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It leaked on Sunday user

We've been discussing it for days

im listening now hopefully its really good excited to see them put out something aggressive

Some of us don't give a shit enough to download it.

Listening to this for the first time and I'm fully convinced that King Gizzard is one of the most talented bands out there right now.

They're consistently above average, with a couple spikes. Really have yet to deliver a 10/10.


Easily their worst and least creative album

fuck off contrarian

The end of Hell is such a tease

Is the consensus here that this mediocre “metal” album is good? If so nu/mu/ really is doomed

Just finished it. Incredible album.

Superbug > Planet B > Self-Immolate > Hell > Perihelion > Venusian 2 > Venusian 1 > Mars For The Rich > Organ Farmer

I finished it. It seems like once you've heard the singles, you've heard the whole album. My balls are so fucking blue from the ending of Hell, because that could have been a separate track and been the best on the whole album.

Another average to above average album from them as I've come to expect.

Haha great post! Here, have an upvote, fellow enlightened redditor!

Like whatever you want, but the band is literally called king reddit and the gimmick wizard so using reddit as an insult doesn't make much sense

Kind of sucks thats what theyve been doing latley tho. I really like them and they have alot of potential, they just need to spend more time on their albums and they would be putting out pure gold instead of just good albums.

wish theyd stop fucking around with gimmicks and drop a 9 or 10

They never will release a 10/10 album though. I love this band but you got to understand that they are just playing the rock music they love and it's been proven to work time and time again while putting their spin on it. They'll never release a Remain in Light or In the Court of the Crimson King but they don't have to when they are so good at what they do.


go back to psych rock with SICKASS riffs already

I think they have the potential to, they just need to concentrate their efforts into one album rather than multiple. Quality over quantity

sh-shut up

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Real rankings coming in hot for all you plebs out there.

10 - Flying Microtonal Banana
9.75 - I’m in Your Mind Fuzz, Nonagon Infinity
9.4 - Infest the Rats Nest
9.3 - Paper Mache Dream Balloon
9.1 - Fishing for Fishies, Gumboot Soup
8.5 - Polygondawanaland
8.25 - Oddments, 12 Bar Bruise, Willoughbys Beach, Murder of the Universe
8 - Quarters, Float Along - Fill Your Lungs, Angelsea
7.75 - Eyes like the Sky
7.5 - Sketches of Brunswick East

rats nest has a shiton of sick riffs, what they hell are you on?

they won't

Poly is way too low, and Mind Fuzz is way too high
doesn't work that way lmao

I don't actually listen to this band or know their music

I ignored the singles before release like I usually do and so far I'm really enjoying this so far. Cheered up my shitty night somewhat. I seriously wasn't expecting a metal album

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Poly > Rats = Nonagon > Banana > Paper Mache > Mind Fuzz > Fishies > Soup > Quarters!

Haven't listened to the rest enough to have an opinion. I've really liked everything I've heard though.

Also, I think Polygondawanaland is the closest they've been to a 10/10.

>I seriously wasn't expecting a metal album

I'm waiting for the eventual synth pop and post-punk albums at this point.

they did, it was called fishing for fishies and it sucked ass

Whoops, you swapped Superbug and Mars For the Rich

Other than that great taste user

Poly = Banana > Rats' = Murder > Nonagon > Fishies > Gumboot > the rest

also agreed

>Banana top
>Sketches in with "the rest"

guess how I know you're a complete pleb

God damn this is some really mediocre thrash shit. fuck this band sucks. The new oh sees album completely blows it out of the water, at least that band actually sounds like they are trying something new rather than just classic rock larping.

I think Nonagon Infinity and Flying Microtonal Banana are the closest they've come to a seriously unique psych/prog rock sound, might even be greatest of the decade material. But still, you're right, they won't go down in history as a highly influential rock band, but they're very popular and deservedly so

yeah sketches is fucking boring as sin, I'll happily be a pleb if it means I don't have to listen to it ever again

nah new Oh Sees was limp psych wank, really disappointing from them but their previous two were as well

makes me feel like I'm living on a trash planet with no hope of getting off of it, I love it

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Sketches is a pleb filter and one of their best

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sketches is fuckin gay

Poly was a 10. I rate it among Moving Pictures and Close to the Edge as a GOAT prog album.

Listening through for the first time now

it's solid, doesn't blow me away but it's better than expected

Sketches is a 10/10 on my book

listening to it right now, pretty good and fun but nothing mindblowing

superior album coming thru

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>album is three King Gizz album lengths long

Nonagon would have been a 10/10 if it wasn't for Road Train honestly.

started listening rn, please tell me this isnt gonna be an album filled with filler trippy jams

Quarters, Polygondwanaland and Float Along are all better than Fishing for Fishies and Gumboot Soup, but don't really rise above an 8.5


go home john

But enough to yap

This is better than Nonagon Infinity.

Listenning right now, Planet B is a banger. I stoped listenning to this band after Nonagon because it was too much, but hearing this i think i'm gonna revisit their discography

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Wow, I'm on second track still, and if mars for the rich is te second worst track i think we have an AOTY contender right here


The 5 albums exhausted me, so Fishing for Fishies I didn't care about, and then Planet B got me excited. Then seeing them live at the Greek WOW Fishing for Fishies played well, and hearing all the sounds mixed around has thrown me back into them heavy

Hell ya, I felt the same way after 2017 but Im seeing them in a week and so excited

haven't finished yet, but thats what its looking like. i don't mind though

i just started the first song and it feels like a filler trippy jam sadly, i'm gonna finish it though

Just finished it. It kicks ass. I didn't expect to like it as much as I do.

I wasn't expecting much either. I only listened to Organ Farmer beforehand and I wasn't a fan. I still think it's the weakest track on the album but I like it a lot more in the context of the entire album.

I think they have potential. They still didn't released a bad album, but their best is still a 8/10.

>eyes like the sky
>murder of the universe

New Caretaker album?

gigapleb post

lol no


Careful, user. Don't get killed in a mosh pit. Their concerts are insane.

Worst metal album this year so far, complete joke