Lately it seems almost all my ratings just end up being a middle of the road 3.0

Lately it seems almost all my ratings just end up being a middle of the road 3.0.
Is there something wrong with my rating system?
Also post your grievances with your rating systems.

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I don't rate gusic, I listen to it

same but the opposite

both of these are pretty good, but desu most albums i listen to seem like a 6/10 or so on the first listen, and i feel like i listen to them so many times that I just fall in love with them, even if they're not that good

About 85% of my shit falls in 3.0 - 4.0
I think it's just a sign you're listening to the area of music you like.

It just works

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Do you hate this? I like it :)

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maybe something is wrong with your personality
it doesn't seem you enjoy most of the music you listen to

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The bell curve style of rating music like you do is the best way to evaluate music.
Music is different from other mediums, stories can have major plot holes, also, no one really believes that shit on a canvas is art except for prospective money launderers. Most music has a decent rhythm that everyone can tolerate in the car.
I intentionally restrict 4+ and up ratings to no more than 20% of all albums reviewed. Only less 2% of albums can get have a 5 at any given time, vice versa for albums below a 1.5 and only true shitters (three right now) get the dreaded 0.5 rating. Artists like Wesley Willis, or the Shaggs are always unrated.

>Artists like Wesley Willis, or the Shaggs are always unrated.
Why? Whats the reasoning behind excluding them?

It's just impossible to really evaluate them, The Shaggs sound terrible because they were forced to make music with their father's expectation that anything they made would hit the top of the charts. With better training they could've made something of value but as it stands Philosophy of the World is a horrendous album, although it does have its own so-bad-it's-good moments. It's not an abject 0.5 because they weren't skilled enough to potentially create a 5. King Crimson releasing an album of that tier would deserve a 0.5 because we know they could've done far better.

>Philosophy of the World is a horrendous album,
I have Philosophy of the World at 4.0
That means I like listening to it and overall for me it's a pleasing listen.
Wesley Willis is an artist i can listen to anytime and most of his music is between a 3 and 4 to me.
>King Crimson releasing an album of that tier would deserve a 0.5 because we know they could've done far better.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you've rated the quasi non-music of Kid A above a 2.0 and don't realize how moronic that statement is. I don't rate perceived potential. I rate my relationship to the album as a finushed product.

You're both retarded, PotW is a bona fide 0.5. Fuck reddit so bad it's good meme shit.


Newfag here, i didn't have any 10's, and ended up lowering the ratings of my 9's after i listened to them again a couple of weeks ago. Nothing really stood out to me. I think I'm not enjoying music :/.

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underrated post

agree with on this
3 to me has always been a "yea its nice" and things i listen to are generally in that range because thats how most of the music i find is
i usually listen to things i think ill like unless i want to laugh at some bad shit, explore a new genre, the music is supposedly weird/interesting or a friend recs it
dunno why so many people out there have such negative curves desu

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no one cares about your fucking ratings you stupid piece of shit.

You are listening to too many albums that you don't enjoy. Why would you do that? Only listen to the albums that sound incredible from the start.

Actually I lied. That looks fine to me
