Is there any headphone that is as good within the same price range?
Is there any headphone that is as good within the same price range?
ATH-M40x is better and cheaper, M50 is overbassed and muddy
you want extra bass so songs can SLAP ya fucking nerds
DT 770 shit all over them
Get then Monoprice Monolith M565 then
The M50s are objectively bad
you want compact bass, not this shit that bleeds all over the place and makes everything sound like bass-boosted real nibba nazbol gang memes
There's a bass boost feature if that's what you care about. Build quality isn't great though
lmao shut up Poindexter
Try these. better than air buds. they never need charging
I tried M50x and DT 770, M50x is still better.
If you say so but the vast majority of people into headphones would say the opposite. I use the DT770 at home and the M50s portably and they're not even close. The M50s are tinny with no soundstage whatsoever and not even close in terms of clarity and bass response, not to mention they're not comfortable at all with the stock pads.
I don't like the hip color. Are they available in jet black?
V shaped headphones never ever.
Checkout the Nura, good headphones for a £9 monthly subscription
Was recommended it on facebook
>headphones for a £9 monthly subscription
the fuck?
do they send a repo man after you if you stop paying or does it self-destruct?
These are good and cheap
youtuber niggas be like:
I use AKG K171 MkIIs, They work great for mixing, especially with hearing drums and bass.
What are the best headphones for listening to music while commuting? I've had a skullcandy bluetooth headphones for 4 years and have worked alright, but I know that the sound quality isn't the bet one. I would prefer if the aux cord could changeable, because all my past headphones broke because of the cable.
HD 58x and/or DT 770 >>>>>>>>>
Enjoy your sterile music
sennheiser orpheus w/ tube amp in your backpack
Ebin, really nice argument.
Sorry, I'm not much into this... What is a tube amp?
Also I am afraid I won't be able to afford that, but thanks for the help anyway.
i love my 770 for home/flying
is it worth trying out 990s too? i don't mind open at home