How the hell did Linkin Park become such legends? I remember when they came out it seemed like "oh...

How the hell did Linkin Park become such legends? I remember when they came out it seemed like "oh, some boy band version of Korn and Limp Bizkit....they won't be remembered"

Attached: LinkinPSoundwave.jpg (800x558, 100K)

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>some boy band version of Korn and Limp Bizkit
But that's what they are.

Boybands don't play instruments and there isn't any focus on anyone except the frontmen, in boybands all members are fawned over by girls

Yeah but the implication would be that they would have had a hit album and faded away as another trendy band....not become one of the biggest bands who to this day has a rabid fanbase

because people just have shit taste, user

>rabid fanbase
The age of the internet has allowed literally anything with any sort of presence to garner a religious following. Just how much of a newfag are you?

You're mistaken pal, Linkin Park is not some "nostalgia meme", maybe to YOU because your only frame of reference is Yea Forums's music board, but in the real world they only got more popular....and more popular...and more popular...or maybe you just live in some trendy city that's out of touch with the majority of the USA and what actually sold units as opposed to what was trendy in some coffee shop

I know I'm trying to forget the embarassment of having listened to their crap when I was a teen, surely I'm not the only one
Nobody will remember them in a few years

>Nobody will remember them in a few years
They're way beyond that point. If nobody was gonna remember them it would have been after Meteora.

Spics will never forget media that were cool 20 years ago in the developed world. They still play San Andreas over there.

Everybody grew up and forgot about them and suddenly those same people pretended to deeply care since forever once the frontman made an hero. Same as always really.

Not really legendary not even by a longshot.
Legendary musicians/bands would be Chuck Berry, ABBA, Black Sabbath, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Rebel and The Gerogerigegege.

>Linkin Park failed and became losers
>The reality is they only became bigger than when they debuted and became full fledged pop stars as opposed to their original nu metal angry white boy audience

Linkin Park was far bigger when Chester died than when they began, and they were pretty damn big back then too, but they were just another nu-metal band, not one of the worlds most popular bands

Attached: link.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

>that fort minor dude became a north korean cosplayer

Dunno. After Minutes to Midnight I stopped listening to them and I have no idea what they did after that.
I was the biggest fanboy of Hybrid Theory and Meteora though.

>Linkin Park was far bigger when Chester died than when they began
What are you talking about they completely started losing popularity after minutes to midnight. Nothing after meteora has any subcultural relevance whatsoever.

...Did they make an album with Jay-Z or was that just a fever dream I had?

>What are you talking about they completely started losing popularity after minutes to midnight. Nothing after meteora has any subcultural relevance whatsoever.
LP never had any "subcultural" relevance whatsoever...from day 1 they were seen as a boy band, Korn, Limp Bizkit, and Slipknot fans all knew it was a sanitized pop creation...they were never part of any subculture, not even nu-metal

But no, they didn't lose popularity at all...they got bigger than any of those bands and still are. Once again, maybe in your hipster circle they are not popular....but in terms of the entire wold? They kept getting more popular, hence the OP image. They have an officially licensed toy from Hasbro, a major billionaire company, and that was in the WHAAAAAAT IIIIIIIIIIII'VE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE era, not when they were new.

Your shitty passive aggressive faggotry really falls flat when you actually look at chart and sales statistics.

is this some bizarre troll thread?

Hey, welcome to Yea Forums. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Hmmmm, well, you know compare those sales to any contemporaries of then and might find that you're a jackass?

The early 2000s is when a shitload of money was made through music, a ridiculous think Papa Roach are outdated? They're still far richer than you will ever be, all because they came out at the right's the reason Slipknot are all rich ass fuckers and don't have to put out an album but every few years. The 2000's was a time where SHITLOADS of money was made by record labels and artists....mid 00s and late 00s is when the wheels started to fall off as even normies got wise to the pirating game. You can't compare any artists sales from the 2000s or prior to those later without being an ignorant clown.

I’ve been on here for almost 10 years mate, I don’t need you to remind me of that.

>Oh No No No, muh Reddit Memes told me that they are a band that aged badly and everyone hates, how can reddit be wrong bros, I thought we lived in a post irony world where we cringe at everything and only enjoy stuff ironically

Kill yourself redditor
>Released: November 12, 2004
>US sales: 5,343,000
>Released: June 18, 2010
>US sales: 4,509,000


Eminem was still relevant in 2010
If anything Recovery was at the right place at the right time , it was the biggest Alternative to the declining Rock Genre that was being ruined by Nickelback and it appealed to an international audience who didn't hear rap before

oh you wish it was a fever dream

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>Eminem was still relevant in 2010
Eminem Managed to maintain consistent album sales even into the 2010s because he managed to stay culturally relevant.
Linkin Park did not manage to maintain consistent album sales into the late 00s because they did not manage to stay culturally relevant.

Eminem outsells the fucking Beatles. He's kind know...not comparable to most artists.

>Eminem outsells the fucking Beatles
Can you stop stop posting already by brain can't handle just how fucking retarded you are.

I was around when this reaction image first started circulating you know.

Wait, are there actually people here who think Linkin Park wasn't a huge band?

We're talking about toal sales you fucking mongoloid. A Band that had its relevance back in 1960s moved less units in 2018 than a musician who is active today? No fucking way. How could that be possible? Fuck you're dumb. were talking about that apparently, not me, the person you were responding to retard. You made up your own conversation. Anyway, Linkin Park was and is fucking huge for a rock band, if you think anything different you're delusional.

Mind you, I am OP and obviously don't think they deserve that much, but they have it. Your defensiveness is proof of how much of a pussy incel you are who is out of touch with the real world.

> were talking about that apparently, not me
Youw ere the one that went on about how Linkin Park were bigger than ever late into their career, despite the blatant evidence to the contrary that is their sales record. When I brought it up you went on about how CD sales in general were very low in the late 00s as opposed to early 00s, which is again blatantly false as artists who managed to remain consistently relevant also managed to maintain consistent sales. Then you brought up the Beatles for literally no fucking reason whatsoever and somehow thought pointing out that Eminem, a contemporary musician, outselling an act who have been disbanded for fucking decades and half of whose members are long dead in 2018 is an argument. You have absolutely no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Linkin Park is entirely a nostalgic novelty that completely lost all relevance after meteora. This is blatant fact that you are completely incapable of refuting.

Yea Forums allows their personal opiniond and subjective views create an objective reality for them. A lot of people here are superficial retards far too concerned with their own opinions and how others view them so they build up these shitty snobby facades to cope from being out of touch with reality. Linkin Park WAS huge. To them, admitting that would mean for them that Linkin Park were some legendary and amazing band. In reality they were huge, and fairly mediocre. Just like most popular music.

Eminem is one of the best selling artists of all time.
It's not comparable to 99 percent of popular artists.

Linkin Park was way bigger in 2007 when they had the theme song for Bayformers than they were in 2000 when they were just Korn's kid brother. Despite the fact that they sold less records, because everyone sold less records.

This really seems true.
>hey how did this band get so big
>ok but....
>but they actually...

>Eminem is one of the best selling artists of all time
Irrelevant. He would still have seen a sales dropoff had he not stayed relevant.
Britney was just as huge as Eminem initially, but dropped off due to losing relevance.
If you want examples of more underground artists (which Eminem in their prime weren't. They were topping charts with hits like Numb) you'll have to link me to a database that actually displays sales information for individual albums.

In fact your "B-BUT EMINEM WAS HUGE" argument works against you. Since he was at the top there was nowhere for him to go but down. He couldn't have gotten any more popular between 2004 and 2010, only less popular. And yet his sales didn't go down. Linkin Park, according to you, only grew in popularity. Yet despite this not only their sales didn't stay consistent, they plummeted.


Only 90s born queers with anime girl avatars liked Linkin Park. People who grew up on Korn and Limp Bizkit in the 90s have always thought they were gay

my mom basically forced me to listen to them
so the boyband comparison isn't even that far off

idi nahui dalbayob

>my mom basically forced me to listen to them
Were you born in 2006?