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New to production? Check it:
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why yes I do use ableton live what gave it away
Just wanted to let everyone here know that I love you all and that I'm sorry about being a cunt all the time.
Not saying I'll stop any time soon, but I'm still very sorry about it.
I'm looking for sound packs with interesting organic and percussive samples, something similar to M.E.S.H.'s production style. I know he mainly records his own sounds but I don't have access to a field recording mic yet, if any anons could point me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated
Why not browse around sampleswap?
>M.E.S.H.'s production style
Never heard of him.
Could you please post a couple of tracks that exemplify his style?
Ily senpai.
Yeah I've been digging around and attempting to put my own pack together I was just curious to see if there was any good ones already out there anybody knew of
here's 2 solid examples
Someone remind me again about what the name of the effect is that adds upper harmonics to bass so that people can still hear the bass when they're on their shitty phone or laptop speakers?
Colourize? Exaggerate? It was something like that. I don't remember
Not sure what you mean (saturate? distort? clip? sweeten?), but the Waves R-Bass (AKA Renaissance Bass) is specifically used for this.
Exciters like the BBE Sonic Maximizer do that, ring any bells?
Although I'd add that the BBE unit isn't classed as an exciter, it does a different thing to acheive a similar result.
Octave fuzz?
is finding the sample another more popular artist used, then using it in your own song in a similar way to how they did plagiarism
All songs with samples are plagiarisms
why the FUCK are Live's Simpler and Sampler so fucked up
so I have to choose between either being able to change the pitch of a sample without altering the tempo XOR being able to properly fucking loop the sample, no in between
what the ever living fuck
Guys post mastering chains.
Mine's simple: EQ -> Saturator -> Stereo Widener -> Limiter.
why the fuck would you put a saturator on your master
why the fuck would you put a limiter on your master
... you can't figure out how to "properly loop" with simpler? lol dude
just cut it up as audio if you're going to bitch like that
it varies by like.... a lot
sometimes it's just saturator>clipper
other times there's like a fuck load of tape/casette shit and multi-band compression and being completely excessive :)
why the frick would you make this post dude
t. someone who's never had another person listen to their music by choice
disgusting, all I have is a limiter and the rest are all tools for checking the mixing
>if the flashy bar thing is red 100% of the time that means it's good 100% of the time right
why is the 60s recordings all poorly mixed and with weird volumes? like piano accompainment loud and the lead voice quiet. did people listen to music like that back then?
why are you trying to start a retarded argument dude lol
aesthetic. peoples' taste changes over time.
also newer tech being introduced and a lot more experimenting due to there not being a "meta" yet.
I just wanted to try one more time since the other thread was about dead when I posted.
I wanted to make a track that was inspired by the Metroid Prime soundtrack, and it uses a weird, high-pitched sine/triangle lead. My question is, are the melodies too harsh? They sound fine in my headphones and on my monitors, but they get a little shrill on my shitty phone speaker. Is that indicative of anything other than my phone having shitty speakers?
Thanks for the help, Anons.
How's this production wise
also keep in mind a lot of those tunes were mixed for mono records. sound totally different stereo-ized for modern setups
How much "traditional" composing technique do you study, /prod/? I recently decided to get more serious into music, so I bought a guide to music theory, Music Composition for Dummies (tfw brainlet), have watched almost every 12Tone video on YouTube and most of 8Bit Music Theory's videos because I mostly make instrumental shit. I feel like all this has really helped with motifs and developing songs. What resources do you guys like?
my current struggle: my tracks sound really quiet in comparison to other people's music, yet when i actually check the loudness and compare it to others, it's actually louder by a fair bit. what am i doing in the mixing stage that is causing this issue? i don't really know how to continue on to mastering with this problem
in uni the main ones we used were
kostka-payne: tonal harmony
Persichetti: 20th century harmony
Rimsky-Korsakov: Practical Manual of Harmony (this one is less useful imo)
too much useless frequencies adding up to the loudness
you have something 'tricking' the meter into thinking your track is louder, while not being audible to listeners. usually this is caused by too much lows, as those freqs are harder to reproduce accurately in a bedroom environment so they get boosted way up
i've already cut everything under around 20-30 hz, should i take a bigger cut or maybe use a different vst to eq? it seems like para eq 2 isn't always reliable
limiter afaik is the essential master tool. Make sure stuff is not clippin. Saturation to sature? What is your point?
Interinstrumental frequiences. Like you are using sounds that take each part of they spectrum.
so are you saying that I should focus on the space inbetween the sounds in the mix or making sure that each sound occupies its own part of the spectrum?
i know i'm retarded, i just need some help man
Aside from this missing some tracks, how is the pacing and mix sound so far?
yes that's like the basic lesson of equalizing
>so are you saying that I should focus on the space inbetween the sounds in the mix or making sure that each sound occupies its own part of the spectrum?
how in the fuck do you know to ask that and not know if you should do it???
yes, no shit.
low end eats headroom and don't sound loud, highs sound louder while taking less headroom- it's a balancing act.
only skimmed but i don't like that you left the click in so many sounds personally.
would go with another kick but it doesn't sound bad. chill
i fully understand that you should separate your sounds with eq, i was just trying to determine specifically which of those two things that poster was pointing me to. i do appreciate what you said about low and high frequencies though; perhaps that's "beginner knowledge" but i am a beginner with all things considered
basically cut everything you can to make the sound cleaner
gotcha, thank you for the help
I'm just starting, but I want to make darkwave/gothy shit. What modes/scales/keys/whatever should I use?
Aeolian. Avoid being based entirely on other minor modes because it will make your shit kryptonite to DJs. It's ok to borrow chords from other modes but make sure you end and start on the natural minor
Well, we know D minor is the saddest of all keys and the minor mode is as dark as you can get before you go full retard so basically just brood over some D minor progressions that never go home.
>Not going mildly retarded and using D Phrygian
>Not going full retard and using D Locrian
Do you even brood, faggot?
anybody know what rickenbacker bass preset is closest to what paul mccartney uses?
I've been told the piano instrument at 0:19 sounds bad. I disagree, when I use other piano instruments it sounds generic:
I'm still relatively inexperienced, what do?
Complete opposite of me. I bought Reason but have never used it.
What kind of music do you listen to? Would you listen to your track if you didn't write it? What does it really sound like to you? Does every day feel like a day where you have ear wax stuck in your ear?
can someone redpill me on how to download Kontak? There's torrents for like a million different versions and I don't know what I'm doing
>Does every day feel like a day where you have ear wax stuck in your ear?
does that mean you like the second one more? or do you think I need to find a completely different instrument
>What does it really sound like to you?
the original sounded good to me and then i requested feedback and two people said it didn't sound good.
That beeping in the background was the only thing throwing me off.
ok since you're inexperienced, you can't figure out what you're trying to get across, but you know something isn't [right] so that's good. you can't teach taste.
here's what I would say- you're using a piano sound for a slow lead. pianos have nice attacks but short decays, so with a quarter note heavy, slow beat like this, you run into empty space in between notes that sounds weird.
there are lots of ways to fix this - the main ones would be to either rewrite the melody to utilize the piano's strengths more, layer the piano with a longer sound, or use some combo of delays/reverb to try to extend the piano sound.
this tune is giving me an 80s soundtrack vibe, so personally I would try layering the melody with a slow attack/release synth, john carpenter style
you also are missing something that carries the tempo, some sort of percussion would help move the track along
I'm using Fruity Drumsynth in FL Studios and for some reason on this one track, when I send drums out to their own channel the effects I apply to them only work half the time. I mean this somewhat literally, I put distortion on a kick drum and made a 4/4 beat and it only distorted two of the beats. Anyone have any problem with this? It's only on one track that I'm working on right now.
used a sample from that new black dresses album.
>spazzy electronic
IMO that piano sounds incredibly generic and robotic. it needs some velocity and effects
I get where you're coming from. try listening to some koreless, rival consoles and dj paypal to hear it done more effectively. the album you posted is good too
I hate modulating instruments
it's tedious, and I don't actually know what I'm doing
like for strings, am I simulating the bow moving, or am I just adjusting volume?
or does it depend on the vst?
Listening back to it I think I need to approach it different. I was using a ton of LFO's set to random connected to bpm, glitch effects, etc. But I think I need to dial it in manually, sounds too random, but I kinda like the randomness of it. Sounds like a beat retrieved from a broken hard drive.
thank you for the detailed response.
>you run into empty space in between notes that sounds weird
some of that was intentional for the sake of variety. pic related
when I extend the notes it sounds slightly different, but I don't know if this is a real problem or not. is there a rule to follow for when not to shorten notes?
hi guys hows it goin
Pretty OK.
how do I make music like Machine Girl
you do the bleepin and the bloopin and the wham bam boopin and bingo bango you got a makine gril
Pity bump
quite a bit, it can be a pain, but it pays off. you can start to write decent (keyword) songs in minutes.
just study musical breakdowns of your favorite artists. a youtuber that really helped me was signals studio, i believe, also be sure to practice what you learn, once you learn it. don't just 'take it in' - or you'll forget it.
>tfw too poor to just buy Reason on a whim because I'm scared I won't use it enough to justify my purchase
You could autmoate that
because its mono or something then didn't convert well to youtube and your system is rigged
>mfw the looper improvisations I've done today are probably better than anything I've ever done and put real thoughts into
now I've recorded all that shit on one track and it's impossible to mix it
Usually, are the fx on the master always on or do you enable them later on when everything is done?
I'm a noob at mixing/mastering, but mine is just a high pass at 30 Hz and that Ozone limiter. I'm not sure I'd want to put "destructive" fx on the master (like compressor, saturation and so on)
desu any EDM/Dance producer is a faggot in my book no matter what DAW they use (usually Ableton indeed)
EQ boost below 100, drop wide around 250, drop 1 k, shelve up above 2k
Does everyone do this or just me to a mix bus is dead? that's a bummer, audio quality is shit.
here is the track (dark ambient/industrial) I was talking about, it's not mixed at all. any advice?
Fucking buy it and use it ffs cunt
Not who you were repling to but depends on preference. Some people like to write and mix into limiters etc and then tweak and some will do that after.
validate me
I like it
Can I have some mixing advice on this? It definitely feel "lacking" but I've done everything I know how to do at this point.
It's on sale like very few months, just wait a bit.
What's better, a 100~ € mic and a 30~ € interface or a 30~ € mic and a 100~ € interface?
sell more drugs and get a 100€ interface (I'd recommend a UR22) and a 100€ mic
>tfw any compliments people give on my music, i take as sarcastic or believe they are just trying to trick me or just be nice
take the black pill
good feedback means nothing
bad feedback means nothing
just do it
a 100€ mic and a 100€ euro interface.
although you can pick up the first gen scarlett 2i2's for like 30€ these days, i've seen 2i4's go for that as well, but a bit rarer
I'm extremely new to DAWs, so I have a question.
What is the best way to go about making orchestral music? Kontakt and libraries? Are there actually any realistic sounding VST orchestra instruments, or is stuff like VSCO2 almost the best you'll get from anything other than samples even if you pay a lot of money/pirate something that costs a lot of money?
I'm aware that even with lower quality sounds, you can layer and mix them in ways that hides their less than desirable quality, but in the end that's just hiding them. With current technology is it even possible to get a convincing orchestra?
Theyve had realistic orchestras since the 90s
im sure kontakt or whatever modern sampler is good enough
and then their are humanizing tricks as well.
tfw you finally get the sound you've been hunting for after months of sitting on a track but the samples 100% do not sit with the rest of the track
literally go to spitfire audios youtube channel & christians channel (the part owner of the company) he shows loads of cool shit.
Not him but thanks for the video.
The guy automates something called "expression". What is it exactly? Is it just a parameter in the library he's using?
Can I do the same in Ableton?
Is "dynamic eq" any different from multiband compression?
Or is it just another name for dummies
first google search
>The difference between dynamic EQs and multiband compressors lays buried in their design. ... A dynamic EQ is capable of reducing and expanding the dynamic range of an audio signal, while a compressor that's acting as a compressor, and not as an expander, is only capable of reducing dynamic range.
Cool I'll try a dyn eq tonight
too many plugins to choose from these days, so overwhelmed
Meme more like
they use the yoda pez dispenser to dilate
was it here in /prod/ that people were deeply triggered by the so called occult imagery used by moog?
I have a 2-chord progression for my verse: F - Em. Where do I go from here? How do I create a chorus section?
Are you referring to this?
can you expand on that
yes, that's it
>synths are demonic in nature and are a mockery of holy instruments and even the one of the most famous synth player wendy carlos is trans
thanks anyway
It’s the weekend lads, what’s the plan prodders
everyday is the weekend when you don't have a job
literally just saturation
distortion? overdrive?
DC offset remover button?
i really hate the sound of serum, am i the only one?
im not usually impressed by it either but for some reason i wanna keep using it
nope, too clean. i hate a lot of things about serum, it needs some competition.
>What's going on everybody, this is Taetro, and today I'm gonna show you how I'm not gay at all!
I never used it
love massive
ate serum
simple as
i've never understood the hype, maybe i am missing something
I used to think the same because i was using it as a more classic synth, once I started fucking with the wavetables I changed my mind
yea you have to use it as a digital sound design synth. it's not great for classic sounds like supersaws, analog style patches etc. just use diva for that. or get you some real hardware
cherry audio voltage is on sale and they have a bundle for free, it's worth checking since it's uncracked
which bundle is free, i can't find it
MIDI CC #11? Gets used for volume swells and fades.
Most DAWs know that this one is Expression and label it appropriately
Ah, so it's what an expression pedal would control, correct?
Yeah, that's the one.
Thank you.
Working on a new track. All synths for now. Might replace some parts with real guitar and bass guitar. Or completely redo it with different instrumentation. Not sure yet. Don't like how this synth bass sits in the mix.
I hardly if ever exceed 25-30 channels, but all of these signed pro producers that actually post video of their setups use well over 100 channels on their songs
what the hell are they for? Why?
most of the tracks are unused audio and stuff.
but probably just FX and layering for a lot of it.
Can't watch that video right now, but they're usually for layering and filling the frequency spectrum.
Adding subtle stuff in the background makes the song feel fuller and richer, even if you can barely hear them soloed (they all really add up).
Also variations (of timbres, melodies, etc.) to play throughout the track so the listener doesn't get bored listening to the same thing over and over for 5 minutes.
I always delete anything that you can't hear, but I've noticed that many producers keep old versions of everything in the same project, so it's possible that some of those sounds are just things that used to be in the song but have now been muted/deactivated.
all the detail work and layers you're missing as an amateur
why do all the glitchmachines plugins have such a crap UI im not autistic enough for it
Work, work, work.
Yeah it’s really intimidating until you realize they only *look* fancy, they’re just multi fx with shite descriptions
they worked a lot on the UI just for it to be a mess
sleep deprived wank of a whatever bar loop, but then i was like wtf this is like exactly the kind of track Stimming would make. plz shit on it
It's not that my songs aren't lacking layers and effects, and it's a personal law of mine to never ever delete anything old, I just move it to the side into my "working space"
I always try to maximize samples-per-channel, such as multiple effects and one shots on one channel rather than each being on their own. That specifically so I don't have a million tracks to scroll through and sort through, but a lot of the channels in the videos seem to be oneshots on their own channel
just wanna be rich
low effort trap instead of working on the collab wip or finishing other idm shit loooool :(
reminds me of silent hill for some reason....
hey everyone . this general is so dead
because we're working at gittin gud instead of shitposting user
do you fags really think youre gonna get rich making trap beats when there are literally millions of other fags doing the same thing?
I'm only 34, I still have a lot of time
>tfw don't understand how to make harmonically complex music cuz I just take a beat and a clip and repeat it over and over again with different filters on it so it's like A B A B A B A B A B or maybe A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D
imagine believing this
a e s t h e t i c clipping is out senpai
>le reddit whoosh
why are you being such a cunt dude?
he was clearly joking but 34 is still fairly young lol
... that was a recognizable style, i remember you
that was a bit much though
>it’s a phallic waveform
Sounds like looking through a drawer full of tools and scrap. The shaft is much better than the head though, if you could get the vocals to resolve it would be something
Imagine starting this at 1:42 instead of making people wait at a loading screen for the intro. I like that part a lot and it seems that you’re looking for something to develop out of this
just use LMMS
my music isnt good enough bros should i kill myself
if you kys you can't get better though user
i suppose youre right
You could be born to some rich musician parents in your next life though...
our experience of time is an illusion user. regardless of that possibility, there's no reason to rush through and waste the chances you have right now (:
rate pls
>The soul of a literal boomer who was killed in Vietnam was reincarnated in a favela
Thank goodness I'm dawless. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go post my ELEKTRON OCTATRACK MKII unboxing video.
alright, i'm the guy from earlier who was struggling with the quiet tracks. i did a fair bit of messing around with the eqs and tried again with throwing a limiter on the wav but it still doesn't quite get loud enough without sounding super compressed and shitty. any tips?
What would your dream situation be like, /prod/?
>Make my shitty music all the time
>Post it online
>People sing and rap over my songs
>People make their own music videos and AMVs with my songs
>Commercials and movied feature my songs
>Don't even need paid
I just want to make shit that inspires people to create their own offshoots of my stuff. I wanna be the catalyst for content creation, ya know?
Basically just any small time underground popularity. Enough to make music a job but not so much so that people care who I am. Fame would suck lol... but enough that bitches would fuck just because (:
Basically what you said, although I'd love to do some live shows too
Have a stable job 3-4 days a week that pays enough extra for me to read and make ITB music sometimes.
As long as I'm shooting for the stars, I want to be the next Toby Fox.
But I'd settle for reaching a point where I can make music on a regular basis for an audience that enjoys my content.
/bitter and bad/ general
Independently wealthy in a mansion alone with enough investment income to buy all the overpriced synths and effects and miscellaneous gear that comes out.
I'd record all the ambient musings born of the cyclical torment of my self imposed isolation from microphones placed in all the empty and unfurnished hallways and rooms and then lovingly blend the soundscape thus created.
Eventually, unable to find solace in the music I've created in a distorted reflection of my emotional image, I would die of apathy.
My recordings would be discovered over a decade later, and would be briefly touted by 3rd rate music publications before being consigned to the care of the internet, their meager life crushed from them by streaming compression algorithms, though still preserved in lossless form by a few compulsive file hoarders, never to be listened to until their eventual death and the investigations into the true worth of the material wealth they felt so certain was the mirror of their own.
Try a tape dynamics simulator plugin. FerricTDS is free and pretty good. Do read the manual and maybe watch a video on how to use it, because it's easy to miss what it does if you're not using it right and you don't know what to listen for.
>recommending old-hype 32 bit vsts for somebody’s basic mix problems
Yeah I’m still salty that all that shit didn’t get brought to 64, those are nostalgiacore for me :/
Will listen in a bit.
Tbh using a limiter to up your loudness is going to immediately make all your mix issues obvious- if you’re having trouble getting only decent loudness (as in not ear rape levels, which take special care to achieve without sounding fucked) you need to trace back to the actual problem, which is usually something eating low end that doesn’t need it or somethings way too loud/overly dynamic and fucking up your peaks
My dudes I'm trying to make a nice piano piece for my gf but all I prod is noisy postclub shit and I'm totally out of my element here. This is what I got so far. Any feedback, particularly on the arrangement?
EDM is the soundtrack for three megacorporations owning the internet and people being fine with that. It's the most harmless, unimaginative and dumb kind of music ever created by the human brain.
If you're an EDM producer, you're an enemy of mankind and you're holding us down, it's as simple as that.
How many souls have been diverted from making actual and meaningfull music because they met Andrew Huang (bleach water in human form) and his likes on Youtube?
If going for "nice" maybe do it with a triplet feel, rather than straight, slow it down and give more dynamic variation, like make the second beat softer than the first and the third louder than the first, more reverb and space.
The open chord is a minor triad I'm guessing, it sounds too strong to be "nice", like a Russian folk song, I think the strength is due to the lack of dynamics range, and the straight feel, as well the triad, maybe try some 6th/7th/9th notes to make it more airy and fluttery.
Try to give it some "push and pull" with dynamics and tempo, that helps tug at the heart stings.
It becomes much prettier when the melody hits, but try to find some consistency with it, find a melody that is your home grounding base, it sounds like your just improving and your a bit lost.
Also arrange your chords so your fingers don't move around much, try to invert the chords so each note only needs to move a 3 semitones at most when it changes chord, jumping around the keys give it a bit of a jerky vibe, the less movement the more serene it will seem.
All massively helpful suggestions, thanks bud. I'll try all these out and post what I end up with
limiter without a compressor before? bro common now. and no LUFs meter of any kind?? what are you STILL mixing???
thought it was fine. slight high cut maybe?
I can tell you think you're a lot smarter than you actually are, and you probably dropped out of your undergrad program.
Politely, I care to inform you that the trite musings of the damned on Yea Forums mean nothing in the context of the greater culture of music lovers, now streaming their favorite tunes 24/7 thanks to the advent of the internet. The impact of this technology on human life is yet another connatural tale to that of broadcasted voice and video before it. I implore you to consider how wistful for dance and fun we are in our incessantly capitalist nation; ceaselessly racing towards ever loftier goals for ourselves, and our companies. Is it any wonder then that electronic dance music is fashionable? Don't we all just want to dance and have a sterling time?
A limiter is a compressor you dumb
... took me too long to start bussing shit before hitting the master and compressing as groups separately as to not slam everything as a whole on the master lmao
Lufs yes. Loudness meter is essential, though after noticing discrepancies in true peak detection I’m a little wary of it now
>replying to those dickhead posts
I swear half the time it’s the same guy replying to himself
Megacorp shill
Hardware. Let’s discuss some. What’s your favourite bits of gear? Full on analog, crispy digital, hardware that runs software,effects and sweet DAC’s & AAC’s.
What hardware really twiddles your knobs?
(Pic related)
wish i had the money for one of those :(
calm your tits, I was just shitposting. I do think EDM is a pathetic excuse for music, even for dance music, I'm just fed up of having to come across it as a "producer". sorry if you felt threatened
I managed to pick one up really cheap (£270) a couple of years ago.
I think it would be the last bit of gear I’d sell desu. It’s got such a cool sound to it, previous to buying it I was using the Waves J37 tape plugin which is pretty neat, but...
i made ambient music using the sound of the morrowind launcher imported as raw data in audacity, its the background stuff. opinions? fair warning it does get noisy at the end
Not really high-end gear but I am in love with this piece of 90s gear. Use it for guitar, but also the effects loops for synthesizer... nice tube hybrid stuff and lots of shit to tweak on.. mostly just for reverb, delay and chorus though.
I think there are good things in that track but you added elements that don't fit with the rest. If I were you, I would ditch the impact/kick sound in the intro and the bass riff in the second part and try to make something with the ambient "pad" and the synth riff (which both are good). Don't be afraid to be more minimalistic and remember you're making an ambient track, so no need to put stuff to wake up the listener. Also, ditch the last part, it's not necessary, I like the build up though, so maybe you can use it somewhere else.
Top tier taste
So is it mostly just whiteish noise or did anything come out sounding cool? I databend for visual art but haven’t ever found much use in music...
also I guess that image to sound gimmick synth counts as that; huge disappointment
I had the zoom 1204 effects unit years back in the 90’s. That thing you have looks interesting though, I’m gonna check it out
thanks for the feedback, youre probably right about having added unnecessary stuff. ive been listening to a lot of pharmakon and wanted to add those sorts of impacts to something but i guess they dont fit as well here.
mostly yeah, its extremely loud noise but there are sometimes some parts of it that do interesting things. this is the part i used in that track, its one of the more listenable sections of the file
there really isnt much direct musical use for it but it can be fun for getting meaningless noise going that you can drown in reverb or just make really quiet for some subtle background stuff. or if you have serum, make a wavetable with it, its some of my favorite ways to make really long evolving pads although you do have to process it a bit to make the transitions between frames smooth enough.
can someone recommend a good 61 key midi keyboard
Please be nice I am very sensitive
I saw pharmakon once, I think she was using contact mic and stuff (prepared instuments?)
If you were aiming for a darker sound that was probably not the right approach
I posted one of my ambient track earlier in the thread, if you want to give me your feedback...
Not sure he's going to be able to find it. Your ambient track posted earlier in the thread, that is.
Anyone know any videos/tips on how to add spice to a track? I dont even know how to go about doing tom fills and whatnot because its hard to implement groove into a piano roll
as I said earlier, it's just something I did without thinking too much in one shot, it's not even mixed/panned/EQed, I made a few mistakes (and my minibrute had a modwheel malfunction) but I thought it sounded ok
I want a keyboard/synthesizer with weighted keys and a good set of speakers
what should I buy
>I always try to maximize samples-per-channel, such as multiple effects and one shots on one channel rather than each being on their own. That specifically so I don't have a million tracks to scroll through and sort through, but a lot of the channels in the videos seem to be oneshots on their own channel
Having maximum control over how each sample is affected, and giving everything its own chain is often better than merging things and giving them the same effects even if they don't fit all of them.
anyone have a recommendation of any based youtubers that do guitar tutorials?
this is very nice, i like the drone and the drums sit really nicely in the stereo field. makes me feel like im standing in a huge abandoned alien cathedral dedicated to some ancient god
the mixing is also really good, i have no idea how to mix at all.
thanks for the feedback.
here, I think it's the reverb (and delay) that do most of the work, everything was panned in the middle and I only slightly EQed it for sound design purpose
I like the birbs. If I hear another F# I'm gonna snap though. Too repetitive; especially the beginning.
For weighted check used kurzweil and nord
For monitors check entry level jbl or yahmaha
Louden the kick and bass
get off the grid
Hey i like this song
Chords of Orion
>Signals Music Studio
He isn't the most charismatic youtuber and I doubt his music is good (satriani type wank), but his videos on theory are very well done and helpful (I couldn't understand how to use smartly modal stuff before I saw his stuff)
>Paul Davids
Nice videos, good guitar player, no shred bullshit. Sometimes I cringe when he show how to play songs for getting chicks tho (how is that song called? scar tissue?)
>Samurai guitarist
I started watching some of his stuff, it didn't seem bad, but I quickly got tired with his narcissism (maybe you can get over it)
I installed Valhalla Delay but it doesn't have any presets?
The thing has like three digital knobs DAWbrain
Spent the afternoon doing this. 0 mixing yet, just looking to get feedback on the sound design and composition. Do the voice samples have potential?
i'll try messing around with it and see what happens
yeah, i think the drums get too loud at points and create unnecessarily high peaks, but i'd like the drums to be pretty loud in the mix at the same time, so i guess finding that balance is key at the moment
the bass/kick do sound pretty weak, yeah, but i was trying to keep the low end down a little bit so it didn't swallow up too much headroom. i figured it might just be my headphones, since they're not very bassy, or that the problem would resolve somewhat with increased volume from mastering.
thank you all for the help
Very upset OSHI's Care Package Vol 2 isn't anywhere to yoink.
How do I cope with this feel?
You make your own samples instead of playing fl studio trap lego
Only reason I'm doing it this way for now is because I am still extremely new.
Have to start off somewhere no?
No need to set your heart on one sample pack since there are billions online and one from 1985 is just as good
You're right. I need to let go of stuff. I always get stuck on one thing and I need it, but it's pointless.
I need to just download other shit.
Not him but there's pros and cons to using this approach vs doing everything yourself.
When I first started I never used any sample except for drum one-shots, and learned to synthesize everything myself.
Sure, it took me months before I could actually finish a full song, but by that time I had so much knowledge about so much stuff that I'd have never gotten by using shortcuts.
This though has the downside of not allowing you to take advantage of all the motivation you get from hearing something cool that you made, as my songs sucked in the beginning, but it didn't bother me because I kept seeing those shitty songs as "homework" that I used to hone my skills on that WERE SUPPOSED to sound bad, and I got my motivation from comparing the last one to the previous and seeing how much I had improved from song to song.
If you don't have the issue of being demotivated by not being happy with what you make as a beginner, I highly suggest this approach.
But if you find it hard to continue without the motivaqtion that comes from hearing something good, sure, take shortcuts and make a cool-sounding song using stuff you downloaded, but make sure you also try and learn to make things yourself, because that's how you become a good producer.
likkidy dickity doink
Hmm, you make it sound very tempting. On one hand I really do want to make my own sounds and use them, I want to see what I can achieve in a song that's fully done by me, with no help at all. On the other hand, even when I'm in this hobby for a year or two and I know more stuff, I will still want to use samples. I'm sure of it. Sometimes you just hear something and think it fits perfectly.
My end goal will be the use of my own sounds, arrangements, mixing, pretty much everything done by myself; but also the use of samples in these songs if I see fit. For me the most important aspect in music is how sonically pleasing the song sounds. I do care about the more in detail stuff that most here seem to care about like progressions and what not, but the end goal really is to make music I, not anyone else, find nice to my ears. Sometimes it can be something interesting and something I've never had the pleasure of listening to, sometimes it will be just something regular that sounds well.
Anyway, I have two questions.
1. If I done both together, you think it would kill my focus on trying to design my own sounds and I would just end up relying on samples from other people?
2. Do you have any tips, videos, books on making my own synths? I'm sure you watched some tutorials or read some books right?
smells good
I don't get it
For sure. The goal isn't to distance yourself from samples altogether like a Vegan who doesn't want to touch animal products for any reason.
It's to not have to rely on them, so that when you find the perfect sample you can use it, but when you don't you can just make your own stuff.
Also, when you have a good grasp of music production and sound design techniques, your ability to sample other people's sounds and songs improves tenfold, and you can do things as "basic" as making them sit perfectly in the mix, to creative sound design tricks to turn them into something completely unrecognizable.
Learning to not use samples is about freedom and flexibility, not about the moral implications (unless you want to make it lol).
If I done both together, you think it would kill my focus on trying to design my own sounds and I would just end up relying on samples from other people?
It's hard to tell. It completely depends on how you are as a person.
If you find yourself straying too far from the road you want to take, make an effort to go the other direction and force yourself to get on the right path.
>Do you have any tips, videos, books on making my own synths? I'm sure you watched some tutorials or read some books right?
The book that taught me the basics as a beginner was the Dance Music Manual (2nd ed) by Rick Snoman.
It goas over the basics of all the different skills you need to know to make music, so that you have a good foundation that makes practicing and learning new things far more effective.
These are things that eery producer should know anyway, so might as well learn them right away in one place instead of learning them over months/years of YT tutorials that are 90% made of overlapping information that you don't need to watch over and over.
Here's a link to the 4th edition:
we [DOT] tl/t-2hVY7SOseg
After that it was mostly YT tutorials for specific techniques that I'd recreate in the DAW.
I recently got Syntorial and while I haven't finished it yet, I'm doing a module every once in a while and it's pretty good even for someone who's already knowledgeable of synths (because of the "ear training" aspect).
You can find it on
Also the NY School of Synthesis videos in the pastebin are a good introduction.
My tip is to focus on one good subtractive synth (I recommend Serum, which isn't technically a subtractive but if you use the basic wavetables it practically is, or if you want something more basic, get Sylenth1) and learn it inside out. Once you become proficient at it you can move on to other types of synths, but until you have a good foundation of the basics you shouldn't waste your time with fancy stuff.
I'm trying to do some darkwave, which means having the bass play 16th notes -- but the bass plugins I've tried sound shitty when played fast. Any suggestions of plugins that can do this?
literally any synth ever made
but I want it to sound more like a real bass doing alternating picking
need help with fl studio
so i have a kick that was set to a certain mixer that i sidechained to the melody mixer for limiter so it wouldnt clash. now it doesnt clash anymore but the kick is getting the melody reverb because it is sidechained to the melody mixer track
how do i solve this, can i make the reverb ignore the kick even tho its sidechained to it?
you will need a real bass for the sound of a real bass
mess with the velocity of the individual notes to accent certain beats and make it more human sounding
Ah okay, then we're on the same page. I for some dumb reason thought you never would use samples at all and just don't like them in general but seems like your opinion on them is the same as my opinion.
We'll see how I will be. I'll just hard focus the other if I start prioritizing one of them. I will try to juggle both together for now though.
Really appreciate the tips. Seems like you're pretty experienced dude, how long have you been going at this stuff?
I started in late 2012, but I'm pretty lazy so I probably only have the experience of someone who's been doing it for half the time lol
Good luck with your music man.
I see.
Appreciate it, good luck to you too in whatever your dream or goal might be!
where do I even start with trying to give this feedback
Dorian is in pop music
Dorian is dungeon synth
what needs to be improved?
im having trouble mixing this
how do I into counterpoint and melody tricks without reading 50+ year olds books
shift-del on the project file
But these will always just be tricks, and won't even get you close to the results you'd get by actually understand what you're doing.
how does that improve the song?
wouldn't it get deleted?
Just listen to Bach. If you can't at least somewhat emulate it by ear after two weeks, your earlet ass will have to read those books.
it would improve the song the most
where would the song go?
tell me what happens when it gets deleted
to a better place
fuck off faggot
no u
u got me
Feedback plz I need validation
Listen up, I will give you some advice that is more useful than anything I could ever say about your music. Get some confidence and don't sell yourself short like a cuck redditor, alright? Peace out
Why are drugs such an integral part of electronic music?
Just electronic music? Aren't all rappers and rockstars notorious druggies?
But electronic music is the only genre where people see taking drugs as part of the listening experience.
yo what is up with simon cowells face
You don't want to go down that rabbit hole
he answered the bog's call
what are you talking about friend?
i see nothing weird
I want to punch that fag in the face
Lol my beat is sick and I know it.. tf are you talking about?
let's see:
prog rock
stoner folk music
the grateful dead
jam bands in general
native americans doing psychedelics and then hitting drums for 3 days straight
people getting drunk and dancing to harpsichord music in the 1700s
madrigals getting out of hand in the Italian courts earlier
monks making their own fucking wine and selling it alongside gregorian chants even earlier
jesus christ himself turning water into wine while singing piano man at some dudes stag party
drugs are a part of music and always will be
Flume made a free sample pack btw.
If you're interested, here's the DL link:
Absolute garbage stick to your day job
That's not what I mean.
Your examples are people who enjoy substances and music, so they do it at the same time.
I'm talking about the tendency of people (even those who don't normally use substances) to say "well, I'm at an EDM show, I can't not take some molly", like the drug itself is a requirement for the experience, and not something you do because it's fun while you happen to be at a concert.
>You are free to use these Flume Sounds files to create new music and videos. You may not use any element of the open source files in a commercial manner or for any financial benefit. Tracks or videos created using the open source files must not be monetised on an streaming services nor used in association with any commercial activity or brand.
absolutely useless. nice advertising scheme though
I guess I fail to see the difference then. you run into the same kind of things at jam band shows with weed, clubs and alcohol, rituals and tripping etc. ime, anyway
The same goes for every sample pack you pirate, since without the purchase you don't have a license to use those.
Just pretend it's a pirated sample pack and use it as such (so by manipulating the samples in any of the million ways you can to make them unrecognizable in the mix).
And even if you did use them in a recognizable way, I don't think his people are gonna sue you unless you're already a big name.
Nevermind, I hadn't listened to them.
These are like snippets of songs. You can barely use them to make some sort of remix like you would with a song you don't have the stems of.
I thought they were proper isolated sounds like in any normal sample pack.
Yeah, totally useless. Regardless of licensing.
but I do buy licenses for all my libraries that are used in obvious ways. these are lengthy musical samples that short of mangling to unusability you'd be hard pressed to work with imo
and you'd be surprised how many 3rd party devs will check on licenses if they hear something they recognize. it was/still is a big deal for trailer and commercial guys using pirated kontakt libs then getting checked after something aired
>it was/still is a big deal for trailer and commercial guys using pirated kontakt libs then getting checked after something aired
Sure, if you're doing that kind of work then obviously you have to pay attention to licensing, but most people here are bedroom musicians (or music producers in general) so for most of us using an unlicensed sample pack isn't as big of a deal.
>these are lengthy musical samples that short of mangling to unusability you'd be hard pressed to work with imo
Yeah, see
does the first part of this sound completely retarded i have never tried doing this shit before
very retaded
I need advice
What's the best 61-88 key synth I can get for under $400?
uhe diva
what's the bump limit on Yea Forums?
you wont find one for this price
Check reverb there are tons
maybe a used deepmind if you get lucky
>the best
You have zero idea of what you are talking about. Stick to your midi keyboard.
How do I make sounds like this?
I have a vague memory of reading about a feature in Logic X where it adapts the tempo of the piece to recorded midi. Kind of like the inverse of quantizing... Did I completely misremember that or is it really a feature?
I'm not sure what to search for in the manual to find what I read.
It would be useful for me because I like to play a midi keyboard without a metronome and if this were true, it would result in relatively clean sheet music.
Found it!
This is a fucking game changer. What the fuck?
Can Reaper do this?
what are some of your favorite bass plugins? give me new shit to download
>bass plugin
a what?
like... any workhorse synth in general. i favor massive for most sounds but serum beats it for more modern basses imo.
which one?
>bass plugins
really depends on what kind of bass you're after
I mainly need sub-basses so I'm using rob papen or NI scarbe pre-bass
Without any context, I like "jhg" more, but I really don't think they're different enough that it matters which one you choose.
is there any sort of melodic approach to ambient music like this? or is it just jamming with pads / layering textures?
Uhh yeah check reverb. Not much in that range but I've seen some digitals go for that little. Specifically today I was looking at a refurb ESQ-1 and a Korg DS-8, both of which are around, but a bit over, that price.
like a bass vst or something
but i will check that out
tfw no talent
look on spectrasonic trillian
that link definitely has a melody, retard
>random notes over a pad
melodies are just random notes, pad or otherwise
I can't get over the fact that my music will be shit at first. I'm thinking about making music all day and when I finally sit down to do it I stop very quickly, not even devloping anything meaningful, I'm that afraid of failure. And it's not like I'm procrastinating playing video games. I just stare at the wall or do something that I don't even enjoy. How do I stop being such a fucking idiot? Makes me want to kill myself, i REALLY want to make music but fear and/or something else is stopping me
modo bass
>melodies are just random notes
>'m that afraid of failure
never gonna make it
yeah i know, that's what makes me wanna kill myself. how the fuck do i stop being afraid
Are there any good books analyzing sounds on the frequency domain? Like how the harmonics of different instruments are distributed and how spaces of different sizes affect sounds (I know you can get a reverb effect by using a shitload of resonators, for instance) and so on.
I really like additive synthesis, spectral effects and shit like that, but learning this kind of shit in my experience is too dependant on trial and error, maybe a more theoretical approach would help me approach it in a smarter way.
Is this mix too cluttered? I have messed with trying to lower some of the pads because they keep sounding like they're overpowering the rest of the song in places, but no amount actually helps.
>311 posts
It's a sign, /prod/. We all need to make covers of "Beautiful Disaster."
>Dem repeating digits
You can be scared. That just makes you cautious, which you need to be in the beginning. Don't go balls deep into music if you're only starting. You'll spend a ton of money and feel buyer's remorse. Stick to something simple, like the demo of FL Studio or some shit like that. Just open the program and mash buttons. It's like the equivalent of opening MS Paint and making swirls with colors then filling the swirls with the paint bucket. Just dick around and see how you feel. Music has theory and structure, but it is still an art. You're supposed to have fun. Just dick around at first. You can be jaded and brood like the rest of us later, and only once you have a few dozen songs that you hate.You can do it, user. Just take baby steps.
I just kinda combined the two into a shitass song.
when your antivirus flags a keygen, how do you know whether or not it's a false positive or whether there's something actually fucked up in it
my point is you're going to fail, embrace it, and learn from it. we all failed, do you think you're special user? keep failing , and keep learning, and you'll get better and fail less
sup homies keep it trill
i'm telling you man, literally look at a frequency analyzer and see for yourself.
"make x instrument with fm" might help you
it's flagged as a hacking tool, because it is lol.
read comments. if you're sketched just don't run it
did you sample arca or am i tripping?
please stop avatar fagging
of course its a compressor silly. i bet youre fucking your dynamics without realizing. compress first, THEN limit the tiniest bit home skillet
bruh the point was that not every situation calls for compression on the master before a limiter, there could be other busses set up before that.
shit you don't even necessarily need a limiter
i bet YOU're fucking your dynamics xD
I'll agree only on the condition we use the poorest quality stems we can find.
fucked dynamics is the sound du jure
its rock and blues -_-
nah bro i got my LUFs meter running ;)
There's a chart of harmonics and undertones if you scroll down
lmfao @ 34:11 dude tries to make aftertouch sound cool on something three times in a row and just successively gets more nervous when it keeps coming out bad
also holy fuckkkkk shes amazing those chords are 1:25 are tight
Anyone have a recommendation for a vocal sample pack? Willing to pay money for one.
what are you planning on doing with them?
Not really what you're looking for, but I found a manual for harmor made by some random:
Also, this resynthesis tutorial by fl studio is a good starting point for interpreting y-displacement vs time graphs, which I'm sure will help you with your goal:
Use them as instruments, so looking for a good pack of one shots