Is it against the rules to have like a /mupol/ containment thread like we do with kpop

is it against the rules to have like a /mupol/ containment thread like we do with kpop
long overdue but would be a good idea

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Shut the fuck up

i dont appreciate your tone

take it to pol this is for music not for music politics
>have sex
>revive yourself
>kys again

have sex

its kind of leaks out onto every thread because it's not contained

does anyone else hate /pol/, never go there, but end up taking their side in arguments on other boards because the anti-/pol/ forces are so cringey and autistic? It's kinda like how anti-SJWs became their own annoying subculture

Misoginy, white nationalism and transphobia are all deeply ingrained parts of post-2015 Yea Forums culture. The only people left besides /pol/ weirdos are those of us who were here long enough before that we're permanently addicted. There is absolutely nothing for you here if you aren't a buttmad incel, leave while you still can

>have sex
ok bend over

it erased most of the interest in music on this site and turned it into an edgy celebrity gossip board

so when it stopped being Yea Forums and just became reddit

Dude I want to leave so fucking bad but I'm too used to this format. The taste is a lot worse, the memes are far worse than before, but I just don't like having usernames and slow pace of places like Reddit/RYM compared to here.

4channel is a white supremacy website

>burnt out dopamine receptor cumbrain

wtf are you talking about nigger?

it's not a bad idea, but it would be hard to enforce. We just need to get better at reporting shitty /pol/ bait so jannies can take it down I guess

Yeah ok faggot, gb2/b/

like that mmm thing super long ago where we tried to get mbv to win the mtv poll or like a muchella type thing or even a death grips arg cant really happen on any other site where discussion isnt as loose at it is on here but at this point the taste is so normie nothing can happen here either

True. Soon it will be shut down like 8ch. Enjoy it while it lasts Nazis

>using reddit
you should kill yourself

>government shuts down its own spy website
lmao ok

When they close Yea Forums down /pol/ will just flood 4channel

I'm for it if it means that reactionary fuckwits stop agendaposting all the fucking time.

not if we actually had mods who'd ban the fuckers

>quarantining of sociomusicial discussion
Might as well close the board down

>containment thread
no /pol/ is their containment. you let this happen next thing you know we'll have Yea Forums spaming shit wanting a /mub/ thread. slippery slope

Take your "socio" bullshit to /pol/ armchair pundit


they're already in every thread regardless

Whatever needs to be done so that the tards stop interfering with my shitposting, I'm all for it.

Go cry about on /r/indieheads, nigger.

we should just ban them, not contain them
stop playing nice with these pricks, stop coddling them and giving them little containment zones and separate 4channel domains. not enough. full banning of /pol/ and /r9k/ regulars on 4channel.

yeah let's do it
we'll all become mods and admins

If you can't handle some casual racism/transphobia, you shouldn't be here, faggots.

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all mods on 4channel are white supremacists

Or the mods could just do their fucking jobs for once and delete off-topic posts.

I can handle it but not in fucking every thread and especially not on music board

You have nothing to do with moderating this site.

And you never will either!

cry hard bitch nerd lmao

>Dude I was bullied in highschool but now I get to be the bully.

>bitch nerd tears
>and more bitch nerd tears

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lmao dude I have no stake in whatever you're arguing, I just think it's obvious you're an insecure faggot.


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>completely made of tears

transvestitism/autogynephilia is a fetish

>blue dick and also several stories tall


>reddit spaced bitch nerd comic book fantasy
lmao uh huh


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>not reading a landmark of science fiction because you're too scared of what other people'll think of you


fuck off centrist

>muh funny books

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