Why are people in music journalism so insufferable, bro?

Why are people in music journalism so insufferable, bro?

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t. offended black metal dork


No one should take journalism of any kind seriously

You didn't need to add the word music. Journalists are not people

she's right though

how much of a fucking faggot do you have to be to legitimately care
>hurrrrrrr some literal who tranny made fun of my taste on twitter
kill yourself

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because music journalists appeal to the majority of music fans that care most about being "cool"

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you're literally redoing fascism
>b-b-buh fascism good!
it's really not. you're accelerating America's slow transition to an anti-free-speech police state.

black metal is pretty lame though.
some tranny from my city made a "one girl queer black metal" project.

comforting thought knowing all of these anti white, intersex, poly pan trans people suffer from severe depression and anxiety. they live miserable lives

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Bro all I said is journalists are faggots. Nothing about fascism kek

I never said we should shut down news outlets im just saying you shouldn't take a person more serious just because they use the moniker "Journalist"

which is fair because in this day and age of social media, "journalist" just means a regular person who happened to get a job in print instead of having a blog

"Journalists are not people." is the kind of rhetoric that was coming out of fascist Italy when Mussolini was in power.

Journalism in America is mostly corporate owned and for profit. I trust independent journalists not CNN, Fox, Huffpo, Time Warner bullshit that's just entertainment.


Wish i was them, then i’d listen to black metal more

stop arguing in bad faith

at that time journalists were the only ones getting information around

now, information goes around on its own, and "journalists" are just clinging to a job description that no longer exists

Its unironically true, if you disagree, have sex, bc I dated one and I know it to be a fact

Journalism anywhere is insufferable. Bunch of sheltered pompous pussies paid to find topical shit to write.

tbf though, sheltered people are always better at art

the entire point of the MSM in america is to stoke racial tension and create division based on arbitrary things like race and religion in order to keep people distracted from the true divider of people: class. billionaires fund this shit

Bandcamp actually has good support for BM, dunno how they ended up with this thing.


the world would be much better off if americans were still a colony