The Saint Vincent fandom is dying!!!

Post ITT to save the fandom

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annie are you ok

I love her music but she can fuck off after ruining Sleater Kinney

>I love her music but she can fuck off after ruining Sleater Kinney
This but really it was her and her ex, Carrie, who ruined things for Janet and Corin.

>2014: "I still remember going to the CD World and buying The Sensual World when I was sixteen. And the cover, there’s a rose in front of her mouth that has bloomed, she’s got big wide eyes. And I remember, you know, putting it in the shitty car stereo on the way home, and you know, my life was forever changed.” [Embed


>2007: "And I also— this may sound really silly— but I just discovered Kate Bush, probably six months ago, and I think she’s so great. I know I’m very late to the party here [laughs], I know this is old news, but I got a Kate Bush record, and I forget— I think “The Dreaming” is on it, though I’m spacing on the name of the record.”

100 gecs

>"I think it was just after we'd released "Black Messiah". We were in the middle of a pretty extensive tour and just happened to be staying in the same hotel as Annie and her entourage one night. I'd always been a big fan of the St. Vincent so i was excited i'd finally be able to meet her. I asked the hotel manager if he knew which room Annie was staying in; he said he wasn't at liberty to give that sort of information, but could pass on a message. So i just wrote up a little letter, saying that we were staying in the same hotel and whether she'd be interested in meeting up before we had to skip town. Later than night a bell boy came up to the room and handed me an envelope; i assumed it must have been from Annie. I opened it, and inside was a $100 bill with the words "i dont speak nigger" scrawled on it. I've not listened to St. Vincent since."
- D'Angelo, on Annie Clark

why doesnt carrie just do a NEW project with annie with instead of using the sleater kinney name

I liked "Hurry on Home", but the production sounds something exactly off a St. Vincent record. The drums have that snappy tone with that stiffness to them that i've never liked. I'm a fan of St. Vincent, but I could never tell when St. Vincent was using a drum machine, a programmed pad or an actual drummer on her songs.

no one shows up for her solo stuff. all true sk fans know corrin is the star. carrie's songwriting and singing has always been tolerable at best.

Come back to us.

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Man i miss this St Vincent

>ywn sniff those shiny curls
I need to off myself already.

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Hey remember the time when corrin was the SINGER
I think when Carrie got big with her TV show (forgot what it was called) she had all the power and used it to scissor Annie in the studio while Corrin is just left under utilized

~And that is how you touch god
and that is how you touch god

Is Annie a liar?


they ruined it with their terrible songwriting

No one cares about Annie anymore because she's old and ugly now.

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st vincent has like 3 good songs. She sucked at the Nirvana reunion

>I could never tell when St. Vincent was using a drum machine, a programmed pad or an actual drummer on her songs
do you go to one of those high schools that start the day after labor day?

St. Vincent gave me an eyebrow fetish. Her eyebrows are perfect.

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>do you go to one of those high schools that start the day after labor day?
Not in high school. And I don't know what this is supposed to mean?

means you gotta be over 18 to post on Yea Forums.

daily reminder she pussy and ass.

annie is my no 1 Yea Forums crush of all time, she is, dare I say it, muh waifu.

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based blackpill user

I want to sleep on those curls

I am over 18. 20 years old and out of high school. I get what he meant too. Basically the examples of drum machines are all basically the same if not in design then in function/practical sense. Her drums do sound off though. Anyone who has spent any time with her music can hear it. Sometimes it sounds good sometimes it's off putting.

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apologies to you and your boyfriend. didn't know i was in the presence of drum sound experts. clearly i am the one who is wrong.

Not a drum sound expert. Not even pretending to be. Overall I think the production on her albums is really good. I just don't like the way the drums sound. People hate St. Anger for a lot of reasons but they also hate the drum sound. Critiscm of a drum's sound or production/mixing is perfectly fine. Stop trying to be a snarky cunt for your waifu.

It’s dying because she made a godawful album. Her discography was great, even her self titled album from a few years ago was good, but Masseduction was a massive drop in quality. I used to be such a big fan of her. I still love her earlier work but Jesus, I’ve been Disappointed with her recently.

Still some bangers on there.

You guys get it. Carrie got a lot of mileage being a technically limited Sonic Youth worship guitarist, but Corin is one of the best singers of the last 25 years. I think Corin is along for the ride for now because she has kids to feed, but I would love to see her escape Carrie's/St. Vincent's prison.

The title track encapsulated the state of the band now. Carrie trying (and failing) at being Siouxsie Sioux for 2 minutes of aimless weirdness, and then Corin saving the song in the final minute.

Millennial whoop dogshit