Why does everyone hate Miley

Even Liberals?

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Really trying to understand the logic behind “abortion is healthcare”. is being pregnant an illness?

If I had a fetus of color growing inside me I'd consider it worse than cancer, so probably

Yes, dumbass

Having babies is for Christian cucks

She never graduated high school.

Um incel...keep your hands off the p*ssy

I mean I know why I hate her but literally every normally divided group seems unified in hating her.

I find her so annoying. She gets married as if she's traditional and then has all this disgusting homo stuff to say then starts kissing another man's wife. F I L T H all around.

liberal here: she's a ridiculously privileged white woman, who was born rich, is the daughter of a successful singer, had a disney series with the purpose of making her famous, and yet she's labeled as a 'rebel' by the media because she does some retarded shit or makes an awful song. the song where she says ''don't fuck with my freedom'' really triggered me, bitch you are rich, white and live in a first world country, NOBODY is ever going to mess with your ''freedom''. fuck i got angry just by writing this.

Abortion isn’t exclusively for fetuses of color.
I’d consider having any fetus inside of me worse than cancer.

every girl your age says that. give it a few years

>liberal here
off to gulag with you, faggot

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statistically in america it basically is tho

I was a big Miley Cyrus fan from the Hannah days, and she has ruined it for me, she became somebody else and I'm not a fan of it at all, she sold out to a disgusting culture

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>Abortion isn’t exclusively for fetuses of color
I wish it was

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Manchildren millennials hold a serious grudge against silly fun stuff that they were too "smart" for in middle/high school, like Jersey Shore and Twilight.

murder is okay if the human we're murdering is non-sentient and totally dependant, except killing senile old people is still wrong despite it being logically permissible by the standard of abortion advocates

>Jersey Shore and Twilight.
Both these things are still very much trash

>murder is okay
not sure if cringe or based

have sex

>it's not murder because a fetus is not a person!
only because your chosen definition of personhood included having exited a vagina, which is incredibly arbitrary
>it's not murder because a fetus is not sentient!
neither are senile old people but we don't kill them because they're inconvenient
>but the fetus is dependent on the mother, and therefore she can make life and death decisions for it!
brb pushing granny off a cliff

Do you watch Big Brother and listen to rap, by chance?

I don't hate Miley. I don't pay enough attention to her to have an actual opinion. And i'm not going to start.

>liberal here
damn I miss being 14, enjoy it while it lasts

who said killing senile old people is wrong?

I still don't really know the premise to Big Brother, but I watched stuff like I Love Money because of the titties. Do you listen to Radiohead?

As long as you're willing to accept that killing the elderly and abortion are equivalent, I'm perfectly fine with you being a psychopath. Better a logically consistent psycho than a liberal in denial.

>I watch dumb shows to see tits
You know you can see tits on the internet without garbage TV, right?

I don't listen to Radiohead but I don't hate it.

I didn't have the internet at home until 2012, so I watched a lot of TV, mostly VH1, sports, sitcoms, Adult Swim, etc. All the porn I watched was at the library.

Christianity is
She's a retard

wtf 3rd world shithole you live in bro?

Christianity is what? Who even mentioned that? Schizo

>I didn't have internet until the internet was already dead
jesus fucking christ how horrifying

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A cult for morons

She is not a liberal or leftist, she doesn't stand for anything
She is just a completely degenerated human mess who can do nothing but behave in the most sub-animalistic ways, the most broken MK-ultra victim we are allowed to see

Even if a old person is senile, their brain still has more activity than a growing fetus, and is therefore likely to be more conscious. The more logical comparison would be someone who is a vegetable or brain dead. in which case most people wouldn't disagree...

I really hope you're a vegan if you're having this much of a moral conniption about the sentience of a growing mass of person shaped cells.

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>Liber here... Blah blah she's privileged
No, you're a communist. Stop calling yourselves "liberals".

Has anyone ever asked a pro-abortionist if they would have preferred to be aborted?

Birth is beautiful. It's a gift to create life.

Not until marriage, sinner.

Lol yeah I forgot it was all the liberals watching pewdiepie

She’s fucking ugly and can’t sing

Her new single is okay

She's better than ariana

I had to be subjected to Party in the USA at a restaurant last Sunday, so no.

Imagine wanting to end up dying in a cold, dark room that reeks of cat piss, surrounded by nothing but your “fur babies”, dildos, and empty wine boxes. Yikes

she divorced Thor's brother, what a cunt

has anyone ever shopped out that mic for a giant schlong?

the same time the web went to shit & netfags flocked to social media

She would be retarded even in the juggalo scene.

I feel like I know you. I hate your guts just so you know

She unironically is very privileged, but her being White objectively has nothing to with it. Are Puff Daddy’s kids less privileged than a middle class White kid because they’re black? Not sure what the point is in highlighting that she’s White

The elderly have contributed to society for years and the fetuses have not. You aren't even being consistent.