Going to see Godspeed You Black Emperor tonight. What should I expect?
Going to see Godspeed You Black Emperor tonight. What should I expect?
Short songs
soÿ in sonic form
I remember when Yea Forums didn’t have completely shit tastes.
Enjoy the show OP. I think they’re excellent live.
obnoxious jewish communists
Fuck drumpf
they sound based
incels incels incels communists incels incels boomer (1) incels
long builds, great overtones, screeching, projector on the screen and otherwise dark stage
Jewish communists talking about how we need MUH OPEN BORDERS
Jews aren't based
I'm going next week, so report back on how the show ended up being for you. Have fun user.
The opener was what I figured was a homeless man on the saxophone busking. He played three songs by himself that fluctuated in and out of being in tune. He was actually a lot of fun and spent half the set walking through the crowd.
At the end he asked if anyone has a couch he can crash on, so turns out he was a homeless man busking.
someone out there took the time to process the thought "Jews aren't based", decided it was worthy of posting, typed it out, filled out a captcha and then clicked Post
the year is 2019
Probably once a very great band, I like many people found F#A# to be an incredible album, very dark and brooding, but their new live sets, completely disregarding all the random optimistic political stuff, are totally different. Their music is way more "uplifting" now. It sounds like a car commercial kinda. I thought seeing them after years would really blow my mind but honestly it was underwhelming. It's really frustrating given one of their lead members' tirades (i think you can find the video on youtube of him shit talking arcade fire as being deceptive feelgood music), and the fact that they now make music that would be a good bed for ukuleles. But I hope it's different and better for you.
saw them last week. was a cool show. loud as shit and they rotate musicians every song which is cool, i guess.
Was it mostly Luciferian Towers stuff they played?
Wow what a profound and woke statement
Two or three, they played a song off of lysf and I think yanqui.
Overall it was a really amazing show.
That's good to hear, thanks for the response
No talking, no encore.
It was a great show, enjoy OP.
why do plebs even start these threads.
fucking imbeciles. just go along with an open minds.
these user cunts on /mu will just fill your head with shitty opinions, just like melon head wants to
Saw them twice before
Both times were excruciatingly LOUD. To the point that it was almost unlistenable in parts. I don’t really know what it achieves either. When half the audience is wearing ear protection then you know something is off.