How the fuck do white people listen to rap? are you experiencing an identity crisis...

how the fuck do white people listen to rap? are you experiencing an identity crisis? how can you relate to what they’re saying? or do people just listen for le beats? either way, get it together

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>I can only enjoy it if I relate to the lyrics
you must be over 18 to participate in this website.

/mupol/ needs a containment thread like kpop

>not liking rap means you’re a nazi
state of social justice

>we mus rember the fouhteen wowds

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>do people just listen for le beats

This is true of most normies, they HATE music without lyrics.

The same reason people listen to stuff like lolicore and harsh noise.
You don't need to "identity" with music in order to enjoy it, that's such nigger tier logic right there.

Liberalism hasnt gone far enough

I can relate, OP. I just can't enjoy hiphop at all, either lyrically or aesthetically.
It's not made for me, and that's fine as I can't fucking stand it anyway.

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By "I can relate", I didn't mean to hiphop. My wording was awful.

shut up faggot
go suck bezos cock

Wdym? I'm just saying black people are pretty great.

How the fuck is it impossible fir white people to not relate to black people? Do you not listen to music made by europeans cause they're not american like you?

white people were the original slaves

I get the point he's trying to make though, rap is profoundly black music, in fact, it's blackwashed an entire generation, I think that's what he's getting at. Why are there so many white people trying to identify with black music? And the answer really is that this music is the current trend, and if you're not following it you're an outsider. The problem is, it seems like every white zoomer is becoming a wigger because of rap music, that's just what I think though.

Because so many young white men and general white youth have been constantly told that they have no culture and whatever culture they do have is oppressive and garbage so white youth without a white identity cling to the nearest identity they can find which is almost always black culture since it's pushed so much by popular media.

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I'm really not racist, but I don't listen to hip hop/rap. I don't feel comfortable listening to it. It makes me feel like a tryhard pasty retard. I was a nerd loser in high school and a virgin until 22, and had everything done to me by my mum and my dad. I can't fool myself and can't remove the music from the context in which it was created

>how can you relate to what they’re saying?
Why do retards always say this? I've never heard "hurrr black people can't listen to country because they can't relate hurr".

>can't remove the music from the context in which it was created

Ever heard of appreciating lyricism you fucking retard?

Nobody said that, but a black guy makes a country and it makes national headlines.

Most people aren't retarded alt right magapedes

I like clever lyrics and wordplay. People who are good at double entendres and syllable rhyming.

Basically older hiphop when it was less about having a certain vibe and more about flexing through your writing.

>t. loves gook anime music