Are there any other musicians who died a virgin?

Are there any other musicians who died a virgin?

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I wont haha

he's so fucking handsome and talented HOW


He was (literally) gay.

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me when i die



i think beethoven did

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he really was an incredibly beautiful man, physically. his whole family was. his sister is a classic english beauty.

>implying he didn't bang his sister

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Who wrote that ?

francoise hardy i think

Oh yeah, thank makes sense. She was a big fan and wanted him to write her a song I think. There is another account of hers about a meeting she had with him and Nick was full on autistic, barely even able to answer yes or no. Poor guy, could have gotten with prime Francoise Hardy.

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nigga just like me

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>This perceived inability to connect has led to much speculation about Drake's sexuality.[105] Boyd has said he detects a virginal quality in his lyrics and music, and notes that he never knew of him behaving in a sexual way with anyone, male or female.[106]
what constitutes virginal qualities in lyricism and music Yea Forums?

A depressed man dries bitches up like the Sahara.

why do teenage girls still want to fuck kurt cobain twenty-five years after his death then

his voice sounds like a pillow i want to rest my head on it and sleep

cuz he looked like a chad.

Nick was handsome but not Chad-handsome.

Because he's famous. Nick Drake isn't famous.

nick drake is chad handsome

i know that's it's because cobain is famous and drake isn't
this was just supposed to illustrate that depression doesn't turn off girls; they like it because it makes you the 'tortured soul' and they want to 'fix you'

man oh man, literally me. except im not a tall talented shychad

Drake was too pure for this world

im a tall shy...chad? but i have no talent

>A pure soul which had underestimated the difficulties of earthly incarnation and which had risen back to heaven almost as quickly as it had come down

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Reminder Melancholia is lifted from Pink Moon.

People say that he is as if they know. There’s some socially awkward anecdotes about him, but he was obviously a lot more sociable than people think. He was well connected in the music industry.

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