Typical tool listener

Typical tool listener

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Gonna be a no from me dog

white pride worldwide!!!!

Cute trap.

I'm not gay but

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Not fat enough

I consider myself a straight man but I'd spread those cheeks and stick my tongue down his shithole while jerking his dick

My pp isn't hard in the slightest, have I passed the gay test?

wtf im gay now?


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Yeah but you might need to check your testosterone levels

if this were the typical tool listener there would be more cute traps in the world. unfortunately, cute traps, are a a very small minority with the majority of trans people being ugly and fat as shit.

>manjaw covered
>dinosaur legs
one yike

If he listens to tool the I listen to tool too if you know what I'm saying


why can't all trannies look like this


he cute


i'm going to vomit

fucking wHY


Because boys make the best girls UwU.

traps sure, trannies no

You want to fuck boys who pretend to be girls rather than girls who used to be boys? What are you gay?

the ONLY thing worse than a roastie is a pseudo roastie

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>girls who used to be boys
They still are boys but now they have fucked up hormones and mutilated genitals

honey, both are fuckable actually :^)

>boys who pretend to be girls
that's what trannies are though


(((you know the answer)))

Disgusting transphobic nazis go burn in hell.

What are his favorite PS4 games

What's more evil:

1 - People who wish to create a healthy society and civilization
2 - People who relish in their egotistical delusions and mental illness

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Fuck society and fuck trannies

Legitimately this. I prefer women but I'd choose a cock over a literal gaping wound any fucking day, not even afraid to admit it.
Psuedo-vags are fucking disgusting.

dude if you don't want to eviscerate a cute femboy then you just gotta sit by and cope

>1 need to kill millions to build an impossible utopia
>2 let everyone be happy & go with their life
yeah, go eat shit

>Your utopia be dumb and impossible but MY Utopia

Post-op trannies are gross but lets not pretend the govt outright controlling every minute aspect of life isn't fucking terrible.

Id facefuck that face but the body isn't girly enough for my taste in traps. Pass.

Also tool is shit.

liberalism isn't a utopia dumbass, it's the human experience as is

The holohaux didn't happen but even if it did it would be better than letting millions go about shitting up society creating a dystopia.

Is it gay to suck tranny cock? Asking for a friend

I hate this term.
Just because I refuse to call you a woman because you have male chromosomes doesn't mean I'm afraid if you.


"mine" don't require to genocide innocents...
it's pleasurable, that's all that you have to know: the mouthfeel is unique :)

All hatred is rooted in fear.

This skinnyfay idiot thinks there is something remotely feminine about his body? Really? Pushing your manly shoulders back and your fat belly forward isn't gonna make you look like a female, neither is that ugly emo hairstyle that hasn't been cool in what, 15 years now?

Further question. Is it gay to let a tranny top me?

Ok cause my friend sucked a cute tranny's little cock last weekend and he's having trouble looking at myself in the mirror the same.

>Liberalism is the human experience

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Wrong. Some is rooted in disgust. It's important to know the difference.

a little


Fuck off m*a. I don't fear you but I dislike you.

still more feminine that your mum ha!

nah this hate is rooted in disgust and a willful disregard for reality

yes :-)
transsexualism is funded and promoted by pharmaceutical companies and right wing elements
it's homophobic and is now building resentment toward transpeople where there wasn't any or very little to begin with

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prolly desu

Why? Because you fear what I represent. You fear that I may become the norm.

wtf I love The Tool now

How's that exactly?

You're just mad that straight men are stealing all your twinks.

I don't fear that you may become the norm. I hate you based on disgust, the fact that you are existing in the state you are.

Fuck off you're not even a tranny.
You're just baiting for (you)s

Shit, the jig is up. You got me. What gave me away? It's cause I didn't start ranting about dysphoria wasn't it?

they're a scarce resource unfortunately

What about my existence bothers you so much? I'm just trying to live my life how I want I'm not bothering anyone. You're like someone who just can't leave a spider alone, they just HAVE to kill it.

do transphobes still think that they have the rhetorical high ground? the overwhelming majority of data disagrees with them

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It bothers me because many of you people demand that others make accommodations to support your delusions.

name some

not this fucking guy again

t. fascist

Bathrooms and having to call you by your "pronouns" are two of the obvious ones.

What data?


very first pic is just him taking it


You use gendered bathrooms and preferred pronouns, what would you do if I stopped you? That's right, nothing.

>not saved in your trap folder
wtf are you doing on 4chin
fuck off normie


I'm not but
Honestly, I want universal bathrooms, as long as you're washing your hands, I don't give a fuck what you are.
>having to call you by your "pronouns"
Why is it different from if someone changes their name? Also, nobody's forcing you to, it's just called a common courtesy.

It means I have to leave reality to conform to your delusion.

Dude nobody in real life actually cares about the bathroom thing. I have friends who don't pass and nobody has ever bothered them for using their chosen gender bathroom (this applies to both FtM and MtF trans people.)

And no using someone's preferred pronouns is just plain rude. That's like someone saying "I don't like being called Samantha please just call me Sam" and you acting put out about it.

You're already existing in a fucking clown world, why does adding a s to he get up your ass so much?

back in my day trap meant bridget and shit, not this faggy nu trend with flabby losers larping as astolfo
seriously fuck the 2010s

I wouldn't know where to start, it's a consensus. Maybe here:

It's not like I'm asking you to say that the sky is purple user. I'm just asking you to please not behave in a way that makes me feel self conscious and uncomfortable, is that really to much to ask?

Because it's giving in to the demands of a faction of 1% of people, who also demand that we break down truth itself.

>who also demand that we break down truth itself
We already live in a post truth world retard.


if you get self-conscious and uncomfortable from anonymous posts, no wonder you feel at home as a woman

No we don't

Okay so you shit and piss with some trans people occasionally, how is this any different than what you do regularly?
It's just a call to be polite, especially since mis-gendering someone can trigger dysphoria. Any chud who is using this to campaign against legislation or whatever is fighting against trans people becoming a protected class in both NY and Canada.

But that's literally true. Fake blondes aren't blonde.

Yes we do, faggot, take a look at how politics are conducted, blatant lies are touted as truth because it makes people feel good.

you aren't straight

So I have to stand for it?
So I need to give into the demands of an irrational and mentally ill person?

I'm not saying you have to stand for it, I'm saying you shouldn't act like a child and cross your arms and say "HE HAD WIENER AND IS BOY" especially if that person looks like the opposite gender.

>truth itself
Gender is a social construct and tying it to sex has no real utility. Language is also a social construct. Fucking hell read a book.

Sex is gender and femininity and masculinity have nothing to do with it. Language is a useful social construct for conveying ideas, and many people are opposed to it being used to convey lies.

Notice how is saying "shouldn't". Nothing we've said so far warrants your undue alarmist attitude.

I'm licking his ass, not cuddling and kissing. Now THAT'S gay.

That's extremely shortsighted off you. Many cultures have seperated sex and gender over history read a book sometime.

le test

He is equating someone who is not accepting lies to a spoiled child and then breaking down my idea to the most basic level to make it sound dumb.
Which ones

>Many cultures have seperated sex and gender
Female = female no matter where you are

>Sex is gender
This is a categorically incorrect statement if we are using current academia as our metric. If not, then we'll be dealing with your feelings instead of facts.
>and femininity and masculinity have nothing to do with it
Gender is what we use to categorize the social element tied to sex (which is bimodal).
>Language is a useful social construct for conveying ideas, and many people are opposed to it being used to convey lies.
Language is being used here to reflect an actual separation which is, again, supported by academia. What more justification would you want?
The lot of you are spoiled children and would only need their arguments presented as is to look dumb.

So will academia actually point out what factors or common trends actually creates trannies? Or is that a nono zone?

>liberalism isn't a utopia dumbass, it's the human experience as is

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Which academia? You also never named any cultures.

In some parts of Eastern Europe there's a traditon where women are allowed to live as men and be treated as men for legal purposes. It fell out of practice after gender equality became a thing but it certainly existed.

>it's the human experience as is

What do you think?

I haven't seen any studies which cover that, and I'd be interested to do so. Keep in mind that I don't care about traditionalism or whatever.

Which parts? Also no source.

Gay people are cool asf, but traps and trannies are disgusting and need to be fucking purged.

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Nothing "creates" trannies. They've existed throughout history in every culture to the extent that you shouldn't even have to dig deep to find them. In the modern era they're just more excepted in the mainstream.

based trap poster

whoa calm down there, Pedo Nick

If I had to guess, I would say being prison gay has A LOT to do with it. It's not just a coincidence that men are having less sex and more and more of them are becoming women, just saying.

Chemical imbalances create trannies

Fucking Google it yourself you lazy tard, it's some part of Ukraine, they're called "something" virgins. It's been a while I forget what they're called but there's a documentary on them.

This board is dogshit

I admit I was using fruity language to draw a contrast from his erroneous view that liberalism was a utopia, which implies that it requires a strong hierarchical structure such as a state. I meant to say that it's simply a principle which values a human being's natural inclination to do things out of free will (or what they perceive as such). I don't subscribe to it as a principle by itself, but it's good for addressing alot of specific issues (like gun control, as someone who supports liberal ideals I believe that everyone has a right to defend themselves sufficiently).

I do hesitate by saying "academia", and I admit that it is reductionist, but it really is such a consensus to the degree of warranting that label. Here is a good meta-analysis I didn't make the historical argument, nor do I care for such on this topic.

Not going out to prove your shit. Just post a wikipedia article or something.

Anecdotally havent come across one tranny that was even remotely intersting outside their le gender shit. Theyre all like walking tumblr posts

Real talk I can't for the life of me remember what they're called. But I definitely watched a documentary on them in an anthropology class.

Same experience for me too. What you have to understand is these people have no personality, nothing that makes them different or interesting or unique. Their fucking entire identity is based on their gender.

You ever met a dude that was like a super macho guy that always had to act as MANLY as possible? They're fucking annoying. Trannies are the same way, but just sprinkled with victimhood and 'oppression' in between. That's why I can't stand them.

>which values a human being's natural inclination to do things out of free will
For a people who value free will, you sure as hell have a lot of rules about what you can and can't say.