>Thanks for taking me out for drinks user. I wanted to ask you, what was your favorite album released so far this year that was recorded by an LGBTQ+ artist?
How do you respond?
>Thanks for taking me out for drinks user. I wanted to ask you, what was your favorite album released so far this year that was recorded by an LGBTQ+ artist?
How do you respond?
Every time I watch this I get sad I’m not actually out on a date with him
Not this shit again
I don't pay you to talk, faggot. I pay you to push my Jewish agenda and suck my dick backstage
It's not healthy to make threads about this guy every day. He's not talented, he only has a career because he spreads his boi pucci in Hollywood.
Why would I be on a date with a guy?
What a cutie
>decapitates him with a shovel
>not LGBTQP+
I drop this bigot
based and boipussypilled
user I don't care if he's talented, he's cute as hell and I want to fugg his boipucci so bad
I can see his butthole
>what does LGBTQP+ have to do with music?
>if anyone under any of those categories wants to be treated as equally as everyone else they shouldn't try to make their work of a different value than others' just because of their sexuality
deformed jew rat
Cringe and cope
deformed jew rat
My favourite album is Flood by Boris. It doesn't fit your criteria but you're a fag so who cares lmao
You have to be on some high level cope to think this is deformed or rat-like. It looks like he's chiseled from marble.
1000 gecs
Looks like a squirrel/rat hybrid.
That's one cute squirrel imo.