Why is rock dead, /mu? 10 years ago we had great bands like Fleet foxes...

Why is rock dead, /mu? 10 years ago we had great bands like Fleet foxes, White stripes and Black keyes and no you don't hear a single rock song in the radio. What gives?

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If Fleet Foxes is rock then thank god rock is dead.

They are a folk rock band, yeah

If you think the radio is what keeps music alive you should fuck off back to Top 40.

It's only dead in terms of mainstream support. And why that is is obvious.

Music made by straight white males is not to be promoted. There is an agenda nobody can deny, that's one part of it, the other part of it is that rock music just isn't as profitable because people don't buy music or support artists anymore, and rock always thrived because of that. Fans made rock bands, but it's not cool to be a fan of anything anymore or support anything anymore, so why waste money on a band when you can just push a rapper who literally just has to dance to his own studio recordings being played from a laptop at a show?

All those bands suck
There hasn't been a good rock album since 2005

and what album was that

There hasn't been a good rap album made by a new artist since 50 Cent came out, what's your point.

Three good rock albums were literally released today (Oh Sees, King Gizzard and The Murder Capital)

Imagine being a delusional drooling retard like this guy

The Woods (don't (You) me)

Is it a good album, I haven't listened to it yet

most of the rock bands from the 2000s still exist you know, they're making worse music then they used to but they still exist

also stop listening to the radio. I don't know how anyone listenes to radio after shape of you raped your ears for a year straight

How do you know it's a good album if you haven't listened to it yet?


I said DON'T (You) me
But yes it's good

I don't know which is why I am asking him...
I am an anarchist and I like disobeying the rules

Shut up retard

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Japan doesn't count. The western world stopped creating good music some time in the late 90s.

metal releases do contain some good albums stll

Wanna know how I know you're an incel?

Why is Japan still passionate about rock music

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Can't be an incel when you have had sex before.
Even if it was shitty sex.

>why did rock lose its mainstream cultural impact?
FTFY, music in general stopped having a cultural impact on younger people since the 00s. It got replaced by the internet, video games and superhero movies.

Metal is an incestuous embarrassment that does nothing but dedicate the entire scene to immitating 80s and 90s acts as closely as possible, with any deviation from said mantra being cast away as unkvlt

why did this happen?

>immitating 80s and 90s acts
Metal doesn't imitate nearly as much as modern rock(which is pretty much identical to the psychedelic rock of the 60's) and rap, which is the same beat over and over.

Why did rock and roll become popular in the 50s and die out before the 60s? Mainstream trends come and go.

Modern rock doesn't imitate because modern rock doesn't do anything. It's fucking dead. Deader than metal. Deader than disco. Why are you bringing corpses up into this conversation? Point is the modern metal scene is shite focused entirely on nostalgia with occasianal few experiemntal acts that trve metalheads immediately disown.

But all of the experimental metal acts have a sizeable fanbase.
>trve metalheads disown
Yea Forums isn't the entirety of the metal scene

08/16/19(Fri)22:55:10 No.89557143
why did this happen?
08/16/19(Fri)22:56:19 No.89557152
>immitating 80s and 90s acts
Metal doesn't imitate nearly as much as modern rock(which is pretty much identical to the psychedelic rock of the 60's) and rap, which is the same beat over and over.
08/16/19(Fri)22:58:25 No.89557168
Why did rock and roll become popular in the 50s and die out before the 60s? Mainstream trends come and go.
08/16/19(Fri)22:58:27 No.89557170
Modern rock doesn't imitate because modern rock doesn't do anything. It's fucking dead. Deader than metal. Deader than disco. Why are you bringing corpses up into this conversation? Point is the modern metal scene is shite focused entirely on nostalgia with occasianal few experiemntal acts that trve metalheads immediately disown.
08/16/19(Fri)23:00:25 No.89557191
But all of the experimental metal acts have a sizeable fanbase.
>trve metalheads disown
Yea Forums isn't the entirety of the metal scene

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The fuck is this shit? Sounds fucking awful, god damn
kill yourself, pretentious tard

Are you high OP? I hear The Struts, Wolfmother, and Portugal the Man on the radio all the time.

go to any local diy scene & you'll see why rock is dead.
no talent exists these days. its usually one member carrying his group of buddies but then college & liffe happens shit goes away. then u got shit like p4k & NPR. trying to force down our throats female rockers who can't hold a candle to HOLE or marine girls but still get promoted
hell mitski is just a shitty st.vincent for anxiety ridden straight girls pretending to be pansexual/bi

also good luck making a living these days when u gotta share profits with 3-4 other ppl

Measure by Field Music is ace.

All the best rock bands in the UK today are post-punk / prog-pop groups on independent labels.