normal thread for the normalbros
Other urls found in this thread:
for me, it's twice
the other one will probably get nuked at some point
i watched half of it and if she talked about it, it would be on twitter
hopefully never, she won't be allowed to show them on broadcasts
Rosie :)
Based John Titor
booking flights/tickets to see ourgirls in concert?
itzyantis btfo
are you happy?
Abusive aussie...
ohnono wonybros are really degen
any dragonman in
obligatory based
based qt
is that eiji0037 dude? lmao
michael jackson sunbae
nationalist dog
butt of tzuyu
>yeji's feet
Should have shot Dubu
bitch needs to fix her feets already
spreadsheet pedo
I still love my commie bugwoman waifu
would be pretty nice to see chewy executing the nationalist traitors by bow and arrow
shart antis are worked
My Tenga
disgusting busted shit
reporting for dubu
meme machine
zuwy so tol
why are there so many momobros now?
(this is absolutely based)
BASED and Oogiepilled, we'll crush democracies the world over together
The day has passed...
August 15th was the anniversary of the ending (of the war),
Japan, and the rest of the world,
I hope you become a world full of laughter and peace
"The anniversary of the ending" F*CKㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The country who started the war against us never apologized and you're talking about a peaceful world?
post response:
1. [+518, -7]
So why is she in Korea? What is she doing here? There can't be any fans trying to shield this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm just speechlessㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+514, -8]
No talent, what does she know?
3. [+436, -8]
Look at those losers below trying to suck their a*s... Must be nice to get a taste of promoting in Korea
5. [+172, -1]
I know that nowadays, PANN is slowly trying to promote Right-wing-One but cut it down already, even the Korean kids will come back once Right-wing-One disbands anyways. The foundation of this group was using KPOP to help those right wings anywaysㅉ
6. [+140, -1]
The anniversary of the ending, she's crazyㅋㅋ So many people were killed and colonized, yet she's calling this an anniversary of the ending? I hate this
thank god that shart nonsense is over with
looks like she's taking a juicy shart
>[[please get him away]]
>bang chan gets to suck on those
>why are there so many momobros now?
we were always there my friend
Does any ONCE know the date of this performance? (The other thread got deleted) and we didn't reach a consensus
I was hoping to find a better cam
Based I love wendy
Zhou Jieqiong is a gentle spirit
converted jihyo and mina bros
absolutely dubased
which one of you motherfuckers did that to her finger?
boycott her ass, we want the war to continue!
oh no no no jeongbros
Fuck. That guy is creepy. I hope someone kills him asap.
nb spammers don't even read anything they just want to ctrl v their useless texts here
she's always been fuggo
jihyo bros never existed in the first place
person in the last thread said 190606
this is a good momo
truth, the cutest mean looking girl
Feels like forever since i posted about my wife chengy
hottest girl in kpop
Not Kpop. Post that in CPOP general or something.
PS. Fuck China. Taiwan #1. Free Hong Kong, Tibet, and East Turkestan.
she probably bit it herself while she was stuffing food in her mouth
shinee mentioned
twintails forever
good taste
Thanks, Twicebro
i wish concerts had better fancams, that's when they wear the sluttiest outfits
Dragon can't be a girl
thats not sohee
chinese idols are only good for one thing
Im in desperate need of new chengys, post what you got.
any sharkman in
have you heard of onyxia
no, just us shartmen
Go to bed Shill
mental illness
yeah they do turn it up a notch for concerts. esp their special stages, wew
hello does anyone have any cute yeji pictures i dont have many
Lol Sakura has China and Jap wotas on her back they'll gonna rape Korea if knetz try to bring her down
anyone that hates shartmen is mentally ill, that's correct
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
yeah and that's sadly the best fancam from that performance
looks like christopher judge
Hi buddy. Jinki looks scarily old there
get his ass shartman
shut up
that girl you posted is chinese retard
At least it's 4K
all i have is a group shot
Based Shartman
sharkman and shartman are on equal terms when it comes to being mentally ill
Hello~ Jinki is not that old.....
true normal yejibros, take action against the shartard
how are you doing?
yeah, but i'd need to download it and edit it if i wanted to focus on a single member
you don't want her to be happy?
count me in
You can never doubt her nationality
She's a purebred Thighwanese
This is that star trek guy? Lmao you silly old blindbro
Looks like a father to me
Which is...?
post that bitch from rainbow (?) in the uniform on the runway
it's not that, it's just that that guy gives me the creeps honestly
very angry
he looks great for his age
no it's the stargate nigga
shartman or sharkturd
chill out fellow shartman, you're embarrassing us in front of kpg
i'd like to take some action against yeji's feet iykwim
normie thread?
im in
and pic related in the same group lmao
Not fair
do you have the improved momo pics?
China will pay for what they did to Tzuyu.
we're already on it, don't worry
will bear my children
ok man i give up
i will never come again to this place
Shuhua pushing Yuqi off stage during a performance by "accident" and snapping her neck
this is a kpop thread sir
see you tomorrow
Omo, is there a Sana fancam from this event?
No, there isn't one...because it's from some concert in SEA
Otherwise, It'd fall off...
she is just fat
jyp always lets his idols get too fat
That’s what I meant
What do you think about this whole s(u)perm thing
See you later maybe never
Squid's stylist needs to stop shaping her eyebrows to go upward. That makes her look mad all the time. It works for Yeji but NOT for Squid. If Squid had level eyebrows then she would look younger and cuter. As of now, she just looks angry all the time.
me too
fat sana is kino
>implying shushu isn't one us and praying for a glorified China every night before bed
no idea wtf are you talking about
we think that sperm is shit
save taemin
whats that mean
she will pull a guanlin
Where can I get a ''fatty'' like this?
Reminder that Shuhua HAS a weibo but hasn't posted in support of China.
honestly my wife mogs all of yours into, but im not an asshole about it
>age of youth jinki
don't post this it makes me mad
sm is stupid but in the end i am just an atm so i will support
She must be a really nasty bitch if no one will come to her birthday party.
me as the strap
thanks for holding back on us dubro
based slugchad
none of the chinks who don't promote in china have posted pro one china stuff
>age of youth jinki
I don’t know what this means.
what if we have the same waifu
maybe cause she’s not a cringe retard
Shut your whore mouth Poonani.
Imagine not thinking this is one of the prettiest girls ever.
How gay and pathetic
it's better than way
what do you think of superm?
what's the realest ship in kpop?
stop falling for jewish propaganda, comrades
She only has one friend. What a loser.
That's because she's a bitch. A big bitch.
Based Shushu. Glad she isn't a retarded commie like Oogie.
definitely one of the ugliest
Reminder that Yiren hasn't posted in support of China.
now post her with no make up or fake teeth
shuhua doesnt do anything in china, guarantee she would if the chinese knew who she was
when news of superm came out everyone was laughing at how cringe avengers of kpop was and a lot of sm bashing
Gahyeon dressed like violet from the chocolate factory
i diagnose you with gay
literally the highest class of escort
he already
>when it's Friday and your waifu gets to pick her own outfit
Good for her, but all this shit is why Chinese should not be idols.
Post your waifu with no makeup and fake teeth
I don’t like those little nct zoomers so not expecting anything good.
Taekai please anticipate
i diagnose you with seething roastie
shuhua is such a dumb sounding name
i only have husbandos
mina has no friends and got bullied out of twice
look what you made her do, now she got rid of the bangs
are you happy kpg
lmao no shit
obviously only a homo could find sana ugly
choi yoojung is fuckin sexy
i couldn't find one where she has fake teeth probably because she has perfect teeth and doesn't need them
chewy must strike now while the opportunity is open
Who is this Southeast Asian?
Because they aren't chinese
talk about hitting the wall at terminal velocity
i thought her name was jo yoojung
Oogie Up
>little nct zoomers
if we ignore them maybe they will go away....
i hope we still get taemin concerts in na despite the whole superm thing
the bangs were good i just didnt like the haircolor
damn bro hittem where it hurts
IU in a red dress....
writing anther boring song...
Unfortunately for Shuhua she's the least popular member and if it's a choice between Oogie and her we know whose getting the boot.
People are jealous of pretty girls. Nothing new there.
i love my wife
loona mogs twice pretty hard
probably the same fag/stinker who posts ''sana tranny''
Chewy's looking better than ever
even babysoul mogs loona
I'd be mina's friend
post her shooting the heads off chinese nationalists
>if we ignore them maybe they will go away
No, the best we can hope for is for them to cause a controversy over their worship of taemin and be forced to resign
being old and looking like skeletor
There she is.
There's only one China, China and Taiwan are one
just heejoonk
>cause a controversy over their worship of taemin
what does this even mean, friend?
Prime Seolhyun giving you a lap dance...
Not so fast
that's the only reason she didnt post in support of china lmao literally nobody knows who she is, even the nct chinks got pressured to post and people actively hate them. id still hit it from the back one time doe
False and you will die for these words chink shill scum
ryu ga gotoku...
half the loonae are top-tier
I said don't mess up my tempo
wow such a pure girl
she must be waifu material
For me, It's IU and Irene from Red Velvet.
I'll never forgive JYP for this
Mnet can still suck a dick, they are pretty much trying to leech ticket sales off Loona's US popularity but BBC's world tour still hasn't happened yet so I don't know who to blame
>you made it after years of training
>you're part of big kpop group now
>you stage name will be.... babysoul
I would honestly kill myself
Like take pictures of him in the shower or something, you know basic stuff like that
LMAO funniest shit i have seen in a long time
based jungkook, whats up bro? enjoying your break?
ankle status?
>not enough armstrade money for a tour but enough to waste on albums
i don't know but okay
good night friend, sweet dreams!
jokes on them that apology was emotionless
The best discographies in one photo
nothing suspicious going on here
>3. Loona: 100,554 (2 albums)
What was that, dumbass?
stacked filipina
it's actually not suspicious, pretty normal for chinese to be drones
Finally unbanned
I bet Mina is just playing Sekiro 24/7
Sushi Time!
Hope you get banned again pretty soon.
I'd bet you're just evading
Very spontaneous and not forced at all
more like candy crush saga
>@1:50 or 13:38
jackson probably posted his with one hand on his dick, that mother fucker would die for china
Goodnight sleep well
welcome back!
imagine feeling obligated to post the same thing as everyone or else face public scrutiny
Are you the shartmen or the sharkwarrior?
shartmen=miracles, deal with it
thank you for your service, sharksoldier
that would be for yuna fags
Both are pedophiles. Fucking 25-year-olds blasting for 17yr old girls. Sick fucks.
yeji was 18 at debut and had a birthday in may
i love her so much
blackpink blackedstink, stan loona
hi guys
i just dropped by to say i love yooa
and i pray for her comprehensive healing
i hope you guys find love in your lives too
now i'm gonna go take my anti-psychotics and go to bed
tinny / stupid fucking miracle
That doesn't make ok for 23-yr-old to be jerking off to young women.