Oppenheimer Analysis - Don’t Be Seen With Me
if anyone could recommend me some catchy synth pop similar to this song, i’d deeply appreciate it.
Oppenheimer Analysis - Don’t Be Seen With Me
if anyone could recommend me some catchy synth pop similar to this song, i’d deeply appreciate it.
Other urls found in this thread:
King Diamond - The Eye
evil by mercyful fate is an incredible song, with that said your politics are garbage and you’re uneducated.
yea... try pol for this kind of post
>The most entry level Mercyful Fate song is his favorite song by them
>Is a filthy statist bootlicker
Of course. "The Oath" is their best song and hoppean libertanisnm is the most based ideology.
Centrism (I deleted the image)
Siekiera- nowa aleksandria
Fuck it, I'm turning this into a King Diamond thread. This album is so absurdly underrated. Easy 9/10
>>The most entry level Mercyful Fate song is his favorite song by them
not that there’s anything wrong with that... i’ve heard most of their discog.
>>Is a filthy statist bootlicker
says the guy who wants ronald mcdonald to run the country. who do you think you’re fooling here?
Ariel Pink-Pom Pom
>a capitalist calling anyone a bootlicker
unless you’re rich then i suggest you stop acting against your own economic interests. people like you always turn to fascism anyway when you feel threatened by the working class taking control.
Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygène
>recommend me some catchy synth pop similar to this song
intelligent, but not good enough. revolution is inherently authoritarian, comrade — take the marxist-leninist redpill.
nick cave - skeleton tree.
Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan Live 1966, The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert
>authoritarians calling anyone else bootlickers
>free voluntary trade of labor is bootlicking
read up on marxian analysis of the national question; i used to be a nationalist (plus a socialist) myself, it’s bullshit bro.
Melanie Martinez - Cry Baby
How did someone from the 18th century get on Yea Forums?
It's funny how it says 'state socialism' rather than 'national socialism' to be diplomatic
I'm not saying Evil is a bad song at all, everything they (and KD's solo career) did in the 80's is some of the best heavy metal ever written but Evil really isn't the best they did. I maintain that The Oath is the best song ever written
>says the guy who wants ronald mcdonald to run the country. who do you think you’re fooling here?
>the country
Where we're going we don't need countries.
>people like you always turn to fascism anyway when you feel threatened by the working class taking control.
Also known as defending your natural rights against violent state expropriation.
I'm a straight up fascist but I like listening to Kanye.
>inb4 Yea Forumsmales start calling Kanye a fascist
Don't listen to this fool. Your nation is your roots, your people and your history and you must protect it at all costs.
>being proud of your race/culture means you have to be a collectivist bootlicker
mutant beat dance - the human factor feat. naughty wood
The working class elected Trump and Bolsonaro in Brazil. Socialists are fucking idiots if they think that all working class think like them.
Sons of Kemet - Your Queen is a Reptile
t. hasn’t read marx
>>voluntary trade of labor is bootlicking
extremely reductionist and manipulative definition of capitalism
capitalism is:
>private ownership of the means of production
>exchange of goods and services in a market economy
>wage labor
how do you intend on protecting your profits/assets without a state, which historically speaking is what capitalism has ALWAYS needed to survive? (see: vagabond laws and the police)
neu! 2
its not really voluntary
you either sell your labor or you starve to death
using the weaker position the capitalist can(and always does) vastly undercharge you for your labor to the best of his abilities
>Seefeel - Quique
I hate all types of authoritarianism but at least fascists aren't mentally ill like socialists.
How the fuck can you be a "libertarian socialist"? Those are literal opposites.
>>private ownership of the means of production
>exchange of goods and services in a market economy
>wage labor
Any of this is supposed to be bad?
>how do you intend on protecting your profits/assets without a state
People are incapable of protecting their property by themselves? Private businesses can’t be paid to do the same things the government does but possibly even better?
>which historically speaking is what capitalism has ALWAYS needed to survive?
Ah yes the old blaming corporatism on capitalism cliche
based low IQ poster
He’s right you know
yeah it’s almost like the majority of the working class aren’t very class conscious...
>Your nation is your roots, your people and your history and you must protect it at all costs.
so vague and emotional, i love it. national sovereignty is important if you’re being oppressed by imperialists, if you’re an american or a neoliberal westerner in general then you have nothing to “protect”; capitalism has already turned your precious culture into a commodity.
The pillars of socialism are economic regulation and societal equality/mobility. In what way do either of those necessitate the infringement of individual liberties, rather than enable them?
>you either sell your labor or you starve to death
No shit. That's how it works regardless of whatever system you live in.
>using the weaker position the capitalist can(and always does) vastly undercharge you for your labor to the best of his abilities
there is no objective value of labor, the only thing that can come close to estimating true value is supply and demand
Alberto Balsam - Aphex Twin
The test is stupid and too simplistic. For instance, I don't care if others get abortions at all, I really don't but at the same time I couldnt' do it and find it immoral from my own perspective.
>that reading comprehension
>class conscious
Just because they don't think like they aren't class conscious? Lmao, socialists and their habit of thinking people aren't as enlightened as them.
>economic regulation
you realize that this always leads to corporatism and government/corporate monopoly on literally everything? See: US
look at the percentages instead of the label retard
i don't know. most of the questions didn't have a clear answer and i don't feel represented in general by the world of politics
I hate these threads. It always ends up in anarchists who claim to be socialists explaining socialism to liberals. Except wrong because they are anarchists and don't understand socialism themself.
>economic regulations
What the fuck are you talking about, have you been to any other functioning country in the western world?
This post doesn't make any sense
Yes. Most people don't understand that socialism is tyranny just like fascism.
>>Any of this is supposed to be bad?
i was explaining that your definition of capitalism was reductionist and manipulative, there are more components to it then just the “exchange of labor,” and incidentally, capitalism is nothing anyone does voluntarily. like said, you either sell your labor or starve.
this immaterial distinction between capitalism and corporatism is also completely ahistorical and meaningless in the world, but i challenge you to substantiate it nevertheless.
>People are incapable of protecting their property by themselves?
they certainly were when marxist-leninists built the first socialist republic in russia, lol.
>Private businesses can’t be paid to do the same things the government does but possibly even better?
leaving things to chance, how cute. just kidding, it just shows your desperation. but seriously, what’s the difference between the state and private corporations if you want corporations to do “the same things” (vague) the state does?
jesus christ you're delusional, us "free market" is regulated as all fuck
>Just because they don't think like they aren't class conscious?
please translate this word salad to english, thank you
>That’s how it works
then why do you manipulatively claim it’s anything people do “voluntarily”? fucking weasel, don’t contradict yourself.
Mieko Shiomi and Cath Roberts - Boundaries
I don't know, maybe Ladytron?
>the 2008 bank bailout
>free market
based uneducated capitalist
>i was explaining that your definition of capitalism was reductionist and manipulative, there are more components to it then just the “exchange of labor,” and incidentally, capitalism is nothing anyone does voluntarily. like said, you either sell your labor or starve.
And like I said, this is how it fucking works regardless of what system you're in, yeah, no shit you have to WORK to SURVIVE, what a novel concept
>this immaterial distinction between capitalism and corporatism is also completely ahistorical and meaningless in the world, but i challenge you to substantiate it nevertheless.
So a government interfering in the market is the same as a free and completely unregulated market? How is this unsubstantiated? Socialist talking points like personal vs private property are examples of semantic bullshit.
>leaving things to chance, how cute. just kidding, it just shows your desperation. but seriously, what’s the difference between the state and private corporations if you want corporations to do “the same things” (vague) the state does?
You clearly don't understand anything I'm saying. I'm saying private property can be protected by private means such as banks, storage vaults, sale of guns to defend said private property, etc.
tl;dr kill yourself, frogposter
>common ownership of the means of production
maybe you should stop oppressing the working class if you don’t want the KGB to shoot you?
>then why do you manipulatively claim it’s anything people do “voluntarily”? fucking weasel, don’t contradict yourself.
How hard of a concept is it to grasp that you need to do physical labor to survive regardless of the economic system? Is nature oppressive?
national socialism would be higher on the tradition axis, and higher on the markets axis
Oh look, it's the faggot that spam his hideous cat in every politics thread.
Swallow cyanide and fucking die you cunt.
That's why I let my dog kill every cat in his sight. Cat owners are fucking weirdo cunts.
I'm not an expert on US market regulation but from what I know it isn't actual market regulation, more like a parasitic infection of industry stakeholders sitting on private bodies given undue authority over the market. That's almost the opposite of market regulation, that's allowing the market to pretend to regulate itself.
That's what I'm talking about. If the US had had any kind of real functioning financial regulation in place prior to 2008 the bailout wouldn't have been needed. I guarantee you millions of dollars were going into the pockets of 'regulators' prior to the crash and none of them did a single thing to avert it.
A lot of the questions felt like they were "leading" somewhere...Trying to push you in a certain direction. Some of them I didn't understand to the point that I had to assume they were a "dog whistle" to some group or another.
You sound autistic as fuck
Typical dog owner
>He thinks the US is a free market and not a state/big business collaboration project to fuck everyone in the ass
You have a higher corporate tax rate than Sweden
Based state socialist. At least you are consistantly authoritarian.
>you either sell your labor or starve.
Yes, either you provide a good in exchange for another good or people wont give you stuff.
>his immaterial distinction between capitalism and corporatism is also completely ahistorical and meaningless
The difference between a voluntary free market (in which people acting freely without coersion, I.E. the initiation of the use of the [which is the very definition of voluntary]) and forceful state interferance, regulation and favoritism isn't arbitrary in the slightest.
read this chain of comments and tell me you aren’t a manipulative weasel:
>capitalism is voluntary!
>but user, if you don’t participate in it, you starve to death’
>that’s how it works! i’m totally proving that it’s voluntary here!
capitalism isn’t the only economic system, bud. why do you think it’s bound by nature?
unhinged, not an argument
*laughs in Holodomor*
working to surviving/earning your fair share
here is the thing
because the wage is involuntary by definition the employer always has an advantage in negotiations
its not about that labor is needed to maintain a living condition, am not against that in the slightest, its just that an upper class gets to profit off someones else labor simply due to them being born into said class or having another unfair advanatge.
thats the problem here
that one party can profit off the other's weaker status in human society
labor has a collective value of its general byproduct - the costs of the means of production
under capitalism that value has a profit margin siphoned off it by the capitalist ALWAYS by definition.
the Chapo Trap House podcast
>unhinged, not an argument
meant to quote this empirical psychopath
>what is the FDA
>what is the EPA
>what is the ATF
>what is the FCC
>what is the patenting system
>Looks at a Capitalist state
>Sees that, while flawed, it generally works for most people
>Look at a Socialist state
>Sees mass starvation and genocide in literally every instance
>"Come on, guys! Let's just try Socialism one more time! I swear it'll work!"
Christian Democracy
First Crystal Stilts album
you mean the famine which ensued after the middle class kulaks sabotaged their assets so the state couldn’t redistribute a small quota to benefit the majority?
Hello comrades.
I've become to identify more with patriotism conceptually, though I myself do not feel proud of my country (U.S.)
I believe a national identity is important for unity among otherwise different groups of citizens.
Morbid Angel- Altars of Madness
Also currently listening to The Mars Volta - Amputechture
if you don't want to participate in capitalism, you're free to go fuck off in the woods and survive if you want, just don't forget that you need to do physical labor to survive, and don't forget that anytime you trade with someone or do a favor for them, you're participating in capitalism
the problem with you is that you think it's bad that in order to survive you either have to work independently or work for others/trade with others, but of course you're a commiecel
Dude if you want to eat, if you want clothes to wear, you have to work, you have to provide a good in exchange for another good. How is it wrong?
Nah, you can starve, lazy scum.
Oh my god
before anyone asks
please show me the genocide in cuba under castro, thanks.
>what was the irish potato famine
It does. Most of the people here as you can see are libertarian socialists. So anarchists in other words. The main socialist ideology that you will find outside of the internet though is either Marxism-Leninism and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Both authoritarian. So these threads are always full of naive takes from anarchists that widely misrepresent the actual believes of serious organized socialists in the real world.
>here is the thing
>because the wage is involuntary by definition the employer always has an advantage in negotiations
>its not about that labor is needed to maintain a living condition, am not against that in the slightest, its just that an upper class gets to profit off someones else labor simply due to them being born into said class or having another unfair advanatge.
>thats the problem here
>that one party can profit off the other's weaker status in human society
literally none of this is coherent and it's not at all how capitalism works. How does an employer have the advantage when the employee can choose not to work for the employer? And don't give me that "what if there's only one employer!" bullshit because that only happens when a state is present to regulate the market.
>while flawed
but according to you, capitalism is bound by nature! are you saying nature is flawed or something? why do you keep contradicting yourself?
>redistribute a small quota to benefit the majority?
You mean steal and redistribute to people who had nothing to do with your evil ideology?
Kill yourself Stalin cocksucker. Your shitty politics will never ever work. You can seethe all you want.
>tfw nearly all of those were caused by governments and not the free market
based retard
Socialists are naive, edgy adolescents who will be embarrassed of themselves once they get older.
I'm not the same guy you spaz
>anytime you trade with someone or do a favor for them, you're participating in capitalism
you mean like every invasion and military dictatorship created by the west? or let me guess, that was “corporatism”?
>Most of the people here as you can see are libertarian socialists. So anarchists in other words.
>The main socialist ideology that you will find outside of the internet though is either Marxism-Leninism and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
What the fuck, these are the two dumbest things I've read in this entire thread and there's a lot of dumb shit in here.
The popularity of Socialism among young people is proof that Economics should be part of the core high school curriculum.
>the middle class don’t steal or oppress the working class on a daily basis
immaterial and ahistorical
My dad says the same thing to my brother. My dad was a Che wannabe during his youth now he cringes every single time he look at pictures of him when he was 20~22.
My dad says the same thing to my brother. My dad was a Che wannabe during his youth now he cringes every single time he look at pictures of him when he was 20~22.
You're right, they don't.
>ummmm its basic economics sweaty
Back to Facebook you go.
this is why anonymous posting is a bad idea, it just trips people up.
so what do you think is flawed about capitalism?
I don't remember clicking to post twice. Why is it duplicated? Fucking hell.
what is capitalism, user?
The Cure - Pornography
Used to be a more standard right-wing libertarian but have come to the conclusion that some social safety nets and regulations are fine and perhaps necessary to combat the negatives of capitalism.
red velvet - blue lemonade
if the employee "chooses" not to work they will lose accsess to food and everything else.
and give some proofs on the fact that that is caused by the state and not by the nature of the markets trend towards higher profits
the employer has the advantage on being self sustained and not needing another parties assistance in order to function
of course this can change rapidly using such things like strikes(which your so hated state has done so hard to suppress, and generally serve the interests of capital), however once the employer's financial condition has improved they will revert the gains
and, as the employer has far more ability to suppress (both with force and influence) worker movements than they can resist(due to the employer having more capital), the labor market immideatly becomes a hell for the worker
and as the interests of capital are united in suppressing the worker, corporations will collaborate in order to suppress strikes, which is why the articles of confederation were thrown out, the constitution adopted, and a centralised us bueraucracy established
Care to explain what about that is dumb? Libertarian socialists are literally anarchists. That's a fact and not a controversial opinion. The two main ideologies that fall under the libertarian socialist umbrella are anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism. What do you think the anarcho stands for? Anarchism. If you count up the numbers of all the Marxist-Leninist and the MLM parties in the world that is way beyond any other socialist organization. We are talking for example about the chinese communist party, the communist parties of india, vietnam, dprk. That's well over 100 million people that are members.
>classist mentality instilled by the ruling class onto the middle class doesn’t happen
do you even leave the house?
Why leftists have this childish and distorted view of the world? It's rich vs poor, men vs women, white vs blacks. It's always us against them. I just don't think that's how the world works and if people are poor it's probably a generation factor and not "them white riches are oppressing us maaaaan *hits bong*". It sounds so immature imo.
>I just don't think that's how the world works
>It's always us against them
>"Why are leftists prone to human psychology (which my group is above btw)"
I agree completely. Thank god there are some reasonable people left on this board.
user, you aren’t less of a man just because you recognize that societal oppression exists. I’m an ex-right winger, I used to think just like you — it’s bullshit, a spook of the mind imposed by the ruling class.
negative xp -scott pilgrim vs the world ruined a whole generation of women
inb4 incel
>capitalism is the only economic system
you have no idea
I went through the thread and calculated the average for each of the values. This is the result. Basically Yea Forums is Hilary Clinton.
>you aren’t less of a man just because you recognize that societal oppression exists.
This is a message that everyone ITT needs to hear.
Oof, we're really Clinton? What a fucking disgrace.
>Basically Yea Forums is Hilary Clinton.
Mentally ill and a big fucking loser? Yea you are probably right.
to be fair, Clinton would probably be higher on markets
>mfw I'm socialist but I also think women shouldn't vote and that trannies should be killed in sight just like class traitors
What does it mean?
I love how no one responded to this post, this post, this post or this post. Capitalists are cowards, paper men who haven’t thought very hard about their worldviews.
it means you're not a socialist.
so you’re a socialist but only for a narrow list of people, and not all oppressed groups? sounds like you have some /pol/ sicknesses to get over.
t. ex-transphobe, ex-misogynist
it means you won't survive socialism
Don’t back out now, user. Why don’t you think oppression exists in the world?
>Carnivore - Retaliation
Holy shit, the söy energy itt is palpable. What a fucking shame.
So you've managed to completely conflate socialism, communism, anarchism and marxism even though they are all completely different and it some senses opposites? Modern western socialism is a moderate ideology and has almost no relation to communism or anarchism whatsoever. Nobody here is talking about asia, we're talking about the americas and europe where our understanding of ideological terms is very different. The extent of a socialist government over here is one where you pay more taxes, which in turn pay for your healthcare and the guy who comes to fix your meter. That's why the largest political party in Europe is a socialist party but the communists over here are all literal whos.
>Averaging everything to a bland medium is Clinton
Colour me surprised
You guys are cool
Everybody else is sus
Brand New - Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades
found the dunning-kruger teen who just discovered /pol/.
actually we are brainwashed NPCs that run on Soros Juice
>Civil Axis: Liberal
Rush- Hemispheres
if Yea Forums were hillary clinton the economic axis would be closer to the middle. hillary dragged her feet on a lot of social issues and only flipped once it became politically expedient. in any other country she'd be center right but in this dumb fucking country she's seen as center left.
I do think oppression exists but not in a societal, gender or race scale. I think everyone faces different kind of difficulties and easiness in their lives, more an individual thing.
I'm kinda bad at explaining my pov so I hope you get it.
True, I guess we're Ed Miliband or something.
It means he's a traditional socialist more in the lines of Marx and Lenin rather than a modern Socialist aligned with Tumblr blog posts and Twitter blue checks.
Obama was routinely called a Communist and a Marxist by the likes of conservative "pundits" like Ben Shapiro. This country is fucking retarded.
"Modern western socialism" as in social democracy? That is not socialism. That is just an obvious conclusion to capitalism in which workers gain a little bit of power though political rights and unionizing. Socialism can have two meanings: From a marxist perspective it's the transitional periode between capitalism and communism; From a broader perspective it's any movement that wants to abolish capital and the class society through revolutionary means. Which then would include all kinds of socialists including anarchists.
Fugazi - Merchandise
america is truly a unique dystopia on the world stage. everything is backwards in this country, to casinos being seen as vacation spots, to our metric system, to our “culture” which totally exists and isn’t just a jingoist spook.
Maybe because the test is dumb as fuck? Every stalinist I know gets into the green square on the political compass for example.
Ain Soph - Hand in Hand
oh god I'm a libertarian
Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs - King of Cowards
>Civil Axis: Liberal
what should it have been?
This place reeks of communists. Is this why modern music sucks?
based sal
If You Pray Right - brockhampton
Changes - Fire of Life
what are you talking about? the majority of marxists new and old aren’t transphobic or misogynistic for a reason, you ignorant westerner.
Lol nah. Just a lot of Evola, Herder and faith in Christ.
how are you, user
i’ve been a marxist-leninist since the beginning of the year, i have seen the light
I doubt every 'Stalinist' you know is really a Stalinist at all.
Hell yeah bros
DemSoc gang
Talking Heads - The Big Country
dang liberals
you tell em vadim! I tell ukraina to us soviet again
that's true
hey user,
what’s communism ?
have you ever figured that maybe the political compass test sucks?
t. stalinist
Why would you think that? I'm member of a Marxist-Leninist party and most people there have an extremely positive opinion on Stalin and the Soviet Union, read a lot of theory straight from Lenin and Stalin.
Those definitions are outdated and irrelevant in today's world. Western socialism goes further than social democracy (which itself is a phase most western countries hit decades ago) but the idea that it seeks to abolish capital is ludicrous.
>democratic socialism
more like bourgeois socialism for liberals who are too afraid of big bad scary 20th century *actual* socialism
Are you familiar with what musicians were Communists?
They made better music than most other ideologies retardo.
Don't care much for the ignorance ITT, but I'm not surprised.
political compass is very biased towards liberalism, it was made during the bush years iirc and basically if you're not a neocon prick or comically exaggerated you'll get green
Traditional Marxists and indeed Marx himself don't subscribe to the progressive bullshit spouted by modern leftists. Maybe the most contemporary example of a Traditional Marxist is Zizek, someone who often calls out SJWs, Political Correctness and a whole host of modern 'progressive' talking points.
Can you blame them though? Socialism was indeed bad and big.
if it doesn't seek to abolish capitalism, it's not socialism
identity politics are not socialism
There's a difference between thinking identity politics are divisive and distract from class solidarity and thinking LGBT, women, and minorities don't deserve rights like the right does.
>Those definitions are outdated and irrelevant in today's world.
Then how come there are much more than 100 million people organized under such socialist parties in the world? How come China still upholds Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tse-tung Thought with a plan on achieving communism through various steps of socialism? It's absolutely not irrelevant. What is increasingly becoming more irrelevant are liberal democracies.
You're an American.
that’s great, user. doesn’t mean marx was a misogynist, let alone fucking zizek.
>authoritarian states in which the workers had no control over the means of production
>actual socialism
I'm european.
Soundgarden - Kickstand
Mate, no
Stop this Fukuyama end of history shit, there's clearly major problems with neoliberal capitalism right now and huge reactions brewing against it both left and right. Socialism, fascism, anarchism, etc are not dead 20th century ideologies but matter a lot right now because liberalism is breaking down for millions of people.
>implying east europe’s and russia’s thoughts on stalin aren’t mixed
you have no idea what "workers controling the means of production" means. its nothing than a catch-phrase for you. you have absolutely no plan on how a society in which workers control the means of production looks like.
uneducated and isolated
pls read the soviet constitution if you think the working class didn’t control anything
not holding marxist-leninist states up to the same standards as capitalist ones is a fundamentally liberal position.
>ben shapiro
Lmao, I have to ask the righties ITT why they think this dwarf has anything remotely of value worth saying.
Honestly man I would but I think more than enough right-wingers and capitalists have had their worldviews crushed ITT.
these anarchos vision of workers controling the means of production is just early stage capitalism in which small business owners owned and worked their own property. that's why they are nothing but petty-bourgeois ideologues.
>not being a tankie and soviet apologist is a fundamentally liberal position
Leave it to right-wingers to imply that education is a bad thing. Speaks for itself, really.
He triggers le cux with basic fax
It's hella epic
>right-wingers and capitalists have had their worldviews crushed ITT.
This didn't happen.
you don’t have to be a tankie to utilize historical materialism :-)
Not what I'm seeing bro
I live in Poland. I really don't think you know what real Communists think like. On race, womens rights, immigration, etc. They think like Marx. 99% of the people in the West who identify as Communist follow a warped and distorted version.
All I see is cringe.
Anarchists couldn’t give the slightest shit about historical materialism. It’s why they baselessly believe the Soviet Union wasn’t socialist.
jeanne lee conspiracy
Sorry, I misspoke when I said 'today's world', I meant the west specifically. As I said, while asian parties may adhere to traditional definitions of socialism that just isn't the case over here. Again, the largest party in europe is a socialist and, in part, marxist one but their definitions of those terms are very different to traditional ones. And that's fine, because ultimately all ideologies that are not specifically modelled on a historical regime (ie. leninism, maoism) are ambiguous and vague in nature.
See above, I didn't use the right phrase. I'm not saying they're dead ideologies, I'm saying that socialism in the west today is very different from traditional or eastern concepts of socialism in that it does not aim to abolish capital or the market, and in effect looks not dissimilar to modern-day capitalism with the main disparities being nationalisation of all essential services and state-controlled regulation of the market.
Abolishing capital =/= abolishing capitalism
This is probably the worst thread there has ever been on Yea Forums. Also, why the fuck do so many people identify as Commies? I guess the average age of Yea Forums is somewhere between 18-21 then? I remember that phase.
Four posts attempting to have a dialectic, which the right-wingers ITT ignored?
>What is capitalism
Aprenda a pronunciar
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
>you mean like every invasion and military dictatorship created by the west? or let me guess, that was “corporatism”?
How is it capitalism at fault about what government do? It was their president who told them to do it, not Bill Gates.
Maybe no one responded because it's just childish gibberish.
Furtwängler conducting the Royal Opera House Chorus, Covent Garden and Philharmonia Orchestra - Wagner: Tristan und Isolde
You were never a well-read communist.
>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
How much money did Lockheed Martin make off the Iraq invasion? How much are they still making off impressionable young men and women to this day? Is Lockheed Martin not a private corporation?
>How is it capitalism at fault about what government do?
Sanctions in a globalized international trade network controlled by capitalists, for one
>why the fuck do so many people identify as Commies?
because after /sci/, Yea Forums is the most educated subreddit on 4channel.org.
because capitalists pay politicans off dumbass
lobbying, pacs, pork projects, etc.
ok commie lmao
Everybody go home. Time to dig up the corpse of Reagan and Friedman and suck their dicks.
The advances that was only possible due to capitalism (because, you know, people love profit and that's what move them) outweighs all the bad business men.
I prefer to live in America than the socialist paradise that is North Korea and Cuba. I don't know about you.
I think we can end this discussion by just concluding that socialism is the only answer to the biggest problems the world is facing today: climate change, mass migration, wars for ressources, worker exploitation, worker alienation. If you do not support socialism you are either braindead or actively trying to destroy humanity.
>muh class war!!
grow up lmao
This isn't an argument, it's a American boomer NPC response.
>that's what moves them
More like they don't have a choice or they'll starve.
>childish gibberish
>How is it capitalism at fault about what government do?
if people loved profit, then they would be very pissed off about capitalists stealing the surplus profit generated from their labor value and not having it go back to them
Cloudkicker - YHWH
It's easy to debunk socialists. You don't need to write a lot of words. Just ask them if they prefer to live in Venezuela or Switzerland.
think about it a bit and compare and contrast these issues to liberalism or conservatism's stances
are the means of production in venezuela owned publicly by the workers or privately?
t. phone poster using satellite technology (invented by the USSR) to post this
I care more about not raping the planet than muh cheap walmart shit and muh stock market, I don't know about you though.
It's easy to debunk capitalists, just ask them if they'd rather get seriously ill in Cuba or the USA.
North vs. South Korea, 1950s-today
East vs. West Germany, 1945-1989
Venezuela vs. Chile, 1973-today
Which countries are these so called Socialists and Communists moving to and why is it the Capitalist ones?
Then why the least polluted countries in the world are the most capitalist ones? EUA ain't even in top 10 most pulluted countries.
Because they put their factories overseas
well for starters most countries in the world are capitalist
Still USA. Just get a fucking job and pay health insurance you idiot. Is it too much for your lazy ass cunt?
Human life shouldn't be determined by an insurance policy, humans aren't cars or machines. Oh, and if your company decides you're redundant and fires you, then what?
>all or most jobs pay good health insurance
uneducated, sheltered, middle class
should have said a chronic illness rather than seriously ill, since you won't get insurance if you have a chronic illness.
The Breakup Suite by Duster
Acid Bath - When the Kite String Pops
Important Things (Specter Magic)
fuck sick people, work harder like epstein, kylie jenner, trump, michael jordan did
we can't punish these strong hard working good people by taxing them to pay for losers like construction workers. these billionaires worked their ass off selling basketball shoes, cosmetics, gambling on the market with daddy's money, reality tv shows and earned every penny.
make money and get good, money is the objective value of a person
You're making fun of me, but you're actually right. Commie faggot actually helped my argument, nice. These people earned that money fair and square providing specialized services people wanted, construction workers and mcdonalds workers don't contribute shit but labor a monkey can do. Why should we punish innovators to pay for monkey brains?
nah, we need the incel genocide first
>t. hasn’t read marx
Kek, most libertarians/ancaps were marxist, then they discover Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, Friedman Jr., etc. Educate yourself, faggot.
Explain to me why should I pay for people's healthcare?
Post the convo of the last girl you had sex with. If you don't post it in the next 5 min you are an incel and will get the rope.
Social contract
The fact that your taxes already go to aircraft carriers and pointless wars to line Blackwater's pockets.
Why is there so much fucking libsoc trannies infesting this board?
>most libertarians/ancaps were marxist
are you a millionaire?
t. psychopath
Because you live in a society.
>Social contract
I don't remember signing any social contract. Where is it?
Not an argument.
>The fact that your taxes already go to aircraft carriers and pointless wars to line Blackwater's pockets
Yea I'm against that shit too.
Not convinced.
all I'm getting from this thread is capitalists are legit sociopaths
You don't know me. Not an argument.
I'm still not responsible for anyone other than myself.