal album of the decade.
melodeath sucks
>Hey metal, how does it feel that a non-metal group just made the best metal album of the past decade
>Unironically the best metal album of the decade.
>Best metal album of the 2010s by one of the best metal bands of all time
>tfw King Gizzard just wiped their ass with every other metal band
hard rock was pretty much metal already
seethe harder
>stil listens to iowa
>implying this won't be AOTY
what on earth did I just watch?
its an archive of metal bands. it has every metal band.
because they cure insomnia
The last minute of hell is fucking incredible
Unironically, King Gizzard & The Co would be bigger (and better) band than Black Sabbath if they had been popped up around the 60s-70s. Fucking great album. Monumental.
New Diocletian is out.
King gizzard proves how effortlessly it is for them to make a fantastic metal record, all the other modern bands take the genre too seriously
>A non-metal group did not just made the best metal album of the past decade
>Not the best metal album of the decade.
>This is not the best metal album of the 2010s by one of the best metal bands of all time
This album is fun as fuck. I can't stop listening.
modern metal is too busy making discordant music
King Gizzard's newest album would not exist with Black Sabbath, stupid fuck
>Hell's where they wanna be
>Infest the rats' nest
I think they could pick up any genre and top out the current "reigning" bands in any genre they choose, maybe not rap, but hahah yeah. One of the best talents of this century
Dave was speedballing through the 1980s throat cancer caught this early on won't do shit except make him find a new singer (which is a good thing)
You take ur interest too seriously
Also this site is 18+
this sucks balls
The talent in this band is insane. It's hard to believe they released Fishies and Rats Nest in the same year.
Well this will be a fun thread
>user you like metal too? let's listen to King Gizz!
I hope they do black metal next.
Let me get the lawnmower first, darling
I’d really like to year that
Why is it that a bunch of shitposters come here whenever any slightly mainstream band releases an album?
Also, some advice for you: if you act like cunts, then maybe others will appreciate your shilling even less.
I think most new metal songs are over produced and sound to perfect. Then you hear the band live and it sounds like shit.
I sometimes search the net for live recordings from obscure metal bands nobody knows, at least their sound is still true and not over produced.
>omg king gizz are such goofsters and thats why they did the best metal this decade
imagine unconsciously parrot what christgau said about blue oyster cult
It's just chart user spamming and talking to himself to fill that void
nice reddit meme
What do you do to armpit hair?
RYM allows them as well but only logged users can see cover art
sniff that shit b r o
Any black metal bands that are Fun? I like some of the music, but can't take the satan stuff seriously.
Need a band that makes fun of the tropes, but still makes some badass sounding bm
this is like female version of Jimmy Numale
>Need a band that makes fun of the tropes
Why is Christian black metal so fucking good you guys?
ITT Mealfags taking their obsession so fucking seriously while a psych band just wears their shit like a t-shirt and writes a better metal album than anything from the last 3 years.
So black metal Deathklok? I'd love that
>t. ourist
How good is King Gizzard live?
>any attitude in music makes me insecure and uncomfortable, please make it another post-ironic self-aware meme that a zoomer redditor like me can upvote
Infest the Rats' Nest is legitimately stuff we've heard a million times over from bands like Mastodon, Sword, Metallica, etc.
it's also bland and their guitarist relies wayyy too much on diminished arpeggios. give it a rest bro
Better (and louder) than Manowar.
Hello /metal/, what is a good Neo-Nazi metal band? Please note I said Neo-Nazi, as Nazism ended in 1945 with the defeat of Nazi Germany and their National Socialist German Workers Party government. There has never been a Nazi metal band as the musical genre didn't arrive until decades afterwards. Thank you in advance
nah, i dont subscribe to your board culture antics.
>nah, i dont subscribe to your board culture antics.
not even going to bother finding a fedora for this one
Dawn Ray'd
>muh millennial rock band just released a new album, and some critic gave it an 8! we'll show those metalheads! better go to /metal/ to show just how much we don't care about them!
why are non-metalfags so insecure and threatened by metal?
Why don't you give King Giz a try? It's honestly pretty fucking based album and probably the best stuff we got in 2019
I'm kinda on your side, but really you're the one who sounds threatened and insecure.
it's actually good though
because they realized it's better than their nigger beats or basedboy tunes so they're trying to deny it
I'm sorry Mr Mustaine but you have to have surgery to remove the cancer.
>Will I be able to sing after the operation?
Yes if all goes well.
>Great, I never could before
You sound insecure as fuck, m8. It's a good album. Have some fun.
it sounds like generic limp dick wiffer thrash
not interested
>Yukio Mishima
t. hasn't read The Golden Pavilion, let alone The Sea of Fertility
This is what new wave of thrash metal should've been about and not just replicating Metallica/Slayer x1000 that we got.
>This is what new wave of thrash metal should've been about and not just replicating Metallica/Slayer x1000 that we got.
you are the ones who RUN to /metal/ just to "prove" something to us. we live in your mind rent free. you're the insecure ones here, face it.
why are you so threatened by metal? why do you need 3 layers of irony and cringing when you approach anything metal?
i've been a mealfag since 08 bud
On balance, if you avoided any album which didn't have the band's logo on the front, you'd mostly be avoiding terrible shit.. only missing out on a few good ones.
your seething impotent rage actually makes me like it more
note that I haven't said ANYTHING about the quality of the band.
it is ok by the way, nothing notable but played better than most. it is good by 2010s psych revival standards and even so by 2010s Bandcamp stoner standards. except I heard 10x better heavy metal, speed and psych—which of course non-metal fags never will listen to because critics said you can't like these genres.
Show me one (1) thrash metal song from 2000-2019 that's good.
>This thread
This triggers the BM-fag
Your kind is dying. More and more bands are redefining the borders of metal, and "pure metal" will not exist in 20-30 years. I like to live in a world where there exists no strict genres, but band can pull a rap song to kick off album and to close it with heavy thrash headbanger. You might hate "zoomers", but we are the kind of people who can dab on to some part of the songs but also mosh when we like it
>Show me one (1) thrash metal song from 2000-2019 that's good.
Children of a Worthless God
Why are you so mad, bro? We're enjoying an album that released today. Calm down.
>Your kind is dying. More and more bands are redefining the borders of metal, and "pure metal" will not exist in 20-30 years. I like to live in a world where there exists no strict genres, but band can pull a rap song to kick off album and to close it with heavy thrash headbanger. You might hate "zoomers", but we are the kind of people who can dab on to some part of the songs but also mosh when we like it
your bandcamp tranny band will never take off
one with glasses second from the right is actually cute and i would hit it
>accuses others of "seething rage"
>shits the /metal/ to prove something
chill, no one actually cares about your band here. just because King Gizzard tried to sound like Metallica once is not exactly enough to make anyone here interested. you like it? congrats, just go try other good thrash, here's a chart
>one with glasses second from the right is actually cute and i would hit it
They all look pretty fucking passable except the guy with the beard. Don't understand the tranny hate here sometimes
are you blind?
The ending to Hell AAAAAAAAAA
>Your kind is dying.
boohoo, cry more/ sorry, metal has always been underground for years.
>"pure metal" will not exist in 20-30 years
welcome to Yea Forums. is this your first month here? sorry to break to you, this isn't exactly news. this is how metal has always been, it has been influenced by many genres, like hardcore for example.
want different genres? ever heard industrial, nu metal, rap metal? you know where they are now? just because you were born in 2000s and you just saw yesterday Pitchfork say some band "redefined borders of metal" doesn't mean shit.
>but we are the kind of people who can dab on to some part of the songs but also mosh when we like it
woah man! just like that? no way! I bet you're special and your generation is special because you were born in it.
you just posted cringe
Please reply with metal
I just want meme songs.
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
i like fart
is Rush heavy metal?
yeah I would hit it too
with a crowbar in the face
depends on who you ask, I'd say heavy prog, not metal
i can't get into new bands for some reason. i just listen the same albums from same bands. wtf is wrong with me?
Didn't know they were even recording a new album. I hope it's good. It's probably alright.
>epic crust punk
I started listening Havukruunu and i liked it. after 2 songs, i switched to in the Nightside Eclipse for some reason. i guess it's autism.
I think it's just code for "It sounds very APOCALYPTIC, FILTHY and METALLIC", if I had to write PR-marketing.
crust punk stinks
How many of you touch yourself at night?
Haha he's not cringe guys! He's just totally k-k-kidding!
>Lyrical themes: Boogieing
ebu gogo
give me some dsbm with vocals like this
Thrash has been dead since the 80s
None of them are kidding, it's just more "fun" sounding black metal. Here's another for you:
This is pretty good even though it is parody
Goatmoon plays gigs here in Finland in Turkish owned immigrant kebab places. Wish I was not even joking.
kill yourselves
>Cowboys (early)
>when you can't remove kebab so you join it
I like the new King Gizzard album and there's people who don't which makes me mad
no you fucking nigger I will drop your stupid ass fucking zoomer shit album if you put some much as a single fucking rap verse about polyester slacks in it, stop trying to fucking make rap-fusion a thing, nobody wants it
Who had the best 90s?
I thought this was some ridiculous gimmick band but it was in fact King Gizzard.
Chuck Schuldiner
solid 10/10
>Fatal Portrait
literally where's music/10
it was all downhill after Denner and Shermann left, all concept album shit and Andy LaRocque wank
But Chuck did give the best head in metal. David Vincent had his Azagthoth, and everyone in Vader had Doc, but no one made a pink cock erect like Chuck. True, as the AIDS infested his throat it made it hard for him to deep throat, but even as he lay there rotting, stinking of AZT and covered with Kaposi's sarcoma, Chuck would signal with two fingers when a willing donor came into the room. All I can offer in addition to that is the fact that no sex will ever compare to colostomy hole love, especially when the hole is fresh and supple after a well-greased movement.
We will never forget you, Chuck. Every time I hear your name my prostate aches, both for your tender heart-shaped ass and that incredibly thin, probing member we shared many times. It is heartbreaking how many things bring Chuck to mind. The sound of heavy metal. The flavor of Taco Bell food on the road. The scent of semen. The world lost not only a great musician, but a great lover, when Chuck died.
To say Chuck was gay is incorrect. He wasn't gay, he was just open-minded, and he sought anal sex from men, boys, girls and animals alike. Anal was not his favorite. His favorite was the blowjob, and he liked to be held afterwards, with someone stroking his hair and saying, "Chuck you are king of the world."
I will never sell the copy of Leprosy (80 grain vinyl) he left me at our last meeting. It is battered now, and reeks faintly of manpoo, and maybe it does have a few suspicious smears, but it is all I have of him. That and the memories. Those gushing, sticky, illicit, clandestine memories... Oh Chuck I miss you more than I can say.
The lyrics literally sound like someone trying to vomit for 40 minutes.
Bands to kiss your dad too
Good instrumental though.
I need something with vocals that sound like a black guy sucking dick.
Is it true that the Finnish scene is pretty indifferent to political squabbling? Saw someone awhile back claim that there's usually only a degree or two of separation between members of leftist punk bands and NSBM/RAC type stuff but it's not a huge deal. Sounds kind of unbelievable but I'm coming from the US where people will cry over a GBK shirt.
That would be interesting but bet its going in to be some cheesy pop rock album.
Are you a transexual?
Yes, why do you ask?
Out of curiosity is there any good African metal?
Gotta admit - Good bait
Deep Purple, more like dude burple
Alcest, more like Incest
Galneryus, more like Gayneryus or Gays R Us
At The Gates, more like At The Go
Amon Amarth, more like user at mart
type o negative, more like hiv positive
Bongripper, more like Donggripper
Dream Theater, more like Shit Eater
Batlord, more like Buttlord
Edguy, more like Edguy, Eddguy and Eddyguy
Gorguts, more like Gogurts
Fear Factory, more like Feces Factory
Ulver, more like Vulver
Strapping Young Lad, more Like Brapping Young Lad
Luc Lemay, more like Luc Le Maymay
DMU, more like /d/ Yea Forums
Grand Belial's Key, more like grandpa bill's keys
Euronymous, more like Euronions
you don't bully batlord
More like gay guy
someone draw a loli version of quorthon when?
very fun, the energy is pretty intense, and a lotta people are moshing. i imagine this will be intensified given the new release
>Lyrical themes: Krzysztof Kononowicz quotes
Those "NSBM" bands here have no problem playing with Archgoat whose brothers are Indian or some Indonesian half-niggas etc.
Finnish BM scene is quite degenerate in many aspects, like drug abuse alcohol problems, etc...
You guys ever mosh at a suicide boys show? shit is crazy
king gizz fag who's only here because of the new album
can you recommend me some good metal? preferably with soft or spoken word female vocalist
t. Transexual
Is Ne Obliviscaris Yea Forumscore
The Gathering
Can someone recommend me some metal that is like slam poetry?
usually it's american diaper-fillers who whine about finnish bm bands etc., nobody cares locally
someone post the tourist picture
t. Has never been outside of the US
Literaly who?
I will never even listen to this album you people are talking about
I listened to one single and it was gay
>Album cover looks high brow, must mean it is an essential listen. Man I'm so smart.
Was it Organ Farmer? That's the weakest track on the album.
Self Immolate
Oh, I like that one a lot. Different strokes I guess.
Is this gay ghost shit?
>he hasn't heard of The Mighty Warmian
>Out of curiosity is there any good African metal?
Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the youtube links. Decide for yourself....
Non-native English speaker here.
What does "Gizzard" mean in that band's name?
IS it just play on words like "Chief Geezer and the Reptile Warlock"
>Finnish BM scene is quite degenerate in many aspects, like drug abuse alcohol problems, etc...
gathered that from seeing some of the power electronics "performances"
Stu wanted The Wizard Lizards and someone else wanted Gizzard Gizzard iirc, they compromised on King Gizzard and the Wizard Lizard
Gizzard is the guts of a dressed Turkey
name 1 (one) second in history when metalfags weren't seething
The Battle of Jutland was pretty fucking metal
reddit core
No mention of Opeths new single. You disappoint me Yea Forums
yeah, the best thing about the album is how they never take themselves too seriously
soipeth sucks
this is a metal thread sir
King Gizzard blew them in to irrelevance
how many of you fags actually wear long hair
I do :)
>preferably with soft or spoken word female vocalist
This whole thread is so sad, it's just:
Shill/"""""""troll"""""" posts about king gizzard, and regardless of what anons reply with, the shill/""""""troll"""""" replies with "seething" or some other meaningless meme response.
You should just stick to Yea Forums or Yea Forums desu
The virgin Celtic Frost vs the chad Hellvetic Frost
>Celtic Frost Frontman Slams Metallica For Covering His Songs: 'They Butchered It, And It Was Humiliating'
>"Why don't they leave their millionaire fingers off it? They've long lost the ability to play true metal in my opinion. Maybe I should go onstage and do a really miserable version of 'Hit The Lights' with, like, 200 mistakes to set the balance."
im the faggot..??
poetry is gay, listen to pure slam instead
Opeth hasn't been a metal band for 10 years retard
i won't give you female vocals, but if you're looking for good metal with clean vocals you should look more for the traditional heavy metal and some thrash.
Slough Feg - Traveller despite being relatively recent (2004) would be a great intro for a fag like you. Dio - Holy Diver (1983) and Iron Maiden - Powerslave (1984) are also great recommendations.
The King Gizz album is thrash and so you might enjoy some Megadeth - Rust in Peace (1990) and Metallica - Ride the Lightning (1984).
so I listened to King Jizzard for fun
>badly ripped off Motorhead/Metallica riffs here and there, not even trying to hide it
>not close to even 3rd grade thrash/speed bands
>literally "hey guys do we sound like cool 80s metal guys yet??"
>continue with stoner "riffs" as in bang 1 chord for 3 minutes because that's totally what cool 70s weed guys did
>ebin quirky vocalist does funny voice
nothing new, another p4k band trying metal tokenism.
>a better metal album than anything from the last 3 years.
How many metal albums from the last three years have you actually listened too? Blood Incantation's debut blows it out of the fucking water in almost every way imagineable, as does the revious two Tomb Mold albums, and it's not even close
>Tomb Mold
lol, fuck off retard. death metal is not music.
I was with you until
>as does the revious two Tomb Mold albums
>Tomb Mold
nice twitter meme
Death metal is fucking garbage, faggot.
>tomb mold
>Death metal is fucking garbage, faggot.
>why yes I do like music where the vocals are incomprehensible
Why do you guys dislike this band? I thought their last two albums were pretty good old school DM. If I'm missing something about them lmk but I've been a pretty big dm fan for years now and I genuinely enjoy a lot of their stuff
If you like the new King Gizz but can't into DM then you truly have no position to be talking about metal in any way, whatsoever.
Metal archives has pages for Rush and Helmet. They're a joke.
>I only listen to music where I can understand the vocals
It's pretty easy to see why someone would like King Gizzard but not death metal. Only edgy teenagers like death growls.
Seethe harder. You are missing the point. While Infest the Rats’ Nest draws on the mid/late 1980s golden period of thrash metal – Metallica and Slayer, certainly, but also lesser-cited bands such as Exodus, Kreator and Overkill, King Gizzard have really created their own metal subgenre. Kinda like pioneering black metal bands like "Mayhem" created the Norwegian black metal subgenre etc.
It is a totally new, fresh sound what King Giz is achieving here. And I hope other bands will follow the suite.
when the fuck did /meal/ get so full of fags?
>Seethe harder
Stopped reading there. Seethe even harder tourist
it's just Yea Forums tourists trying to bait
They haven't created shit
They just played Symptom of the Universe 9 times
Any albums that could be recommended for someone who liked Suffocation and Cryptopsy?
First two tracks on Conspiracy are good. But you're essentially right, MF was the best and they had just enough fuel left for FP and Abigail to be classics.
Also "Burn" is a fuckin classic, though The Eye is overrated by KD fans.
Calling me tourist? At least I am man enough to admit that Gizz was able to top out Kreator's "Pleasure to Kill" in year 2019 while you still enjoy some German literal t(h)rash
Enjoy shit music :), unironically, me? I am going to see Gizz live next month.
Appalling Spawn
>It's pretty easy to see why someone would like King Gizzard but not death metal.
Yeah, that reason being that they don't really like metal.
>Only edgy teenagers like death growls.
DM is about way more than death growls, it's a mix of the heaviness of sludge/doom metal and the speed of thrash. Many of the most creative bands in metal today are working within DM. Plus, there are plenty of bands that put creative spins on the death growl, if you don't like it try listening to some early DM from the late 80s
>Gizz was able to top out Kreator's "Pleasure to Kill" in year 2019
but they didn't and there are better thrash albums than that
I finally get it: the new gizzard album sucked shit, and all their fans were seething during it, because they were expecting it not to suck shit (not sure why desu) and now they're all in denial and they're projecting their anger onto /meal/. This is a new low for tourists desu
>death metal is good I swear!
Death metal is genuinely for faggots.
Death metal WAS good. It is currently the most soi infested genre.
King Gizzard and the lizard wizard is genuinely for faggots
The typical King Jizzard fan
it's bait, don't respond
More like "King Jizzard and the cum gargling retard"
kill yourselves
>ctrl+f seeth
>15 results
If you like the new king gizz and can't into DM then you need to leave.
>if you don't like death metal you don't actually like metal
yeah ok bud lol
I don't think there's a single post in this thread worth replying to.
guarantee the thread is full of shitskins
If you can't handle people not liking death metal then you need to seethe.
what's with all this gizzard shilling?
seethe for me sucka
cringe but redpilled
Can't you tell? They released a new album and all their underage fans are shilling it.
Sorry I meant "seethe"
dude... seethe.....
>spamming meaningless buzzwords as if it’s funny
Yeah, maybe try Yea Forums for this type of post
But are they actually good tho? Or the praise is undeserved?
It's best metal album of the decade
I haven't listened to it yet and considering how annoyingly it's being shilled, I think I'll wait a while.
lame soiboi stoner mixed with wiffer thrash
not that good
I am asking seriously.
Death Metal is only listened to by basedboys and incels in the current day. Only acceptable death metal is Death.
it’s alright, the last song is pretty fucking good, but a lot of the riffs are similar to other songs of theirs and some shitty renditions of Megadeth riffs
Death is bar none the faggiest death metal band, except maybe Cynic
just one loser spamming like usual
It’s decent but the praise is out of proportion because a lot of underages are hearing thrash for the first time and having their minds blown
You have 10 seconds to post one album from the past 2 years that is better than Rats' Nest.
*basedboys, sorry had to be a mouth breather
>”only soiboys listen to death metal! The only acceptable dm is the most soi DJ band!”
>is so new he doesn’t even no about the filter
God king jizz fans are underage
>draws on the mid/late 1980s golden period of thrash metal
that's a funny way to say "the just copied Metallica". have you even heard any thrash in your life, retard?
>also lesser-cited bands such as Exodus, Kreator and Overkill
>""""lesser cited""""
> Kinda like pioneering black metal bands like "Mayhem" created the Norwegian black metal subgenre etc.
laughed, thanks. do you even take yourself seriously? you give away that you have no clue about the subject. try actually listening to metal and learning anything about it before you post.
>have really created their own metal subgenre
oh, the zoomers' favorite. "we are doing totally new thing that no one ever tried!". first, no you don't. try actually listening to metal first. maybe you'll realize that there is thousands of other artists playing better thrash/speed/whatever than King Gizzard, which—surprise—played before you were born (I know this is a hard concept to grasp but give it a try). second, King Gizzard just copied some riffs and added them for flair in their knockoff psych. they don't even fit in. and anyway, there are already speed/thrash bands which did pretty much that but better. but they are not p4k/fantano approved zoomercore so you didn't know that, right?
fellow forsenbaj with the same problem
All of them
More like "King Gizzard and the mouth-breathing retard"
I hope King Gizzard will continue with the experimental sound. They should do something like Beherit's "Drawing Down The Moon" relying on those a bit experimental black metal tropes with a bit of cheesiness, but throw in some good groove, bluesy riffs. That kind of album that just becomes the staple companion for sunday rainy day bong sessions.
New thread
Too early retard
No one use his thread, let him seethe alone and samefag in it or whatever the fuck
Is seething the sound effect you faggots make when you masterbate like the incel cucks you all are?
Listen to Vektor you turbonigger.
New King Gizz is 8/10
Well this thread was a disaster.
At least we got some nice hairy armpits.
>"wearing" hair
i mean it's acceptable to say this but it's weird
Didn’t dethklok make fun of all metal
This feels like slayer/Metallica/sabbath/rob zombie
Of you dab then try to run in tabs mosh chances are your a karate in the pit faggot
What’s the newest shit you like
Dirty fucks
Superbug is peak
Good taste. Planet B is 2nd.
that's impossible their influences wouldn't exist at this time period
what is some good actual trash records to check out I liked the new King Gizzard but wanna find more to listen to